Godina Autori Naziv Časopis Volume/Issue/Broj diplome Stranice ISSN Link
2020 Baćović M., Jaćimović D., Lipovina Bozović M., Ivanović M. The Balkan paradox: Are Wages and Labour Productivity significant determinants of FDI inflows?, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies71-161944-8953 link
2020 Radojević G., Cizmović M., Mugosa A., Lakovic T. Effective Spirits' Taxation Policy across Regions in Montenegro Lex Localis- Journal of local Self – Government18165-1841581-5374 link
2020 Mugosa A., Cizmović M., Lakovic T., Popović M. Accelerating progress on effective tobacco tax policies in Montenegro Tobacco Control21-70964-4563 link
2020 Melovic, B., Jaksic Stojanovic, A., Vulic, T. B., Dudic, B., & Benova, E. The Impact of Online Media on Parents’ Attitudes toward Vaccination of Children — Social Marketing and Public Health International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health171-231661-7827 link
2020 Baćović M., Jaćimović D., Cerović J Impact of Export of Travel Services on Current Account Balance and Growth in Mediterranean Countries Prague Economic Paper171-192336-730X link
2020 Milovic, N., Jocovic, M., Djurisic, V The Role of Entrepreneurship in the Development of Local Self-Governments in Montenegro Transformations in Business & Economics1959-701648-4460 link
2020 Melovic, B, Cirovic, D., Dudic, B., Vulic, T.B., Gregus, M The Analysis of Marketing Factors Influencing Consumers’ Preferences and Acceptance of Organic Food Products - Recommendations for the Optimization of the Offer in a Developing Market Foods9 (3)1-238145-3236 link
2020 Melovic, B., Rondovic, B., Mitrovic-Veljkovic, S., Ocovaj, S. B., & Dabic, M. Electronic Customer Relationship Management Assimilation in Southeastern European Companies - Cluster Analysis IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management1-201558-0040 link
2020 Melović, B., Dabić, M., Rogić, S., Đurišić, V. and Prorok, V. Food for thought: Identifying the influential factors that affect consumption of organic produce in today's youth" British Food Journal 1221130-11550007-070X link
2020 Rajković M., Bjelić P., Jaćimović D. The impact of the exchange rate on the foreign trade imbalance during the economic crisis in the new EU member states and the Western Balkan countries Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja33182-2031848-9664 link
2020 Ćetković J., Lakić S., Bogdanović P., Vujadinović R., Žarković M. Assessing Environmental Benefits from Investment in Railway Infrastracture Polish Journal of Environmental Studies291-131230-1485 link
2020 Cvrk S., Ilijević D. APPLICATION OF DIAGNOSTICS AS A BASIS OF CONDITION BASED MAINTENANCE OF THE MARINE PROPULSION DIESEL ENGINE Brodogradnja: Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnikeVol. 71, No 3119-1340007-215X link
2020 Berta BartaHolló,Ljiljana S. Vojinović-Ješić, Mirjana M. Radanović,Marko V. Rodić,Željko K. Jaćimović, Katalin Mészáros Szécsényi, Synthesis, physicochemical, and thermal characterization of coordination compounds of Cu(II) with a pyrazole-type ligand J Therm Anal Calorim142451–460 1388-6150 link
2020 Brnović, N., Ivanović, V., Đurović, I. & Simeunović, M. Multi-core hardware realisation of the quasi maximum likelihood PPS estimator IET Computers & Digital Techniques14187–1921751-8601 link
2020 Zečević, Ž. & Rolevski, M. Neural Network Approach to MPPT Control and Irradiance Estimation Applied Sciences 1050512076-3417 link
2020 Durković, V. i Savić, A. S. ATC enhancement using TCSC device regarding uncertainty of realization one of two simultaneous transactions International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems1151054970142-0615 link
2020 Ivanović, V. & Jovanovski, S. Advanced superior execution time optimal time-frequency filter suitable for non-linear FM signals estimation Microprocessors and Microsystems741-110141-9331 link
2020 Popović-Bugarin, V. & Đukanović, S. A Low Complexity Model Order and Frequency Estimation of Multiple 2-D Complex Sinusoids Digital Signal Processing1041027941051-2004 link
2020 Radulović, M., Zečević, Ž. & Krstajić, B. Dynamic Phasor Estimation by Symmetric Taylor Weighted Least Square Filter IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery35828-8360885-8977 link
2020 Zečević, Ž., Jokić, I., Popović, T & Krstajić, B. An efficient phasor and frequency estimation algorithm for wide frequency range Electric Power Systems Research,1801061240378-7796 link
2020 Radulović, V. & Miljanić, Z. Effects of Built-In Varistors With Low Protection Voltages on Surge Protection Performances in Low-Voltage AC Power Systems IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility62933-9460018-9375 link
2020 Micev, M., Ćalasan, M. & Oliva, D. Fractional Order PID Controller Design for an AVR System Using Chaotic Yellow Saddle Goatfish Algorithm Mathematics 2020811822227-7390 link
2020 Ćalasan, M., Jovanović, A., Rubežić, V., Mujičić, D. & Deriszadeh, A. Notes on parameter estimation for single-phase transformer IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications563710 - 37180093-9994 link
2020 Stanković, Lj., Mandic, D. P., Daković, M. & Kisil, I. Demystifying the Coherence Index in Compressive Sensing IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 37152-1621053-5888 link
2020 Stanković, Lj. The Support Uncertainty Principle and the Graph Rihaczek Distribution: Revisited and Improved IEEE Signal Processing Letters271030-10341070-9908 link
2020 Đurović, I., Simeunović, M. & Lukin, V. V. Estimating DOA and PPS parameters of signal receiver by ULA in heavy tailed noise environment Journal of Electrical Engineering71175-1841339-309X link
2020 Ignatoski, M., Lerga, J., Stanković, Lj. & Daković, M. Comparison of Entropy and Dictionary Based Text Compression in English, German, French, Italian, Czech, Hungarian, Finnish, and Croatian Mathematics810592227-7390 link
2020 Brajović, M., Stanković, LJ. & Daković, M. Decomposition of multichannel multicomponent nonstationary signals by combining the eigenvectors of autocorrelation matrix using genetic algorithm Digital Signal Processing1021027381051-2004 link
2020 Kapidani, N., Tijan, E. , Jovović, M. & Kočan, E. National Maritime Single Window – Cost-Benefit Analysis of Montenegro Case Study Promet – Traffic&Transportation32543-5570353-5320 link
2020 Đurović, I., Simeunović, M. & Lukin, V. V. Estimating DOA and PPS parameters of signal receiver by ULA in heavy tailed noise environment Journal of Electrical Engineering71175-1841339-309X link
2020 Stanković, I., Brajović, M., Daković, M., Ioana, C. & Stanković, Lj. Quantization in Compressive Sensing: A Signal Processing Approach IEEE Access850611-506252169-3536 link
2020 Krivokapic Marijana Assessment of PCBs and OCPs in anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) from theAdriatic Sea, Bay of Herceg Novi (alongside Kumbor Marine Channel) Acta Adriatica61 (1)27-381846-0453 link
2020 Elizabeth Mazzio, Ramesh Badisa, Nzinga Mack, Shamir Cassim, Masa Zdralevic, Jacques Pouyssegur, Karam F A Soliman Whole-transcriptome Analysis of Fully Viable Energy Efficient Glycolytic-null Cancer Cells Established by Double Genetic Knockout of Lactate Dehydrogenase A/B or Glucose-6-Phosphate Isomerase Cancer Genomics Proteomics17(5)469-497 1109-6535 link
2020 Dijana Vučković, Vesna Bratić Propp Revisited: A Structural Analysis of Vuk Karadžić’s Collection Serbian Folk Fairy Tales Zeitschrift für SlawistikVolume 65, Issue 3335–3670044-3506 link
2020 Ž. Jaćimović, S. Novaković, Goran Bogdanović, M.Kosović, E. Libowitzky,G. Giester Crystal structure Ethyl 3- (trifluoromezhyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate, C7H7F3N2O2“ Z. Kristallogr. NCS 235(5)1189-1190.1433-7266
2020 M. V. Rodić, V. Miškov-Pajić, V. M. Leovac, M. M. Radanović, Lj. S. Vojinović-Ješić, S. K. Belošević, Ž.K.Jaćimović, V. Živković-Radovanović, First cobalt complexes with methylpyruvate semi/thiosemicarbazone – Synthesis, physicochemical and structural characterization) J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 85(4)453–466ISSN 0352-5139 (Print) link
2020 M.Kosović, S. Novaković, Ž. Jaćimović, N. Latinović, N. Marković, T. Đorđević, E. Libowitzky,G. Giester “Synthesis, crystal structure and biological activity of copper(II) complex with 4-nitro-3-pyrazolecarboxylic ligand.J. Serb. Chem. Soc. 85 (7)885–895 ISSN 0352-5139 (Print) link
2020 Jevto Erakovic, Dragica Milikic, Ljiljana Radulovic, Slavisa Perunicic, Zilha Idrizovic, Milovan Roganovic Reorganization of multiple sclerosis health care system in clinical Centre of Montenegro during the COVID-19 pandemic eNeurologicalSciin press24056502 link
2020 Lense, G. H. E., Moreira, R. S., Bócoli, F. A., Parreiras, T. C., Teodoro, A. E. de M., Spalević, V., Mincato, R. L. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER LOSS BY WATER EROSION IN A COFFEE ORGANIC FARM Agriculture and Forestry66 (2)45-50
2020 Simunic, I., Vukelic-Sutoska, M., Spalevic, V., Skataric, G., Tanaskovik, V., Markoski, M. AMELIORATIVE MEASURES AIMED AT PREVENTION/MITIGATION CONSEQUENCES OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN AGRICULTURE IN CROATIA Agriculture and Forestry66 (2)99-107
2020 Ayer, B. E. J., Mincato, L. R., Lammle, L., Silva, M. P. F. L., Garofalo, T. F. D., Servidoni, E. L., Spalevic, V., Pereira, Y. S. HYDROSEDIMENTOLOGICAL DYNAMICS IN THE GUARANI AQUIFER SYSTEM, RIBEIRÃO PRETO, STATE OF SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. Agriculture and Forestry66 (1)215-232
2020 Mickovic, B.; Mijanovic, D.; Spalevic, V.; Skataric, G.; Dudic, B. Contribution to the Analysis of Depopulation in Rural Areas of the Balkans: Case Study of the Municipality of Niksic Sustainability 2020123328
2020 Dragan Filipović, Tatijana Dlabač Green’s Function for the Semi-Infinite Strip in Terms of an Improper Integral Serbian Journal of Electrical EngineeringVol. 17, No. 2235-246ISSN 1451–4869, eISSN 2217–7183 link
2020 Ivan Laković, Aleksandra Kapetanović, Olga Pelcer-Vujačić, Tatjana Koprivica Endangered Mediterranean Mountain Heritage—Case Study of katuns at the Kuči Mountain in Montenegro Land2020, 9(8)248 2073-445X link
2020 Jelena Lazarević, Audrius Menkis Fungal Diversity in the Phyllosphere of Pinusheldreichii H. Christ - An Endemic and High-Altitude Pine of the Mediterranean Region Diversity12 (5), 1721-161424-2818 link
2020 Nikola Konatar SCALAR CONSERVATION LAWS WITH CHARATHEODORY FLUX REVISITED Glasnik Matematicki55 (1) 101-1111846-7989 link
2020 Božidar V.Popović, AndjelaMijanović, Ali İ.Genç On linear combination of generalized logistic random variables with an application to financial returns Applied Mathematics and Computation381 1253140096-3003 link
2020 David Kalaj QUASICONFORMAL HARMONIC MAPPINGS BETWEEN DOMAINS CONTAINING INFINITY Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society102 109-1170004-9727 link
2020 DANILO BOJANIC , MILOVAN LJUBOJEVIC , DRAGAN KRIVOKAPIC , ALDIJANA NOKIC , MUHAMED TABAKOVIC Differences in morphological characteristics and body composition between of two elite volleyball players in Montenegro Journal of Physical Education and Sport20(3)1301-13062247-8051 link
2020 BOJANIC, D.; LJUBOJEVIC, M.; KRIVOKAPIC, D. & BJELICA, D. Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition of Elite Volleyball Players: Three Montenegrin Clubs With Most Trophies Participating in European Competitions International Journal of Morphology38(4)903-9080717-9502 link
2020 LJUBOJEVIC, M.; BOJANIC, D.; BJELICA, D.; VASILJEVIC, I. & VUKOTIC, M Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics Between Two Elite Female Basketball National Teams – Participants at Eurobasket 2019 in Latvia and Serbia International Journal of Morphology38(4)857-8620717-9502 link
2020 Radulovic, M. V. & Miljanic, V. Z. Effects of Built-In Varistors With Low Protection Voltages on Surge Protection Performances in Low-Voltage AC Power Systems IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 62/2 933-9460018-9375 link
2020 Ćalasan, M., Konjić, T., Kecojević, K.; & Nikitović, L. Optimal Allocation of Static Var Compensators in Electric Power Systems Energies133219 (24 pages)1996-1073 link
2020 Vučinić, M., Chang, T., Škrbić, B., Kočan, E., Pejanović-Đurišić, M. & Watteyne, T. Key Performance Indicators of the Reference 6TiSCH Implementation in Internet-of-Things Scenarios IEEE Access879147-791572169-3536 link
2020 Stojan Božović, Tena Gvozdanović, Ana Kraš, Veselinka Grudić, Stanislav Kurajica & Sanja Martinez Rust layer growth and modification by a tanninbased mixture for lowering steel corrosion rates in neutral saline solution Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology55/5372-3801478-422X link
2020 Irena Nikolić, Dijana Đurović, Milena Tadić, Vuk V. Radmilović, Velimir R. Radmilović, Adsorption kinetics, equilibrium, and thermodynamics of Cu2+ on pristine and alkali activated steel slag Chemical Engineering Communications207/91278-12970098-6445 link
2020 Miroslav Nemčok, Olivera Komar, Nemanja Batrićević, Michal Toth, Peter Spač The role of ethnicity in the perception of pork barrel politics: Evidence from a survey experiment in Slovakia PoliticsOnline FirstInformacija još nije dostupna.Print ISSN: 0263-3957; Online ISSN: 1467-9256 link
2020 Vladimir Bakrač, Danijela Vuković Ćalasan, Predrag Živković, Rade Šarović Adventists in Montenegro—From the Atheistic Psychosis of Socialism to the Post-socialist Individuation of Adventism Religions111-142077-1444
2020 Vesna Vukašinović-Pešić, Bogumiła Pilarczyk,Tymoteusz Miller,Monika Rajkowska-Myśliwiec, Joanna Podlasińska , Agnieszka Tomza-Marciniak, Nada Blagojević, Nevzeta Trubljanin, Andrzej Zawal and Vladimir Pešić Toxic Elements and Mineral Content of Different Tissues of Endemic Edible Snails (Helix vladika and H. secernenda) of Montenegro Foods9 (6) 7312304-8158 link
2020 Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska and Vladimir Pešić Habitat factors differentiating the occurrence of Ostracoda (Crustacea) in the floodplain of a small lowland River Krąpiel (N-W Poland) KNOWLEDGE AND MANAGEMENT OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS42123 (11 pages)1961-9502 link
2020 Vladimir Bozovic, Zana Kovijanic Vukicevic, Goran Popivoda, Riste Skrekovski, Aleksandra Tepeh On the Maximal RRR Index of Trees with Many Leaves MATCH83189-2030340-6253 link
2020 Alessandra Oliva, Stefania Garzoli, Manuela Sabatino, Vanja Tadić, Silvia Costantini, Rino Ragno & Mijat Božović Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G. Don fil. (Asteraceae) from Montenegro Natural Product Research34 (3)445-4481478-6419 link
2020 Mihailo Micev Optimizacija parametara modela i upravljačkih uglova prekidačkog reluktantnog motora primjenom metaheurističkih algoritama link
2020 Aldin Kajević Uticaj broja štapova rotora na pulsacije elektromagnetskog momenta četvoropolnog trofaznog asinhronog motor nullnullnullnull link
2020 Ćalasan, M., Abdel Aleem, S.H.E.. & Zobaa, A.F. On the root mean square error (RMSE) calculation for parameter estimation of photovoltaic models: A novel exact analytical solution based on Lambert W function Energy Conversion and Management210112716 (16 strana)0196-8904 link
2020 Belkacemi Y, Grellier N, Ghith S, Debbi K, Coraggio G, Bounedjar A, Samlali R, Tsoutsou PG, Ozsahin M, Chauvet MP, Turkan S, Boussen H, Kuten A, Tesanovic D, Errihani H, Benna F, Bouzid K, Idbaih A, Mokhtari K, Popovic L, Spano JP, Lotz JP, Cherif A, To H, Kovcin V, Arsovski O, Beslija S, Dzodic R, Markovic I, Vasovic S, Stamatovic L, Radosavljevic D, Radulovic S, Vrbanec D, Sahraoui S, Vasev N, Stojkovski I, Risteski M, Freixa SV, Krengli M, Radosevic N, Mustacchi G, Filipovic M, Kerrou K, Taghian AG, Todorovic V, Geara F, Gligorov J. 1. A review of the international early recommendations for departments organization and cancer management priorities during the global COVID-19 pandemic: applicability in low- and middle-income countries. Eur J Cancer135130-1460959-8049 link
2020 Ljiljana Radulovic, Jevto Erakovic, Milovan Roganovic Attitudes of patients with relapsing-remitting form of multiple sclerosis using disease-modifying drugs in Montenegro regarding COVID-19 pandemic Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disordersin press2211-0348 link
2020 Bacovic M, Jacimovic D, Smolovic-Cerovic, J Impact of Export of Travel Services on Current Account Balance and Growth in Mediterranean Countries Prague Economic Papers 20 (3)1-191210-0455 link
2020 Svetlana Perovic, Bojana Sljukic, Maja Šrut, Andrej Perovic & Göran I. V. Klobučar Evaluation of DNA damage in haemolymph of freshwater mussels Unio pictorum from Lake Skadar Biologia75 (3) 431-4360006-3088 link
2020 Vesna Vukašinović-Pešić, Nada Blagojević, Snežana Brašanac-Vukanović, Ana Savić and Vladimir Pešić Using Chemometric Analyses for Tracing the Regional Origin of Multifloral Honeys of Montenegro Foods 9(2) 2102304-8158 link
2020 Vladimir Pešić, Harry Smit, Shailza Negi, Pankaj Bahuguna, Anoop K. Dobriyal Torrenticolid water mites of India with description of three new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia, Torrenticolidae) Systematic & Applied Acarology25 (2) 255-2671362-1971 link
2020 David Kalaj On Heinz-type inequality for the half-plane and Gaussian curvature of minimal surfaces Proceeding American Mathematical Society 148 1757-17640002-9939 link
2020 Ćalasan, M., Micev. M., Ali, Z. M., Zobaa, A.F. & Abdel Aleem, S.H.E. Parameter Estimation of Induction Machine Single-Cage and Double-Cage Models Using a Hybrid Simulated Annealing–Evaporation Rate Water Cycle Algorithm Mathematics8(3)1024 (29 pages)2227-7390 link
2020 Ćalasan, M. An invertible dependence of the speed and time of the induction machine during no-load direct start-up Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications61(1)141-1490005-1144 link
2020 Vladimir Jaćimović and Aladin Crnkić The General Non-Abelian Kuramoto Model on the 3-sphere Networks and Heterogeneous Media15 (1) 111-1241556-1801 link
2020 Aleksandra Jabłońska, Weronika Wrzesińska, Andrzej Zawal, Vladimir Pešić, Michał Grabowskg Long‐term within‐basin isolation patterns, different conservation units, and interspecific mitochondrial DNA introgression in an amphipod endemic to the ancient Lake Skadar system, Balkan Peninsula Freshwater Biology65 (2) 209-2250046-5070 link
2020 Božidar V.Popović, Miroslav M.Ristić, Ali İ.Genç Dependence properties of multivariate distributions with proportional hazard rate marginals Applied Mathematical Modelling71 (1) 182-1980307-904X link
2020 Trajce Talevski, Aleksandra Talevska Leshoska, Elena Pejoski, Boris Pejin, Tomasz Machałowski, Marcin Wysokowski, Mikhail V. Tsurkan, Olga Petrova, Viktor Sivkov, Rajko Martinovic, Snezana Pantovic, Yuliya Khrunyk, Volodymyr Trylis, Andriy Fursov, Mirko Djurovic, Teofil Jesionowski, Hermann Ehrlich Identification and first insights into the structure of chitin from the endemic freshwater demosponge Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937) International Journal of Biological Macromolecules1621187-940141-8130 link
2020 Milic Curovic, Velibor Spalevic, Paul Sestras, Renzo Motta, Catalina Dan, Matteo Garbarino, Alessandro Vitali, Carlo Urbinati Structural and ecological characteristics of mixed broadleaved old-growth forest (Biogradska Gora - Montenegro). Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry441-111300011X, 13036173
2020 Natanael Rodolfo Ribeiro Sakuno, Augusto Cesar Ferreira Guiçardi, Velibor Spalevic, Junior Cesar Avanzi, Marx Leandro Naves Silva and Ronaldo Luiz Mincato Adaptation and application of the erosion potential method for tropical soils. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 51 (1) 1-101806-6690
2020 Aleksandar Andjelkovic, Vojislav Djekovic, Milorad Janic, Velibor Spalevic, Gordana Djukanovic, Vesna Nikolic Floods on the River Belica at Jagodina, Serbia in 2014. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology21 ( 1)308-3161311-5065
2020 Abdessalam Ouallali, Habiba Aassoumi, Mohamed Moukhchane, Abdelhak Moumou, Mhammad Houssni, Velibor Spalevic & Saskia Keesstra Sediment mobilization study on Cretaceous, Tertiary and Quaternary lithological formations of an external Rif catchment, Morocco. Hydrological Sciences Journal 1-451568-1582(Print 0262-6667 Online: 2150-3435)
2020 Paul Sestras, Sanda Rosca, Stefan Bilasco, Sanda Nas, Stefan Buru, Leontina Kovacs, Velibor Spalevic, Adriana Sestras Feasibility Assessments Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology in Heritage Buildings: Rehabilitation-Restoration, Spatial Analysis and Tourism Potential Analysis. Sensors 2020 20, 2054.1-23 1424-3210, 1424-8220
2020 Sonja Špadijer L’analyse de discours des journaux de presse français à propos de la crise de migrants en France, en 2016. French Cultural StudiesVolume 31 Issue 3230–2450957-1558 link
2020 Joksimović, G., Melecio, I. J. , Tuohy, M. P., & Djurović, S. Towards the optimal ‘slot combination’ for steady-state torque ripple minimization: an eight-pole cage rotor induction motor case study Electrical Engineering102/1293-3080948-7921 link
2020 Jovanovic, J., Xiaoqin, Sun. & Djukanovic, M. Projects of Renewable Energy Sources: An Analytical Overview of the Windfarm's Electricity Generation on the Hillside Mozura, Development and Application Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems128667-6792367-3370 link
2020 Djukanovic, M., Radunovic, L., Vujovic, P. & Konatar, A. Importance of Additive Manufacturing Technology for Startup Launching: A Case Study, Development and Application Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems128276-2842367-3370 link
2020 Djukanovic, M., Novicevic, L. & Jovanovic, M. Montenegrin Dictionary Based Brute Force Attack, Development and Application Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems128530-5362367-3370 link
2020 Nikitović, L. Optimizacija mjesta priključka i snage distribuiranih generatora sa aspekta minimizacije gubitaka u elektroenergetskom sistemu link
2020 Draskovic, V., Jovovic, R., Streimikiene, D., Bilan, S Formal and Informal vs. Alternative Institutions Montenegrin Journal of EconomicsVol. 16, No. 2pp. 193-201.1800-5845 link
2020 Draskovic, V., Jovovic, R., Streimikiene, D., Bilan, S. Formal and Informal vs. Alternative Institutions Montenegrin Journal of EconomicsVol. 16, No. 2pp. 193-201
2020 Špiro Ivošević, Romeo Meštrović, Nataša Kovač A Probabilistic Method for Estimating the Percentage of Corrosion Depth on the Inner Bottom Plates of Aging Bulk Carriers Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Volume 8, Issue 6Paper No. 442, 16 pages2077-1312 link
2020 Bojaj, M. M., & Djurovic, G. Forecasting Inflation: A Combination Approach Engineering Economics31(2)145-1541392-2785 link
2020 Rajković, M., Bjelić, P., Jaćimović, D., & Verbič, M. The impact of the exchange rate on the foreign trade imbalance during the economic crisis in the new EU member states and the Western Balkan countries Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja33(1)183-202 1848-9664 link
2020 Ćetković, J., Lakić, S., Bogdanović, P., Vujadinović, R., & Žarković, M. Assessing Environmental Benefits from Investment in Railway Infrastracture Polish Journal of Environmental Studies29(3)1-131230-1485 link
2020 D. Mitrovic and Dj. Vujadinović The structure of 𝓐-free measures revisited Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 10 (1)2191-950X link
2020 Djordjije Vujadinović Atomic decomposition for the harmonic Fock spaces in the plane Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications483 (1) 1236030022-247X link
2020 Golovic Radoje, B.B.MМ. А. МАСЛИН, В. В. МИРОНОВ, П. П. АПРЫШКО, В. Н. ЖУКОВ, А. П. КОЗЫРЕВ, А. Г. МЫСЛИВЧЕНКО, А. П. ПОЛЯКОВ, А. А. ПОПОВ, М. В. РОМАНЕНКО, В. В. СЕРБИНЕНКО, Ю. Н. СОЛОДУХИН Этика преображенного Эроса Русская философия: Энциклопедия, 3-е изд. дораб. и доп.2020.-920 c.894ISBN 978-5-9909860-9-1
2020 Niznikov, S.A.; Golovic, Radoje Dijalektitka i fenomenologija A.F. Loseva. Voprosy Filosofii, 6 (1): 116-1266(1)116-1260042-8744 link
2020 Knežević, Saša; Vukićević, Boris; Montenegrin-British military cooperation against the French in the Bay of Kotor (1813-1814) War in History//0968-3445 (print) 1477-0385 (web) link
2020 Sabovljević, M.S., Tomović, G., Niketić, M., Lazarević, P., Lazarević, M., Latinović, J., Latinović, N., Kabaš, E., DJurović, S.Z., Kutnar, L., Skudnik, M., Pantović, J., Stevanoski, I., Vukojičić, S. and Veljić, M. New records and noteworthy data of plants, algae and fungi in SE Europe and adjacent regions, 1 Botanica Serbica44/181-871821-2158    link
2020 Vukašinović-Pešić, V.; Pilarczyk, B.; Miller, T.; Rajkowska-Myśliwiec, M.; Podlasińska, J.; Tomza-Marciniak, A.; Blagojević, N.; Trubljanin, N.; Zawal, A.; Pešić, V. Toxic Elements and Mineral Content of Different Tissues of Endemic Edible Snails (Helix vladika and H. secernenda) of Montenegro Foods 97312304-8158 link
2020 Stankov Nemanja Voting, clientelism, and identity: Experimental evidence from Montenegro Southeast European and Black Sea Studies1-171743-9639 link
2020 Feng Du, Wenmiao Wang, Yongsheng Wang, Ming Li, Anjie Zhu, Jiayu Wang, Ruigang Cai, Fei Ma, Ying Fan, Qing Li, Pin Zhang, Vladimir Todorovic, Peng Yuan & Binghe Xu Carboplatin plus taxanes are non-inferior to epirubicin plus cyclophosphamide followed by taxanes as adjuvant chemotherapy for early triple-negative breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat0167-6806 link
2020 Vladimir Drekalović The Role of Mathematical Tools in Scientific Phenomenon Explanation – A Guarantee of Reliability or a Pillar of False Credibility? Filosofija.Sociologija 31 (1) 85-930235-7186 link
2020 Branko Anđić, Stanko Cvjetićanin, Zsolt Lavicza, Mirjana Maričić, Tatjana Novović i Danijela Stešević Mobile and printed dichotomous keys in constructivist learning of biology in primary school Research in Science & Technological EducationMobile and printed dichotomous keys in constructivist learning of biology in primary schoolResearch in Science & Technological EducationISSN: 0263-5143 (Print) 1470-1138 (Online) link
2020 Shamir Cassim, Milica Vučetić, Maša Ždralević and Jacques Pouyssegur Warburg and Beyond: The Power of Mitochondrial Metabolism to Collaborate or Replace Fermentative Glycolysis in Cancer Cancers12/11192072-6694 link
2020 Antje Drechsel 1, Jana Helm, Hermann Ehrlich, Snezana Pantovic, Stefan R. Bornstein and Nicole Bechmann Anti-Tumor Activity vs. Normal Cell Toxicity: Therapeutic Potential of the Bromotyrosines Aerothionin and Homoaerothionin In Vitro Marine drugs18/2361660-3397 link
2020 Krzysztof Nowacki, Izabela Stępniak, Tomasz Machałowski, Marcin Wysokowski, Iaroslav Petrenko, Christoph Schimpf, David Rafaja, Enrico Langer, Andreas Richter, erzy Ziętek, Snežana Pantović, Alona Voronkina, Valentine Kovalchuk, Viatcheslav Ivanenko, Yuliya Khrunyk, Roberta Galli, Yvonne Joseph, Michael Gelinsky, Teofl Jesionowski, Hermann Ehrlich Electrochemical method for isolation of chitinous 3D scafolds from cultivated Aplysina aerophoba marine demosponge and its biomimetic application Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing126:3680947-8396 link
2020 I.Banjari, M. Martinović, G. Belojević, B.Ašanin, N.D. Kovačević, D.Kenjerić, M.Miškulin, S.Pantović, S.Pušeljić, D.Sokolić, V.Buljan, V.Bilić-Kirin, M.Jakšić Poverty and other correlates of obesity and underweight among 7-year-olds from Croatia and Montenegro Public Health18264-90033-3506 link
2020 Marcin Wysokowski, Tomasz Machałowski , Iaroslav Petrenko, Christian Schimpf, David Rafaja, Roberta Galli, Jerzy Zietek, Snežana Pantovic, Alona Voronkina, Valentine Kovalchuk, Viatcheslav N. Ivanenko, Bert W. Hoeksema, Cristina Diaz, Yuliya Khrunyk, Allison L. Stelling, Marco Giovine, Teofil Jesionowski and Hermann Ehrlich 3D Chitin Scaffolds of Marine Demosponge Origin for Biomimetic Mollusk Hemolymph-Associated Biomineralization Ex-Vivo Marine drugs18/12316603397 link
2020 B.Beškovnik, M. Zanne, T.Dlabač, Š. Ivošević Green Transport Chains Analysis: Pollution vs. Price and Time Elements on Asia – Eastern Adriatic Trade International Jurnal of Maritime Science & Technology - NAŠE MOREVol.67, No.136-440469-6255, link
2020 Barkat, B., Ali, M. Y., Simeunović, M. & Đurović, I. A configuration with several linear subarrays for the joint estimation of the apparent velocity & direction of propagation of a seismic wave Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering1841064720920-4105 link
2020 Milica Kankaras and Irina Cristea Fuzzy Reduced Hypergroups Mathematics8(2)2632227-7390 link
2020 Ivanović, A. Informacione tehologije u službi identifikacije, procjene i kontrole rizika po bezbjednost informacija sa primjerom implementacije link
2020 Adam Timmis (Chair Writing Group), Nick Townsend, Chris P. Gale, Aleksandra Torbica, Maddalena Lettino, Steffen E. Petersen, Elias A. Mossialos, Aldo P. Maggioni, Dzianis Kazakiewicz, Heidi T. May , Delphine De Smedt, Marcus Flather, Liesl Zuhlke, John F. Beltrame, Radu Huculeci, Luigi Tavazzi, Gerhard Hindricks, Jeroen Bax, Barbara Casadei, Stephan Achenbach, Lucy Wright and Panos Vardas European Society of Cardiology: Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2019 European Heart Journal4112-850195-668X link
2020 The Task Force for the management of dyslipidaemias of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) Authors/Task Force Members: Franc¸ois Mach* (Chairperson) (Switzerland), Colin Baigent* (Chairperson) (United Kingdom), Alberico L. Catapano1 * (Chairperson) (Italy), Konstantinos C. Koskinas (Switzerland), Manuela Casula1 (Italy), Lina Badimon (Spain), M. John Chapman1 (France), Guy G. De Backer (Belgium), Victoria Delgado (Netherlands), Brian A. Ference (United Kingdom), Ian M. Graham (Ireland), Alison Halliday (United Kingdom), Ulf Landmesser (Germany), Borislava Mihaylova (United Kingdom), Terje R. Pedersen (Norway), Gabriele Riccardi1 (Italy), Dimitrios J. Richter (Greece), Marc S. Sabatine (United States of America), Marja-Riitta Taskinen1 (Finland), Lale Tokgozoglu1 (Turkey), Olov Wiklund1 (Sweden) 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk European Heart Journal41111-1880195-668X link
2020 V. Vukašinović-Pešić, N. Blagojević, S. Brašanac-Vukanović, A. Savić, V. Pešić Using Chemometric Analyses for Tracing the Regional Origin of Multifloral Honeys of Montenegro Foods92102304-8158 link
2020 The Task Force for diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Authors/Task Force Members: Francesco Cosentino* (ESC Chairperson) (Sweden), Peter J. Grant* (EASD Chairperson) (United Kingdom), Victor Aboyans (France), Clifford J. Bailey1 (United Kingdom), Antonio Ceriello1 (Italy), Victoria Delgado (Netherlands), Massimo Federici1 (Italy), Gerasimos Filippatos (Greece), Diederick E. Grobbee (Netherlands), Tina Birgitte Hansen (Denmark), Heikki V. Huikuri (Finland), Isabelle Johansson (Sweden), Peter Ju¨ni (Canada), Maddalena Lettino (Italy), Nikolaus Marx (Germany), Linda G. Mellbin (Sweden), Carl J. Ostgren (Sweden), Bianca Rocca (Italy), Marco Roffi (Switzerland), € Naveed Sattar1 (United Kingdom), Petar M. Seferovic (Serbia), Miguel Sousa-Uva (Portugal), Paul Valensi (France), and David C. Wheeler1 (United Kingdom) 2019 ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases developed in collaboration with the EASD European Heart Journal41255-3230195-668X link
2020 Jovan Gardašević, Duško Bjelica Body composition differences between football players of the three top football clubs International Journal of Morphology38(1)153-1580717-9367 link
2020 Masanovic, B., Popovic, S., Jarani, J., Spahi, A., & Bjelica, D. Nationwide stature estimation from armspan measurements in Albanian youngsters International Journal of Morphology38(2)382-3880717-9367 link
2020 Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., Vasiljevic, I., Corluka, M., Arifi, F., & Sermaxhaj, S. Morphological characteristics and body composition of the winners of the Soccer Cup of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo Sport Mont18(1)103-1051451-7485 link
2020 Velisa Vukasevic, Milena Mitrovic, Bojan Masanovic A Comparative Study of Motor Ability between Elite Basketball Players from Different Regions Sport Mont18(1)3-71451-7485 link
2019 Mirjana Bojanić Rašović SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROTECTION OF HONEY BEES FROM BRAULOSIS (WITH A SPECIAL FOCUS ON MONTENEGRO Agriculture and Forestry65/2113-1210554-5579 link
2019 Đerić, Maja, Latinović, Jelena, Odalović, Aleksandar, Latinović, Nedeljko Influence of temperature and light conditions to colony growth of brown rot fungi of stone fruits in Montenegro     Agriculture and Forestry65/3147 - 1550554-5579    link
2019 Latinović, Jelena, Latinović, Nedeljko, Jakše, Jernej, Radišek, Sebastjan First report of Erysipheelevata causing powdery mildew on Catalpa bignonioides in Montenegro Phytopathologia Mediterranea58/3693-6980031-9465   link
2019 Krivokapic Marijana ASSESSMENT OF THE TEN (HEAVY) METALS IN THE WATER AND SEDIMENT OF THE MORACA RIVER MOUTH AND IN MUSCLE TISSUE OF Squalius platyceps INCLUDING BAF EVALUATION Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology41629-16381311-5065 link
2019 Elisabeth Pötzelsberger, Katharina Lapin, Giuseppe Brundu, Tim Adriaens, Vlatko Andonovski, Siniša Andrašev, Jean-Charles Bastien, Robert Brus, Milić Čurović, Željka Čurović Mapping the patchy legislative landscape of non-native tree species in Europe FORESTRY93/4567–5860015-752X link
2019 Spomenka Delibašić L'approche comparative - Les Annales du prêtre de Dioclée et La Chanson de Roland Folia Linguistica et Litteraria 2865-721800-8542 link
2019 Jelena Knežević i Lidija Vojnović Umjetnik između apolinijskog i dionizijskog principa – Smrt u Veneciji Tomasa Mana Folia Linguistica et Litteraria 28101-1111800-8542 link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Alireza Saboori, Andrzej Zawal, Miroslawa Dabert Hidden but not enough: DNA barcodes reveal two new species in Hygrobates fluviatilis complex from Iran (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae) Systematic & Applied Acarology24 (12) 2439-24591362-1971 link
2019 Milica JOVANOVIĆ, Vesna MAČIĆ, Domen TRKOV, Martina ORLANDO-BONACA and Lovrenc LIPEJ Review of heterobranch molluscs fauna in the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro Acta Adriatica60 (2)115 - 1260001-5113 link
2019 Perko VUKOTIC, Ranko ZEKIC, Nevenka M. ANTOVIC and Tomislav ANDJELIC RADON CONCENTRATIONS IN MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS IN MONTENEGRO Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection34(2) 165-1741451-3994 link
2019 Perko Vukotic, Nevenka Antovic, Andrija Djurovic, Ranko Zekic, Nikola Svrkota, Tomislav Andjelic, Ranko Svrkota, Radivoje Mrdak, Natasa Bjelica, Tamara Djurovic, Aleksandar Dlabac, Marija Bogicevic Radon survey in Montenegro – A base to set national radon reference and “urgent action” level Journal of Environmental Radioactivity196232-2390265-931X link
2019 Perko Vukotic, Nevenka Antovic, Ranko Zekic, Nikola Svrkota, Tomislav Andjelic, Ranko Svrkota, Radivoje Mrdak, Andrija Djurovic, Aleksandar Dlabac, Natasa Bjelica, Tamara Djurovic, Marija Bogicevic MAIN FINDINGS FROM RADON INDOOR SURVEY IN MONTENEGRO Radiation Protection Dosimetry185 (3)355-3700144-8420 link
2019 Mojtaba Nouraein, Goran Skataric, Velibor Spalevic, Branislav Dudic, Michal Gregus Short-Term Effects of Tillage Intensity and Fertilization on Sunflower Yield, Achene Quality, and Soil Physicochemical Properties under Semi-Arid Conditions. Applied Sciences9( 5482)1-14 2076-3417 link
2019 Vučina Zorić Funeral Memories as a Form of Promotion of the Value System and Contributions of Important Protagonists in the Area of Development of Education in Montenegro History of Education &Childrens Literature41 (1)1971-1093, Online ISSN 1971-1131 link
2019 Draskovic, V., Draskovic, M., Bilan, S. Motivation, Methodology, and Phenomenology of Institutional Nihilism in the SEE Countries Montenegrin Journal of EconomicsVol.15, No.2pp. 7-14.1800-5845 link
2019 Draskovic, V., Bilan, S. Perception of the Social Status of Inteligence in Selected Countries of the Former Yugoslavia Economics and SociologyVol.12, No.2pp. 319-327.2071-789X link
2019 Laković, T., Mugoša, A., Čizmović, M., & Radojević, G. Impact of Taxation Policy on Household Spirit Consumption and Public-Finance Sustainability Sustainability11(20)1-152071-1050 link
2019 Melovic, B., Rogic, S., Cerovic Smolovic, J., Dudic, B., & Gregus, M. The Impact of Sport Sponsorship Perceptions and Attitudes on Purchasing Decision of Fans as Consumers - Relevance for Promotion of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Practices. Sustainability11(22)1-162071-1050 link
2019 Melovic, B., Milovic, N., Backovic-Vulic, T., Dudic, B., & Bajzik, P. Attitudes and Perceptions of Employees toward Corporate Social Responsibility in Western Balkan Countries: Importance and Relevance for Sustainable Development. Sustainability Sustainability11(23)1-72071-1050 link
2019 Premović Marijan Settlements and population of the present-day Montenegrin Polimlje in the second half of the 15th century Belleten: Turk Tarih Kurumu Adina/Turkish Historical Society297 Agustos555-5850041-4255 link
2019 Premović Marijan Ulcinjani u kreditnoj trgovini Dubrovnika u drugoj polovici XIV.stoljeća Radovi Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Zadru61179-224ISSN 1330-0474 link
2019 G. Laštovička-Medin Journey Through Dementia with E-textile as Medium for Assisting Memory Recall: Tactile Dialogues Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)8th1-42637-9511 link
2019 G. Laštovička-Medin The Materiality of Interaction & Intangible Heritage: Interaction Design Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)8th1-62637-9511 link
2019 G. Laštovička-Medin Device Engineering and Displacement Damage in Si-Sensors for High Energy Physics: Evolution of Ideas, Strategies, Perspectives and Achievements Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)8th1-72637-9511 link
2019 Veljko Turanjanin, Darko Radulovic CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) and Possibilities for Criminal Law Reaction in Europe A Review, Iranian Journal of Public Healthvol 49 (2020) Supplementary Issue on 4-11pISSN:2251-6085
2019 Darko Radulovic Community Service as an Alternative Criminal Sanction Ravija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo70/2019/4364-3830034-690X
2019 Todorovic V, Aapro M, Pavlidis N, Arsovski O, Belkacemi Y, Babovic N, Bidard FC, Bourhafour M, Beslija S, Boussen H, Cetnikovic B, Ceric T, Cicmil N, Crnogorac N, Cuedari E, De Laurentis M, Dragovich T, Durutovic I, Dzamic Z, Dzodic R, Eri Z, Geara F, Khalil A, Kerrou K, Knezevic Usaj S, Kovcin V, Koroveshi D, Kristo Pema A, Kuten A, Lakicevic J, Lukovac N, Markovic I, Markovic M, Mijalkovic N, Miladinova D, Milasevic N, Mustachi G, Ognjenovic D, Pantelic A, Popovic L, Radosavljevic D, Radosevic N, Radulovic S, Ristevski M, Rosic I, Secen N, Sorat M, Stamatovic L, Stefanovski P, Stojkovski I, Tesanovic D, Tomasevic Z, Tomasevic Z, Tsoutsou P, Turkan S, Vasev N, Vasovic S, Vicko F, Vrbanec D, Vukmirovic F, Vrdoljak E, Zaric B, Zambrovski JJ, Cavalli F, Gligorov J. AROME-ESO Oncology Consensus Conference: access to cancer care innovations in countries with limited resources. Association of Radiotherapy and Oncology of the Mediterranean Area (AROME-Paris) and European School of Oncology (ESO - Milan). J BUON24(5)2180-971107-0625
2019 Orović, I., Lekić, N., Beko, M. & Stanković, S. An analog hardware solution for compressive sensing reconstruction using gradient-based method EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing611-111687-6180 link
2019 Marija Krivokapić Traveling for reciprocity: LeAnne Hove’s Choctalking on Other Realities NeoheliconVol. 46521-5410324-4652 link
2019 Authors/Task Force Members (François Macha,∗,2 , Colin Baigentb,∗∗,2 , Alberico L. Catapanoc,∗∗∗,1,2 , Konstantinos C. Koskinasd , Manuela Casulae,f,1 , Lina Badimong , M. John Chapmanh,i,cm,1 , Guy G. De Backerj , Victoria Delgadok , Brian A. Ferencel , Ian M. Grahamm, Alison Hallidayn , Ulf Landmessero,p,q , Borislava Mihaylovar,s , Terje R. Pedersent , Gabriele Riccardiu,1 , Dimitrios J. Richterv , Marc S. Sabatinew, Marja-Riitta Taskinenx,1 , Lale Tokgozogluy,1 , Olov Wiklundz ), ESC National Cardiac Societies (Djamaleddine Nibouchean, Parounak H. Zelveianao, Peter Siostrzonekap, Ruslan Najafovaq, Philippe van de Bornear, Belma Pojskicas, Arman Postadzhiyanat, Lambros Kyprisau, Jindřich Špinarav, Mogens Lytken Larsenaw, Hesham Salah Eldinax, Margus Viigimaaay, Timo E. Strandbergaz, Jean Ferrièresba, Rusudan Agladzebb, Ulrich Laufsbc, Loukianos Rallidisbd, László Bajnokbe, Thorbjörn Gudjónssonbf, Vincent Maherbg, Yaakov Henkinbh, Michele Massimo Guliziabi, Aisulu Mussagaliyevabj, Gani Bajraktaribk, Alina Kerimkulovabl, Gustavs Latkovskisbm, Omar Hamouibn, Rimvydas Slapikasbo, Laurent Visserbp, Philip Dinglibq, Victoria Ivanovbr, Aneta Boskovicbs, Mbarek Nazzibt, Frank Visserenbu, Irena Mitevskabv, Kjetil Retterstølbw, Piotr Jankowskibx, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalhoby, Dan Gaitabz, Marat Ezhovca, Marina Foscolicb, Vojislav Gigacc, Daniel Pellacd, Zlatko Frasce, Leopoldo Perez de Islacf, Emil Hagströmcg, Roger Lehmannch, Leila Abidci, Oner Ozdogancj, Olena Mitchenkock, Riyaz S. Patelcl), ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) (Stephan Windeckeraa, Victor Aboyansab, Colin Baigentac, Jean-Philippe Colletab, Veronica Deanab, Victoria Delgadoad, Donna Fitzsimonsac, Chris P. Galeac, Diederick Grobbeead, Sigrun Halvorsenae, Gerhard Hindricksaf, Bernard Iungab, Peter Jüniag, Hugo A. Katusaf, Ulf Landmesseraf, Christophe Leclercqab, Maddalena Lettinoah, Basil S. Lewisai, Bela Merkelyaj, Christian Muelleraa, Steffen Petersenac, Anna Sonia Petronioah, Dimitrios J. Richterak, Marco Roffiaa, Evgeny Shlyakhtoal, Iain A. Simpsonac, Miguel Sousa-Uvaam, Rhian M. Touyzac) 2019 ESC/EAS guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: Lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk Atherosclerosis290140-2050021-9150 link
2019 Masanovic, B., Arifi, F., & Gardasevic, J. Standing height and its estimation utilizing sitting height measurements in adolescents from the western region in kosovo Sport Mont17(3)3-71451-7485 link
2019 Gardasevic, J., Masanovic, B., & Arifi, F. Relationship Between Tibia Length Measurements and Standing Height: A Prospective Regional Study Among Adolescents in Northern Region of Kosovo Anthropologie57(3)263-2690323-1119 link
2019 Masanovic, B., Gardasevic, J., & Arifi, F. Relationship Between Foot Length Measurements and Body Height: A Prospective Regional Study Among Adolescents in Northern Region of Kosovo Anthropologie57(2)227-2330323-1119 link
2019 Masanovic, B., Bavcevic, T., & Prskalo, I. Regional differences in adult body height in Kosovo. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine8(1)69-761800 8755 link
2019 Arifi, F., Bjelica, D., & Masanovic, B. Differences in anthropometric characteristics among junior soccer and handball players Sport Mont17(1)45-491451-7485 link
2019 Milosevic, Z., Bjelica, D., & Masanovic, B. Attitudes of consumers from autonomous province of vojvodina toward advertising through sport for the question: how often do consumers purchase sporting goods Sport Mont17(1)39-431451-7485 link
2019 Masanovic, B., Bavcevic, T., & Bavcevic, I. Comparative study of anthropometric measurement and body composition between junior soccer and volleyball players from the serbian national league Sport Mont17(1)9-141451-7485 link
2019 Bojan Mašanović Impact of Physical Exercise Programs and Programs of Social Activity on Public Health and Social Inclusion of Young People Iranian Journal of Public Health48(6)1180-11812251-6085 link
2019 Bojan Mašanović Gender and Age Differences in Attitudes of Serbian Pupils toward Physical Education Lessons and their Preferences Regarding Lesson Organisation Croatian Journal of Education21(1)213-2311848-5189 link
2019 Krespi, M., Sporis, G., Popovic, S. Exponential versus linear tapering in junior elite soccer players: Effects on physical match performance according to playing positions Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine8(1)17-221800 8755 link
2019 Stevo Popovic Beliefs about the influence on attitudes of Turkish university students toward advertising through sport Sport Mont17(2)9-151451-7485 link
2019 Bixby, H., Bentham, J., Zhou, B., Di Cesare, M., Paciorek, C.J., Bennett, J.E., Taddei, C., Stevens, G.A., Rodriguez-Martinez, A., Carrillo-Larco, R.M., Khang, Y.-H., Sorić, M., Gregg, E.W., Miranda, J.J., Bhutta, Z.A., Savin, S., Sophiea, M.K., Iurilli, M.L.C., Solomon, B.D., Cowan, M.J., Riley, L.M., Danaei, G., Bovet, P., Chirita-Emandi, A., Hambleton, I.R., Hayes, A.J., Ikeda, N., Kengne, A.P., Laxmaiah, A., Li, Y., McGarvey, S.T., Mostafa, A., Neovius, M., Starc, G., Zainuddin, A.A., Abarca-Gómez, L., Abdeen, Z.A., Abdrakhmanova, S., Abdul Ghaffar, S., Abdul Hamid, Z., Abubakar Garba, J., Abu-Rmeileh, N.M., Acosta-Cazares, B., Adams, R.J., Aekplakorn, W., Afsana, K., Agdeppa, I.A., Aguilar-Salinas, C.A., Agyemang, C., Ahmad, M.H., Ahmad, N.A., Ahmadi, N., Ahmadvand, A., Ahrens, W., Ajlouni, K., AlBuhairan, F., AlDhukair, S., Al-Hazzaa, H.M., Ali, M.M., Ali, O., Alkerwi, A., Al-Othman, A.R., Al-Raddadi, R., Alvarez-Pedrerol, M., Aly, E., Amarapurkar, D.N., Amouyel, P., Amuzu, A., Andersen, L.B., Anderssen, S.A., Ängquist, L.H., Anjana, R.M., Ansari-Moghaddam, A., Aounallah-Skhiri, H., Araújo, J., Ariansen, I., Aris, T., Arku, R.E., Arlappa, N., Aryal, K.K., Aspelund, T., Assah, F.K., Assunção, M.C.F., Aung, M.S., Auvinen, J., Avdicová, M., Azevedo, A., Azizi, F., Azmin, M., Babu, B.V., Baharudin, A., Bahijri, S., Baker, J.L., Balakrishna, N., Bamoshmoosh, M., Banach, M., Bandosz, P., Banegas, J.R., Barbagallo, C.M., Barceló, A., Barkat, A., Barros, A.J.D., Barros, M.V.G., Bata, I., Batieha, A.M., Batista, R.L., Battakova, Z., Batyrbek, A., Baur, L.A., Beaglehole, R., Bel-Serrat, S., Ben Romdhane, H., Benedics, J., Benet, M., Berkinbayev, S., Bernabe-Ortiz, A., Bernotiene, G., Bettiol, H., Bhagyalaxmi, A., Bharadwaj, S., Bhargava, S.K., Bi, H., Bi, Y., Biehl, A., Bika Lele, E.C., Bikbov, M., Bista, B., Bjelica, D.J., Bjerregaard, P., Bjertness, E., Bjertness, M.B., Björkelund, C., Blokstra, A., Bo, S., Bobak, M., Boddy, L.M., Boehm, B.O., Boeing, H., Boggia, 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2019 A Škraba, A Koložvari, D Kofjač, R Stojanović, E Semenkin, V Stanovov Prototype of Group Heart Rate Monitoring with ESP32 Proceedings of 2019 Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)8th1-42637-9511 link
2019 A Škraba, A Koložvari, D Kofjac, R Stojanovic, E Semenkin, V Stanovov Development of Cyber-Physical Speech-Controlled Wheelchair for Disabled Persons Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD)22nd456-463ISBN: 978-1-7281-2862-7 link
2019 Andrej Koložvari, Radovan Stojanović, Anton Zupan, Eugene Semenkin, Vladimir Stanovov, Davorin Kofjač, Andrej Škraba Speech-Recognition Cloud Harvesting for Improving the Navigation of Cyber-Physical Wheelchairs for Disabled Persons Microprocessors and MicrosystemsVol. 69179-1870141-9331 link
2019 Pejović Jelena, Serdar Nina, Pejović Radenko, Janković Srđan Shear force magnification in reinforced concrete walls of high-rise buildings designed according to Eurocode 8 Engineering StructuresVol. 200, 10966818p0141-0296 link
2019 Nikola Šibalić, Milan Vukčević RESEARCH ON THE QUALITY OF THE WELDED JOINT OF ALUMINIUM ALLOY SHEET AA6082-T6 USING FSW, MIG AND TIG METHODS Materials and technology53 (5)711–7151580-2949 link
2019 Nikola Šibalić, Milan Vukčević Numerical Simulation for FSW Process at Welding Aluminium Alloy AA6082-T6 Metals9(7)7472075-4701 link
2019 Andjić Branko, Cvijetićanin Stanko, Hayhoe Simon, Grujičić Rade, Stešević Danijela DICHOTOMOUS KEYS IN THE BOTANICAL LEARNING OF NON-VISUAL (BLIND) PEOPLE Journal of Baltic Science Education18(5)668-6801648-3898 link
2019 Kočan, E., Lopušina, A. & Pejanović-Đurišić, M. Macro diversity for mmWave cellular communications in indoor environment Computer Networks16161-691389-1286 link
2019 Durković, V. & Đurišić, Ž. Extended model for irradiation suitable for large bifacial PV power plants Solar Energy191272-2900038-092X link
2019 Ćalasan, M., Jovanović, D., Rubežić, V., Mujović, S. & Đukanović, S. Estimation of Single-Diode and Two-Diode Solar Cell Parameters by Using a Chaotic Optimization Approach Energies21(12)1-141996-1073 link
2019 Ćalasan, M., Nikitović, L. & Mujović, S. CONOPT solver embedded in GAMS for optimal power flow Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy111-161941-7012 link
2019 Tomovic, S. & Radusinovlc, I. Toward a Scalable, Robust, and QoS-Aware Virtual-Link Provisioning in SON-Based ISP Networks IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management,16(3)1032 - 10451932-4537 link
2019 Adnan Prekić Crveni Njegoš – novo, ideološko čitanje crnogorskoga mitropolita u prvim godinama komunističke vlasti Časopis sa suvremenu povjest 51 (3)863-8780590-9597 link
2019 Tatjana Novovic, Dušanka Popović Применение книжек с картинками в дошкольном обучении / The Role and Application of Picture Books in Pre-school Practice Вопросы образования/Educational Studies Moscow No 4160-1841814-9545 link
2019 Radoslav Raspopović Ruska emigracija v Črni gori po letu 1919 Zgodovinski časopis73/ 3-4442-4550350-5774 link
2019 Komar, Olivera The elephant in the room: illiberal politics in Montenegro Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (Journal)Volume 20, 2020 - Issue 161-80Štampano - ISSN: 1468-3857 Online - ISSN: 1743-9639 link
2019 Ivana Filipović, Siniša Markov,Vladimir Filipović, Jelena Filipović, Vesna Vujačić, Lato Pezo The effects of the osmotic dehydration parameters on reduction of selected microorganisms on chicken mea, Journal of Food Processing and PreservationVolume 43, Issue 10e141441745-4549 link
2019 Mirjana Bojanić Rašović, Vesna Davidović, Mirjana Joksimović-Todorović Importance and measures of health protection of honey bees in Montenegro Journal of Hygienic Engineering and DesignVol. 2950-541857- 8489 link
2019 Stéphanie Sherpa Maya Guéguen Julien Renaud Michael G. B. Blum Thierry Gaude Frédéric Laporte Mustafa Akiner Bulent Alten Carles Aranda Hélène Barre‐Cardi Romeo Bellini Mikel Bengoa Paulis Xiao‐Guang Chen Roger Eritja Eleonora Flacio Cipriano Foxi Intan H. Ishak Katja Kalan Shinji Kasai Fabrizio Montarsi Igor Pajović Dušan Petrić Rosa Termine Nataša Turić Gonzalo M. Vazquez‐Prokopec Enkelejda Velo Goran Vignjević Xiaohong Zhou Laurence Després Predicting the success of an invader: Niche shift versus niche conservatism Ecology and EvolutionVol. 9, Issue 2212658-126752045-7758 link
2019 Frédéric Jourdain ,Abdallah M. Samy,Afrim Hamidi,Ali Bouattour,Bülent Alten,Chafika Faraj,David Roiz,Dušan Petrić,Elisa Pérez-Ramírez,Enkeledja Velo,Filiz Günay,Golubinka Bosevska,Ibrahim Salem,Igor Pajovic,Jelena Marić,Khalil Kanani,Lusine Paronyan,Maria-Grazia Dente,Marie Picard,Marija Zgomba,M'hammed Sarih,Nabil Haddad,Oleksandr Gaidash,Roena Sukhiasvili,Silvia Declich,Taher Shaibi,Tatiana Sulesco,Zoubir Harrat,Vincent Robert Towards harmonisation of entomological surveillance in the Mediterranean area PLoS Neglected Tropical DiseasesVolume: 13 Issue: 6 1-28 1935-2735 link
2019 Vitić-Ćetković, Andriela, Bauk Sanja, Potočnik Topler Jasna Assessing Caterers’ Satisfaction with Cruise Tourists' Behaviour Transformations in Business & EconomicsVol. 18, No 1(46)183 - 1981648 – 4460 link
2019 Ivan SIMUNIC, Tanja LIKSO, Otilija MISECKAITE, Palma ORLOVIC-LEKO, Irena CIGLENECKI, Velibor SPALEVIC CLIMATE CHANGES AND SOIL WATER REGIME Agriculture and Forestry65/35-181800-9492 link
2019 Nevena Mijajlović, Milojica Jaćimović, Muhammad Aslam Noor Gradient-type projection methods for quasi-variational inequalities Optimization Letters13(8)1885-18961862-4472 link
2019 Sanja Pekovic Gilles Grolleau Naoufel Mzoughi Coopetition in innovation activities and firms' economic performance: An empirical analysis Creativity and Innovation Management1467-8691 link
2019 Miodarka Tepavčević АКАДЕМИЧЕСКИЙ ДИСКУРС ЖУРНАЛА «СОЦИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (по публикациям главного редактора) Социологические исследованияNo 7 30-36 0132-1625 link
2019 Jelena Dakić, Sanja Jančić-Rašović and Irina Cristea Weak Embeddable Hypernear-Rings Symmetry11(8)964-9732073-8994 link
2019 Stevan Đurđević and Milica V. Milovanović Model interactions for Pfaffian paired states based on Chern-Simons field theory description Physical review B 100 (19) 195303 2469-9969 link
2019 Andjelka Scepanovic, Slavica Vujovic, Darko Medin Upper body subcutaneous adipose as a potential predictor for type 2 diabetes mellitus Progress in Nutrition21(3)591-5971129-8723 link
2019 Andjelka Scepanovic, Darko Medin, Slavica Vujovic, Nebojsa Kavaric, Aleksandra Klisic Anthropometric and metabolic parameters in relation to high sensitivity C-reactive protein in Montenegrin population with type 2 diabetes Progress in Nutrition21 (2) 406-4121129-8723 link
2019 Aleksandra Klisic, Andjelka Scepanovic, Nebojsa Kavaric, Ana Ninic Uric acid independently correlates with sex-hormone binding globuline in postmenopausal women Progress in Nutrition21(3)577-5831129-8723 link
2019 Kelly S. Ramirez, L. Basten Snoek, Kadri Koorem, Stefan Geisen, L. Janneke Bloem, Freddy ten Hooven, Olga Kostenko, Nikos Krigas, Marta Manrubia, Danka Caković, Debbie van Raaij, Maria A. Tsiafouli, Branko Vreš, Tatjana Čelik, Carolin Weser, Rutger A. Wilschut & Wim H. van der Putten Range-expansion effects on the belowground plant microbiome Nature Ecology & Evolution3 (4)604-6112397-334X link
2019 Rutger A. Wilschut, Stefan Geisen, Henk Martens, Olga Kostenko, Mattias de Hollander, Freddy C. ten Hooven, Carolin Weser , L. Basten Snoek, Janneke Bloem, Danka Caković, Tatjana Čelik, Kadri Koorem, Nikos Kriga,s Marta Manrubia, Kelly S. Ramirez, Maria A. Tsiafouli, Branko Vreš, Wim H. van der Putten Latitudinal variation in soil nematode communities under climate warming‐related range‐expanding and native plants Global Change Biology25(8)2714-27261354-1013 link
2019 Svetlana Perovic, Snezana Pantovic, Andrej Perovic, Vladimir Zivkovic, Biljana Damjanovic Vratnica Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and activity on the autonomic nervous system of the lavender essential oils from Montenegro Progress in Nutrition21 (3)584-5901129-8723 link
2019 Bigovic Miljan, Pantovic Snezana, Milasevic Ivana , Ivanovic Ljubica, Djurovic Dijana, Slavic Vjeroslava, Popovic Milica, Vrvic Miroslav, Roganovic Milovan Organic composition of Igalo bay peloid (Montenegro) Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge18 (4)837-8480972-5938 link
2019 V. M. Buchstaber and S. Terzić Toric Topology of the Complex Grassmann Manifolds Moscow mathematical journal19 (3)397-4631609-3321 link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Harry Smit, Pankaj Bahuguna New records of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Western Himalaya and description of three new species from Asia Systematics and Applied Acarology24 (10) 1868-18801362-1971  link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Lukasz Broda, Miroslawa Dabert, Reinhard Gerecke, Peter Martin, Harry Smit Re-established after hundred years: Definition of Hygrobates prosiliens Koenike, 1915, based on molecular and morphological evidence, and redescription of H. longipalpis (Hermann, 1804) (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae) Systematics and Applied Acarology24 (8)1490-15111362-1971  link
2019 Hannah Weigand, Arne J.Beermann, Fedor Čiampor, Filipe O.Costa, Zoltán Csabai, Sofia Duarted, Matthias F.Geiger, Michał Grabowski, Frédéric Rimet, Björn Rulik, Malin Strand, Nikolaus Szucsich, Alexander M.Weigand, Endre Willassen, Sofia A.Wyler, Agnès Bouchez, Angel Borja, Zuzana Čiamporová-Zaťovičová, Sónia Ferreira, Klaas-Douwe B.Dijkstra, Ursula Eisendle, Jörg Freyhof, Piotr Gadawski, Wolfram Graf, Arne Haegerbaeumer, Berry B.van der Hoorn, Bella Japoshvili, Lujza Keresztes, Emr Keskin, Florian Leese, Jan N.Macher, Tomasz Mamos, Guy Paz, Vladimir Pešić, Daniela Maric Pfannkuchen, Martin Andreas Pfannkuchen , Benjamin W.Price, Buki Rinkevich, Marcos A.L.Teixeira, Gábor Várbíró, Torbjørn Ekrem DNA barcode reference libraries for the monitoring of aquatic biota in Europe: Gap-analysis and recommendations for future work Science of The Total Environment 678499-5240048-9697 link
2019 David Kalaj On Riesz type inequalities for harmonic mappings on the unit disk TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY3724031-40510002-9947 link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Ana Savić Aleksandra Jabłońska, Grzegorz Michońsk, Michał Grabowski, Aleksandra Bańkowska, Andrzej Zawal Environmental factors affecting water mite assemblages along eucrenon-hypocrenon gradients in Mediterranean karstic springs Experimental and Applied Acarology77(4)471-4860168-8162 link
2019 Nikola Marinković, Branko Karadžić, Vladimir Pešić, Bogić Gligorović, Clemens Grosser, Momir Paunović, Vera Nikolić and Maja Raković Faunistic patterns and diversity components of leech assemblages in karst springs of Montenegro Knowledge& Management of Aquatic Ecosystems420, 26121961-9502 link
2019 TAPAS CHATTERJEE, NIKOLAOS V. SCHIZAS, VLADIMIR PEŠIĆ A checklist of Pontarachnidae (Acari: Hydrachnidia) and notes on distributional patterns of the species Zootaxa4691 (3)527-5441175-5326 link
2019 B.V. Popovic, M.M. Ristic A New Bivariate Binomial Time Series Model MARKOV PROCESSES AND RELATED FIELDS25 (2)301-3281024-2953 link
2019 Goran Popivoda, Siniša Stamatović On probability of high extremes of Gaussian fields with a smooth random trend Statistics & Probability Letters 147 29-350167-7152 link
2019 Shaolin Chen, David Kalaj The Schwarz Type Lemmas and the Landau Type Theorem of Mappings Satisfying Poisson’s Equations Complex Analysis and Operator Theory13 (4)2049-20681661-8254 link
2019 Kalaj David, Eero Saksman Quasiconformal maps with controlled Laplacian Journal d'Analyse Mathématique137 (1)251-2680021-7670 link
2019 Kalaj David (n,ρ) -harmonic mappings and energy minimal deformations between annuli Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations58 (2): 51 19 str0944-2669 link
2019 David Kalaj Jian-Feng Zhu Schwarz Pick type inequalities for harmonic maps between Riemann surfaces Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations64:8 1364-13751747-6933 link
2019 Ćipranić Ivana, Jevrić Marija, Sekulić Goran, Tomović Sreten The problem of ballast water in Montenegro ports and possibility of its treatment Polish Maritime ResearchNo. 3 (103) 2019, Vol. 26188-1931233-2585 (print), 2083-7429 (online) link
2019 Miroslav Vukičević, Nikola Račić, Špiro Ivošević PISTON RING MATERIAL IN A TWO-STROKE ENGINE WHICH SUSTAINS WEAR DUE TO CATALYST FINES Brodogradnja/ShipbuildingVol.70, N0. 2155-169ISSN 0007-215X, eISSN 1845-5859 link
2019 Aleksandra Nikčević-Batrićević, Dubravka Đurić American Women Poets in the Postmillennial Period: Mapping Their Own Poetic Paths Rivista di Letterature moderne e comparateVol. LXXII nuova serie / Fasc.3271-2850391-2108 link
2019 Perović S, Bajić Šestović J. Creative Street Regeneration in the Context of Socio-Spatial Sustainability: A Case Study of a Traditional City Centre in Podgorica Sustainability11 (21)59892071-1050 link
2019 Rajko Milošević, Milić Čurović, Marijana Novaković-Vuković Analysis of the floristic composition of mountain beech forests on the territory of Serbia and Montenegro Fresenius Environmental Bulletin28/85727-57331018-4619 / 1610-2304 link
2019 Jelena Nikcevic Strengthening the role of local government to ensure sustainable development of the cruise sector: The case of Kotor Marine Policy Vol. 1091-120308-597X link
2019 Grudić Veselinka, Bošković Ivana, Radonjić Dragan, Jaćimović Željko, Knežević Bojana, The Electrochemical Behavior of al Alloys in NaCl Solution in the Presence of Pyrazole Derivative Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering,38 (2)127-138 1021-9986 link
2019 Natasa Popovic, Stela Vujosevic, Tomo Popovic Regional Patterns in Retinal Microvascular Network Geometry in Health and Disease Scientific Reports9/163401-102045-2322 link
2019 Mirjana Bojanić Rašović Importance and measures of the protection of honey bees from tropilelosis (with a special focus on Montenegro Journal of Hygienic Engineering and DesignVol. 28117-1241857- 8489  link
2019 Ivanović, N.V. & Jovanovski S. Real-Time Procedure for Development of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter Suitable for Non-Linear Highly Nonstationary FM Signals Estimation Proc. of 8th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2019 -2019506-509978-1-7281-1739-3 link
2019 Đurović, I., Simeunović, M. & Raković, P. Quasi Maximum-Likelihood Estimator of PPS on the Uniform Linear Array Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing384874-48890278-081X link
2019 Jelena Šaković Jovanović, Cristiano Fragassa, Zdravko Krivokapić, Aleksandar Vujović Environmental Management Systems and Balanced Scorecard: An Integrated Analysis of the Marine Transport Journal of Marine Science and Engineering7(4)1192077-1312 link
2019 Lipovina M., Kašćelan Lj., Kašćelan V A Support Vector Machine approach for predicting progress toward environmental sustainability from information and communication technology and human development Environmental and Ecological Statistics26 (3)259-2861352-8505 link
2019 Radević, I. & Haček, M. Decentralisation Processes in Montenegrin Public Administration: Challenges of Health System Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government17 (3)471-4931581-5374 link
2019 Udovic B., Jaćimović D The independence of countries and the ‘forgotten’ legacy: The case of discontinued commercial diplomacy of Socialist Yugoslavia In Slovenia and Montenegro Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije - Series Historia et Sociologia2955-681408-5348 link
2019 Nedeljko Latinović, Sladjana B. Novaković, Goran A. Bogdanović, Vlatko Kastratović, Gerald Giester and Željko K. Jaćimović Crystal structure of dihydrazinium 1H-pyrazole-3,5-dicarboxylate, C5H12N6O4 Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures234 (5)957–9581433-7266 link
2019 Božidarka Marković, Peter Dovč, Milan Marković, Dušica Radonjić, Mirjana Adakalić, Mojica Simčić Differentiation of some Pramenka sheep breeds based on morphometric characteristics Archives of Animal Breeding 62 (2)393-4020003-9438 link
2019 Svetlana Perovic, Snezana Pantovic, Valentina Scepanovic, Andrej Perovic, Vladimir Zivkovic, Biljana Damjanovic-Vratnica Evaluation of antimicrobial activity and activity on the autonomic nervous system of the lavender essential oils from Montenegro Progress in Nutrition21/3584-5901129-8723 link
2019 Miljan Bigovic, Snezana Pantovic, Ivana Milasevic, Ljubica Ivanovic, Dijana Djurovic, Vjeroslava Slavic, Milica Popovic, Miroslav Vrvic & Milovan Roganovic Organic composition of Igalo bay peloid (Montenegro) Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge18 (4)837-8480972-5938 link
2019 Stankov Nemanja Springing up like mushrooms after the rain:„New” parties in Montenegro’s institutionalised party system Politics in Central Europe15 (1)163-1851801-3422 link
2019 Jelena Knežević „Od elegičnog ka himničnom kod Friedricha Hölderlina i Laze Kostića” Književna smotra191 (1)61–680455 – 0463 link
2019 Krčum M., Zubčić M., Dlabač T. Electromechanical Analysis of the Medium Voltage Earthing Switch due to Short-Time and Peak Withstand Current Test Energies12(16)31891996-1073 link
2019 Radmila Pajović-Šćepanović, Silvia Wendelin, Danijela Raičević, Reinhard Eder Characterization of the phenolic profile of commercial Montenegrin red and white wines European Food Research and TechnologyVolume 245, Issue 102233-22451438-2377 link
2019 Zorana Rončević, Bojana Bajić, Siniša Dodić, Jovana Grahovac, Radmila Pajović-Šćepanović, Jelena Dodić Optimization of bioethanol production from soybean molasses using different strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Hemijska industrijaVolume 73, Issue 11-12 0367-598X; E-ISSN: 2217-7426 link
2019 Radmila Pajović-Šćepanović, Silvia Wendelin, Astrid Forneck, Reinhard Eder Suitability of flavan-3-ol analysis to differentiate grapes from Vranac, Kratošija and Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in Montenegro Australian Journal of Grape and Wine ResearchVolume 25376-3831322-7130 link
2019 Radmila Pajović Šćepanović, Valerija Madžgalj and Vera Vukoslavljević ASSAY OF POLYPHENOLS IN MONTENEGRIN VRANAC WINES MITTEILUNGEN KLOSTERNEUBURGVolume 69, Issue: 165-750007-5922 link
2019 Oleksandra Shumilova Dominik Zak Thibault Datry Daniel von Schiller Roland Corti Arnaud Foulquier Biel Obrador Klement Tockner Daniel C. Allan Florian Altermatt María Isabel Arce Shai Arnon Damien Banas Andy Banegas‐Medina Erin Beller Melanie L. Blanchette Juan F. Blanco‐Libreros Joanna Blessing Iola Gonçalves Boëchat Kate Boersma Michael T. Bogan Núria Bonada Nick R. Bond Kate Brintrup Andreas Bruder Ryan Burrows Tommaso Cancellario Stephanie M. Carlson Sophie Cauvy‐Fraunié Núria Cid Michael Danger Bianca de Freitas Terra Anna Maria De Girolamo Ruben del Campo Fiona Dyer Arturo Elosegi Emile Faye Catherine Febria Ricardo Figueroa Brian Four Mark O. Gessner Pierre Gnohossou Rosa Gómez Cerezo Lluís Gomez‐Gener Manuel A.S. Graça Simone Guareschi Björn Gücker Jason L. Hwan Skhumbuzo Kubheka Simone Daniela Langhans Catherine Leigh Chelsea J. Little Stefan Lorenz Jonathan Marshall Angus McIntosh Clara Mendoza‐Lera Elisabeth Irmgard Meyer Marko Miliša Musa C. Mlambo Marcos Moleón Peter Negus Dev Niyogi Athina Papatheodoulou Isabel Pardo Petr Paril Vladimir Pešić Pablo Rodriguez‐Lozano Robert J. Rolls Maria Mar Sanchez‐Montoya Ana Savić Alisha Steward Rachel Stubbington Amina Taleb Ross Vander Vorste Nathan Waltham Annamaria Zoppini Christiane Zarfl Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter Global Change Biology25(5)1591-16111365-2486 link
2019 Pešić Vladimir, Durucan Furkan, Zawal Andrzej Marine mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of the Mediterranean Sea: Descriptions of two new species, key for identification and future prospects ZOOTAXA4585 (3)501-5161175-5326 link
2019 Uroš Karadžić, Anton Bergant, Danica Starinac, Boško Božović Water Hammer Investigation of the Shut-Down of a High-Head Hydropower Plant at Very High Reynolds Number Flows Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 65(2019)7-8430-4400039-2480, 2536-2948 (online) link
2019 Dubravka Đurić, Aleksandra Nikčević-Batrićević Demarginalizations and Destination(s) of Post-Yugoslav Literary Canons Neohelicon46 (2)575-5900324-4652 (Print), 1558-2810 (Online) link
2019 Veselinka Grudić, Sanja Martinez, Bojana Knežević and Ivana Bošković Corrosion inhibition of steel in a sodium chloride solution by natural honey Materials TestingVol. 61, No 9881–8840025-5300 link
2019 Olivera Vušović Vocabulaire du droit de l’Union européenne et l'adhésion du Monténégro: de l'analyse lexicométrique aux interprétations linguistiques Revue roumaine de linguistique / Romanian Review of LinguisticsLXIV (1)83–980035-3957 link
2019 Aleksandar Vujović, Zdravko Krivokapić, Miladin Stefanović and Jelena Jovanović Development of Expert System by using Logical Coparative Concluon in the Function of Organizational Performance Improvement Tehnički Vjesnik26(2)373-3791330-3651 link
2019 Tošić Marko, Larsson Roland, Jovanović Janko, Lohner Thomas, Bjorling Marcus, Stahl Karsten A computational fluid dynamics study on shearing mechanisms in thermal elastohydrodynamics line contact Lubricants7(8)692075-4442 link
2019 Radulovic Milan, Poleksić Sergej, Blagojević Momčilo A modified point dilution test for the assessment of groundwater flux in karst aquifers Environmental Earth Sciences78:4731866-6280 (print), 1866-6299 (online) link
2019 Ivanović, V. N. & Jovanovski, S. Challenges in Designing of an Optimal Time-Frequency Filter for the Non-Linear FM Signal Estimation and the Possible Solution Proc. of 39th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO 20192019704-707978-1-7281-2066-9 link
2019 Igor Lakić Constructing Realities on War in Print Media Discourse Revue Roumaine de LingistiqueLXIV99–1110035-3957 link
2019 Latinović, N., Sabovljević, M., Vujičić, M., Latinović, J., Sabovljević, A. Growth supression of plant pathogenic fungi using bryophite extracts Bioscience Journal35 (4)1213-12191981-3163 link
2019 Vladimir Drekalović Is the Enhanced Indispensability Argument a Useful Tool in the Hands of Platonists? Philosophia47 (4)1111-11260048-3893 link
2019 Paul Sestraş, Tudor Sălăgean, Ștefan Bilașco, Mircea Vasile Bondrea, Sanda Naș, Spyros Fountas, Velibor Spalevic, Sorin Mihai Cîmpeanu Prospect of a GIS based digitization and 3D model for a better management and land use in a specific micro-areal for crop trees Environmental Engineering and Management Journal18(6)1269-12771582-9596 link
2019 Gojko Nikolic, Velibor Spalevic, Milic Curovic, Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan, Goran Skataric, Milos Pajic, Ataollah Kavian, Vjekoslav Tanaskovik Variability of Soil Erosion Intensity Due to Vegetation Cover Changes: Case Study of Orahovacka Rijeka, Montenegro Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca47(1)237-2480255-965X link
2019 Alessandro Vitali, Matteo Garbarino, Julio Camarero, Francesco Malandra, Elvin Toromani, Velibor Spalevic, Milić Čurović, Carlo Urbinati Pine recolonization dynamics in Mediterranean human-disturbed treeline ecotones Forest Ecology and Management43528-370378-1127 link
2019 Paul Sestras, Ștefan Bilasco, Sanda Rosca, Sanda Nas, Mircea Bondrea, Raluca Galgau, Ioel Veres, Tudor Salagean, Velibor Spalevic and Sorin Cimpeanu Landslides Susceptibility Assessment Based on GIS Statistical Bivariate Analysis in the Hills Surrounding a Metropolitan Area Sustainability (Switzerland)111362-13852071-1050 link
2019 André Silva Tavares; Velibor Spalevic; Junior Cesar Avanzi; Denismar Alves Nogueira; Marx Leandro Naves Silva; Ronaldo Luiz Mincato Modelling of water erosion by the erosion potential method in a pilot subbasin in southern Minas Gerais. Semina-Ciencias Agrarias40(2)555-5721676-546X link
2019 Željka Čurović, Milić Čurović, Velibor Spalevic, Milorad Janic, Paul Sestras and Svetislav G. Popović Identification and Evaluation of Landscape as a Precondition for Planning Revitalization and Development of Mediterranean Rural Settlements—Case Study: Mrkovi Village, Bay of Kotor, Montenegro Sustainability (Switzerland)112039-20542071-1050 link
2019 Devraj Chalise, Lalit Kumar, Velibor Spalevic, Goran Skataric Estimation of Sediment Yield and Maximum Outflow Using the IntErO Model in the Sarada River Basin of Nepal Water (Switzerland)11952-9672073-4441 link
2019 Milan Palevic, Velibor Spalevic, Goran Skataric, Bojan Milisavljevic, Zaklina Spalevic, Bojan Rapajic, Ljiljana Jovanovic Environmental Responsibility of Member States of the European Union and Candidate Countries Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology20(2)886–8951311-5065 link
2019 Velibor Spalević Assessment of Soil Erosion Processes by Using the ‘IntErO’ Model: Case Study of the Duboki Potok, Montenegro Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology20 (2)657–6651311-5065 link
2019 Carla Sfameni, Antonio D'Eredita, Tatjana Koprivica The main public buildings of Doclea: archival, archaeological and architectural research Archeologia e CalcolatoriSupplemento 11 85-1032385-202X link
2019 Tatjana Koprivica, Olga Pelcer-Vujačić Historical and epigraphical survey of inscriptions from Doclea Archeologia e CalcolatoriSupplemento 11 43-572385-202X link
2019 Slavko Burzanović, Tatjana Koprivica The Roman city of Doclea as a focus for Italian scientists and Italian State authorities Archeologia e CalcolatoriSupplemento 11 35-422385-202X link
2019 Jelena Knežević Metapoetics in Norbert Gstrein’s Novel The Years to Come (Die kommenden Jahre) Primerjalna književnost41.2, (2019)131-1520351-1189 link
2019 Radonjić, D., Đorđević, N., Marković, B., Marković, M., Stešević, D. and Dajić-Stevanović, Z. Effect of phenological phase of dry grazing pasture on fatty acid composition of cows’ milk Chilean journal of agricultural research79 (2)278-2870718-5839 link
2019 Šebek, G. The phenological and pomological traits of selected genotypes of wild pear [Pyrus pyraster (L.) Du Roi] important for the production of generative rootstocks    Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus18 (2)133-1451644-0692 link
2019 Kocan, E., Lopusina, A. & Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. Macro diversity for mmWave cellular communications in indoor environment Computer Networks16161-671389-1286 link
2019 Sheng, G., Dang, S., Zhang, Z., Kocan, E. & Djurisic, M.P. OFDM with Index Modulation Assisted by Multiple Amplify-and-Forward Relays IEEE Wireless Communications Letters8(3)789 - 7922162-2337 link
2019 Ćipranić I., Marković R., Đorđievski S., Stevanović Z., Stevanović M. The impact of coal ash and slag dump on the quality of surface and ground waters – A case study Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society84 (5)527-5300352-5139 (print), ISSN 1820-7421 (online) link
2019 Petković S., Sekulić G. Erosion and sedimentation processes in the Bojana River Delta at the Adriatic Sea Journal of Coastal Conservation23 (1)39-471400-0350 (print), 1874-7841 (online) link
2019 Mirković K., Tošić N., Mladenivić G. Effect of Different Types of Fly Ash on Properties of Asphalt Mixtures Advances in Civil Engineering201911p1687-8086 (print), 1687-8094 (online) link
2019 Latinović, N., Sabovljević, M., Vujičić, M., Latinović, J. & Sabovljević, A. Bryophyte extracts suppress growth of the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea Botanica Serbica43 (1)9-121821-2158 link
2019 Latinović, J., Radišek, S., Bajčeta, M., Jakše, J. and Latinović, N. Viruses Associated with Fig Mosaic Disease in Different Fig Varieties in Montenegro The Plant Pathology Journal35 (1)32-401598-2254 link
2019 Ivana Bošković, Mira Vukčević, Snežana Nenadović, Miljana Mirković, Marija Stojmenović, Vladimir Pavlović and Ljiljana Kljajević, CHARACTERIZATION OF RED MUD/METAKAOLIN-BASED GEOPOLYMERS AS MODIFIED BY Ca(OH)2 Materiali in Tehnologije/Materials and Technology53, No.3341-3481580-2949 link
2019 Tomović, S. & Radusinović, I. An Effective Use of SDN for Virtual-Link Provisioning in ISP Networks IEICE Transactions on CommunicationsE102-B(4)855-8640916-8516 link
2019 Dražen Cerović Институциональное насилие в восприятии населения стран Юго-Восточной Европы SOTSIOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYA№ 5.158-1630132-1625 link
2019 Tomović, S. & Radusinović, I. RO-RO: Routing Optimality - Reconfiguration Overhead Balance in Software-Defined ISP Networks IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications37(5)997 - 10110733-8716 link
2019 Davoli, G., Cerroni, W., Tomovic, S., Buratti, C., Contoli, C. & Callegati, F. Intent‐based service management for heterogeneous software‐defined infrastructure domains International Journal of Network Management29(1)e20511055-7148 link
2019 Jelena Šćepanović,Vanja Asanović,Dragan Radonjić,Darko Vuksanović,Safija Herenda,Fehim Korać and Farzet Bikić Mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of Al-Si alloys for IC engine Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society84(5)503-5160352-5139 link
2019 M. V. Rodić, M. M. Radanović, Lj. S. Vojinović-Ješić, S. K. Belošević, Ž. K. Jaćimović, V. M. Leovac Synthesis and crystal structure of copper(II) complexes with pyridoxal S-methylisothiosemicarbazone bearing a new coordination mode Journal of Serbian Chemical Society84 (5) 467-476 0352-5139 link
2019 Petar Božović How should culture be rendered in subtitling and dubbing? A reception study on preferences and attitudes of end-users Babel - International Journal of Translation65/181-95ISSN 0521-9744 | E-ISSN 1569-96688 link
2019 Smolovic B, Gajic-Veljic M, Nikolic M, Muhovic D Pregnancy-Induced Sweet's Syndrome Treated with Infliximab Med Princ Pract.28(2)196-1981011-7571 link
2019 Premović Marijan The Eastern Policy of Alfonso V the Magnanimous (of Aragon), Seen in the Light of His Political Relations with the Bosnian Duke-Herzog Stjepan Vukčić Kosača, Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies36 (1) 81–1060313-6221 link
2019 Vesna Bratić, Vesna Vukićević Janković The cursed foreign bride in Serbian literature World Literature Studies11(1)201991-1071337-9275 link
2019 Ćalasan, M., Mujičić, D., Rubežić, V. & Radulović, M. Estimation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Single-Phase Transformer by Using Chaotic Optimization Approach Energies12(9)16971996-1073 link
2019 Matej Babič, Michele Calì, Ivan Nazarenko, Cristiano Fragassa, Sabahudin Ekinovic, Mária Mihaliková, Mileta Janjić, Igor Belič Surface roughness evaluation in hardened materials by pattern recognition using network theory International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing13/1211-2191955-2513 link
2019 Anna Lukianenko, Tetiana M. Labur, Anatolii G. Pokliatskyi, Sviatoslav Motrunich, Darko Bajic Investigation of Fatigue Strength and Norms of Emission of Harmful Substances in the Air during MIG and TIG Welding of 1460 AluminiumLithium Alloy FME Transactions47 608-6121451-2092 link
2019 Bojan Mašanović Comparative Study of Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition between Different Team Players from Serbian Junior National League: Soccer, Handball, Basketball and Volleyball International Journal of Morphology37(2)612-6190717-9502 link
2019 Stevo Popovic Nationwide Stature Estimation from Sitting Height Measurements in Kosovan Adolescents International Journal of Morphology37(2)504-5080717-9502 link
2019 Pavel Grasgruber​, Stipan Prce, Nikola Stračárová, Eduard Hrazdíra, Jan Cacek, Stevo Popović, Sylva Hřebíčková, Predrag Potpara, Ivan Davidovič, Tomáš Kalina The coast of giants: an anthropometric survey of high schoolers on the Adriatic coast of Croatia PeerJ7e65982167-8359 link
2019 Čalasan, M. Analytical solution for no‐load induction machine speed calculation during direct start‐up International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems29(4)e27772050-7038 link
2019 Fortibuoni, T., Ronchi, F., Mačić, V., Mandić, M., Mazziotti, C., Peterlin, M., Prevenios, M., Prvan, M., Somarakis, S., Tutman, P., Bojanić Varezić, D., Kovac Virsek, M., Vlachogianni, T., Zeri, C A harmonized and coordinated assessment of the abundance and composition of seafloor litter in the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region (Mediterranean Sea), Marine Pollution Bulletin 139412-4260025-326X link
2019 Ronchi, F., Galgani, F., Binda, F., Mandić, M., Peterline, M., Tutman, P., Anastasopoulou, A., Fortibuoni, T Fishing for Litter in the Adriatic-Ionian macroregion (Mediterranean Sea): Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Marine Policy100226-2370308-597X link
2019 Cirovic D, Petronic I, Stojkovic J, Soldatovic Pavicevic P, Bizic M, Bokan-Mirkovic V, Knezevic T, Nikolic D Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Quantitative Evaluation of Dysfunctional Voiding and Incontinence Scoring System in Pediatric Serbian Population Medicina (Kaunas)55(4)1001010-660X link
2019 Ćirović D, Nikolić D, Knežević T, Bokan-Mirković V , Pavićević P, Radlović V, Petronić I Congenital pes metatarsus varus – role of arterial abnormalities in feet and treatment duration and outcome in children Srp Arh Celok Lek147(1-2)65-690370-8179 link
2019 Daković, M., Stanković, LJ. & Sejdić, E. Local Smoothness of Graph Signals Mathematical Problems in Engineering201914 pages1024-123X link
2019 Stanković, LJ. & Daković, M. Compressive Sensing Inspired Multivariate Median Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing38(5)2369–23790278-081X link
2019 Nemanja Vujčić, Olga Pelcer-Vujačić Some notes on two Greek inscriptions from Montenegro Arheološki vestnik70173-1830570-8966 link
2019 Đorđije Vujadinović The Harmonic Dirichlet–Besov Space and the Optimal Norm for the Bergman Projection Complex Analysis and Operator Theory13 (3)901-9141661-8254 link
2019 Milan Petrovic, Drago B. Jelovac, Svetlana Antic, Marija Antunovic, Nikola Lukic, Melvil Sabani, Joerg Mudrak, Zoran Jezdic, Ana Pucar, Aleksandar Stefanovic, Cedomir Kuzmanovic, Danilo Nikolic, and Vitomir Konstantinovic Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Two Center Retrospective Cohort Studies BioMed Research International201910 pages2314-6133 link
2019 Victor M. Buchstaber, Svjetlana Terzic The foundations of (2n;k)-manifolds Mat. Sbornik210 (4)41-861064-5616 link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Dejan Dmitrović, Ana Savić, Đurađ Milošević, Andrzej Zawal, Vesna Vukašinović‐Pešić, Stefanie Von Fumetti Application of macroinvertebrate multimetrics as a measure of the impact of anthropogenic modification of spring habitats AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS 29(3)341-3521052-7613 link
2019 Violeta Berlajolli, Mateusz Płóciennik, Olga Antczak-Orlewska and Vladimir Pešić The optimal time for sampling macroinvertebrates and its implications for diversity indexing in rheocrenes − case study from the Prokletije Mountains Knowledge& Management of Aquatic Ecosystems420, 6 9 str1961-9502 link
2019 Brašanac-Vukanović Snežana, Tadić Vanja M., Blagojević Nada, Vukašinović-Pešić Vesna, Đurđić Slađana, Stanković Milica, Mutić Jelena, Element accumulation capacity of Vaccinium myrtillus from Montenegro: Comparison of element contents in water and ethanol extracts of bilberry plant parts. Archives of Biological Sciences71(1)145-1570354-4664 link
2019 Khan, N. A., Mohammadi, M. & Djurović, I. A modified Viterbi algorithm based IF estimation algorithm for adaptive directional time-frequency distributions Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing38(5)2227–22440278-081X link
2019 Tatjana Jovović В поисках небесных миндалей: Кочующие души героинь пьес З. Гиппиус / In Search for the «Celestial Almonds»: The Heroines’ Nomadic Souls in the Plays by Zinaida Gippius Русская литература / Russkaia literatura №160–67ISSN: 0131-6095 link
2019 Savković Vladimir Universalism and the recognition of group proceedings under the UNCITRAL Model Law in Montenegro International Insolvency Review (Wiley)Volume 28 Issue 1 103 - 1251099-1107 link
2019 Popović-Bugarin, V. & Djukanović, S. Efficient instantaneous frequency estimation in high noise based on the Wigner distribution Signal Processing15725-290165-1684 link
2019 Rakocevic B, Grgurevic A, Trajkovic G, Mugosa B, Sipetic Grujicic S, Medenica S, Bojovic O, Lozano Alonso JE, Vega T Influenza surveillance: determining the epidemic threshold for influenza by using the Moving Epidemic Method (MEM), Montenegro, 2010/11 to 2017/18 influenza seasons Euro Surveill24(12)null1025496X link
2019 Senka Šekularac-Ivošević, Melika Husić-Mehmedović, Elen Twrdy Repositioning Strategy in the Maritime Port Business: A Case Study from Montenegro, Port of Adria Promet - Traffic & TransportationVol. 31, No. 1pp. 75-870353-5320 link
2019 Dragan Miroslav Manasijevic, Žarko Radović, Nada Štrbac, Ljubiša Balanović, Uroš Stamenković, Milan Gorgievski, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, Nebojša Tadić Study of microstructure and thermal properties of as-cast high carbon and high chromium tool steel Metallurgical and Materials Engineering25(1)1-102217-8961 link
2019 Slavica Petović,Olivera Marković i Mirko Đurović Inventory of Non-indigenous and Cryptogenic Marine Benthic Species of the South-East Adriatic Sea, Montenegro Acta zoologica Bulgarica71(1)47-520324-0770 link
2019 Pouysségur J, Ždralević M Reply to Beltinger: Double genetic disruption of lactate dehydrogenases A and B is required to ablate the J Biol Chem294(1)671083351X link
2019 Milovan Roganović, Snežana Pantović, Sehija Dizdarević Role of the oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of epilepsy Neurological Sciences & Neurophysiology36(1)1-82636-865X link
2019 Restović I, Bočina I, Vukojević K, Kero D, Filipović N, Raonić J, Vučinić J, Vukmirović F, Vučković Lj, Saraga Babić M. Time course and expression pattern of the neuronal markers in the developing human spinal cord Int J Dev Neurosci741-100736-5748 link
2019 Duško Kljakić, Saša Raičević, Miloš Milosavljević, Milena Ilić, Aleksandar Živanović, Dragan Radonjić, Slobodanka Mitrović The influence of the expression of steroid receptors on angiogenesis, proliferation and apoptosis in myomas of pre- and postmenopausal women. Srp Arh Celok Lek147(9-10)553-5590370-8179 link
2019 Vujosevic S, Krnjevic D, Bogojevic M, Vuckovic L, Filipovic A, Dunđerović D, Sopta J Primary leiomyosarcoma of the thyroid gland with prior malignancy and radiotherapy: A case report and review of literature World J Clin Cases7(4)473-4812307-8960 link
2019 Patterson CC, Harjutsalo V, Rosenbauer J, Neu A, Cinek O, Skrivarhaug T, Rami-Merhar B, Soltesz G, Svensson J, Parslow RC, Castell C, Schoenle EJ, Bingley PJ, Dahlquist G, Jarosz-Chobot PK, Marčiulionytė D, Roche EF, Rothe U, Bratina N, Ionescu-Tirgoviste C, Weets I, Kocova M, Cherubini V, Rojnic Putarek N, deBeaufort CE, Samardzic M, Green A Trends and cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes in 26 European centres in the 25 year period 1989-2013: a multicentre prospective registration study Diabetologia62(3)408-4170012-186X link
2019 Rajko Milašinović, Danilo Bojanić, Aleksandar Čvorović, Filip Kukić Age and Gender Differences in Nutritional Status of School Children According to WHO, CDC and IOTF References: A Statewide Study from Montenegro Sport Mont17(1) 15–21 1451-7485 link
2019 Violeta Berlajolli, Mateusz Płóciennik, Olga Antczak-Orlewska and Vladimir Pešić The optimal time for sampling macroinvertebrates and its implications for diversity indexing in rheocrenes − case study from the Prokletije Mountains Knowledge and Management Aquatic Ecosystems420, 6 9 STR1961-9502 link
2019 Alexandros Patsilinakos, Marco Artini, Rosanna Papa, Manuela Sabatino, Mijat Božović, Stefania Garzoli, Gianluca Vrenna, Raissa Buzzi, Stefano Manfredini, Laura Selan and Rino Ragno Machine Learning Analyses on Data including Essential Oil Chemical Composition and In Vitro Experimental Antibiofilm Activities against Staphylococcus Species Molecules24(5), 890 26 STR1420-3049 link
2019 Ryszard Haitlinger, Mohamed W. Negm, Tetsuo Gotoh, Miloje Šundić A new larval Lassenia Newell, 1957 (Trombidiformes: Tanaupodidae) from Japan Systematic and Applied Acarology24(2)271-2771362-1971  link
2019 Vladimir Pešić, Harry Smit, Pankaj Bahuguna New records of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Western Himalaya with the description of four new species Systematic and Applied Acarology24(1)59-801362-1971  link
2019 Rondovic, B., Djurickovic, T., Kascelan, Lj. Drivers of E-Business Diffusion in Tourism: A Decision Tree Approach Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research1430-500718-1876 link
2019 Jovan Gardasevic , Dusko Bjelica Shooting ball accuracy with u16 soccer players after preparation period Sport Mont17(1)29-321451-7485 link
2019 Jovan Gardašević, Duško Bjelica, Ivan Vasiljević Morphological characteristics and body composition of elite soccer players in Montenegro International Journal of Morphology37(1)284-2880717-9502 link
2019 Jovan Gardasevic Standing height and its estimation utilizing tibia length measurements in adolescents from western region in Kosovo International Journal of Morphology37(1)227-2310717-9502 link
2019 Mujović, S., Vujošević, S. & Vujošević, L. Mathematical modelling of the voltage transfer functions of an unloaded overhead line during its energisation under faulty conditions IET Science, Measurement & Technology13(2)287 – 2951751-8822 link
2019 Aleksandar Vujović, Petar Todorović, Miladin Stefanović, Arso Vukićević, Mina Vasković Jovanović, Ivan Mačužić, Nikola Stefanović The Development and Implementation of an Aquaponics Embedded Device for Teaching and Learning Varied Engineering Concepts International Journal of Engineering Education35(1A)88–980949-149X link
2019 Šebek, G. Pomological and chemical characteristics of fruit of some sour cherry cultivars grown in the conditions of Bijelo Polje Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design26100-1041857- 8489 link
2019 Durković Radan, Grujičić Rade An approach to determine the minimum specific fuel consumption and engine economical operation curve model Measurement132(2019)303-3080263-2241 link
2019 Stanković, Lj., Sejdić, E., Stanković, S., Daković, M. & Orović, I. A Tutorial on sparse signal reconstruction and its applications in signal processing Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing38(3)1206–12630278-081X link
2019 Brnovic, N., Djurovic, I., Ivanovic, V. & Simeunovic, M. Hardware implementation of the quasi maximum likelihood estimator core for polynomial phase signals IET Circuits, Devices & Systems13(2)131 – 1381751-858X link
2019 Adnan Prekić Cultural-Historic Heritage of the Lake Skadar Basin The Skadar/Shkodra Lake Environment80459-481ISSN 1867-979X ISSN 1616-864X (electronic) link
2019 Jelena Šćepanović, Vanja Asanović, Safija Herenda, Darko Vuksanović, Dragan Radonjić &Fehim Korać Microstructural Characteristics, Mechanical Properties, Fracture Analysis and Corrosion Behavior of Hypereutectic Al–13.5Si Alloy International Journal of Metalcasting13 (3)700-7141939-5981 link
2019 Aneta Spaic, Claire Angelique Nolasco Braaten, Lily Chi-Fang Tsai, Michael S. Vaughn Does insider trading pay? An analysis of trading and tipping activities in insider trading litigation Journal of Financial Crime26 (2)null1359-0790 link
2019 Radonjić, S., Hrnčić, S., Perović, T. Overview of fruit flies important for fruit production on the Montenegro seacoast Biotechnology, Agronomy, Society and Environment23 (1)46-561370-6233 link
2019 D. Joksimović, A. Castelli, B. Pestorić, A. Perošević An assessment of trace metal contamination in surface sediments of the Montenegrin coast by using pollution indexes and statistical analysis. Fresenius Environmental BulletinVolume 28-No2879-884 1018-4619 link
2019 Jaćimović, Ž.K., Novaković, S.B., Bogdanović, G.A., Giester, G., Kosović, M. & Libowitzky, E First crystal structures of metal complexes with a 4-nitropyrazol-3-carboxylic acid ligand and the third crystal form of the ligand Acta Crystallographica CC 75255-2642053-22.96 link
2019 Stevo Popovic Who Play for the National Football Team of Montenegro, Montenegrins or “Montenegrins”? Sport Mont17(1)101-1031451-7485 link
2019 Jovan Gardasevic , Selcuk Akpinar , Stevo Popovic i Dusko Bjelica Increased Perceptual and Motor Performance of the Arms of Elite Water Polo Players Applied Bionics and Biomechanicsvol. 2019, Article ID 67634701-101176-2322 link
2019 Stojan Božović, Sanja Martinez and Veselinka Grudić A Novel Environmentally Friendly Synergistic Mixture for Steel Corrosion Inhibition in 0.51 M NaCl, Acta Chimica SlovenicaVol. 66112–1221318-0207 link
2019 Lazar Dulović Nesimetrija napona napajanja kao parametar kvaliteta električne energije i njen uticaj na karakteristike rada asinhronih motora link
2019 Pavlović Zoran, Todosijević Bojan, Komar Olivera Education, Authoritarianism, and Party Preference in the Balkans Problems of Post-CommunismVolume 66, 2019 - Issue 6: Populism and Authoritarianism in Central Europe402-4171557-783X link
2019 Simeunović, M., Djurović, I. & Pelinković, A. Parametric estimation of 2D cubic phase signals using high-order Wigner distribution with genetic algorithm Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing30(1)451-4640923-6082 link
2019 Popovic N, Lipovac M, Radunovic M, Ugarte J, Isusquiza E, Beristain A, Moreno R, Aranjuelo N, Popovic T Fractal Characterization of Retinal Microvascular Network Morphology During Diabetic Retinopathy Progression Microcirculation26 (4)e125311549-8719 link
2019 Latinović, J., Latinović, N., Jakše, J. and Radišek, S. First Report of White Rust of Rocket (Eruca sativa) Caused by Albugo candida in Montenegro Plant Disease103 (1)0191-2917 link
2019 Irena Nikolić, Smilja Marković, Ljiljana Veselinović, Vuk V. Radmilović, Ivona Janković-Časstvan, Velimir R. Radmilović Enhanced sorption of Cu2+ from sulfate solutions onto modified electric arc furnace slag Materials Letters 235184–1880167-577X link
2019 Đukanović, S. & Popović-Bugarin, V. Efficient and accurate detection and frequency estimation of multiple sinusoids IEEE Access71118-11252169-3536 link
2019 Simeunović, M. & Djurović, I. A method for efficient maximization of PPS estimation functions Digital Signal Processing8438-451051-2004 link
2019 Vuksanovic-Bozaric A, Vukcevic B, Abramovic M, Vukcevic N, Popovic N, Radunovic M The pterygopalatine fossa: morphometric CT study with clinical implications Surgical and Radiologic AnatomyVolume 41, Issue 2161–1680930-1038 link
2019 Tadić, N., Dervić, A., Erceg, M., Goll, B. & Zimmermann, H. 1.3 V supply voltage, high bandwidth, 100 nA minimum amplitude BiCMOS voltage-controlled current source Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing98(1)209–2190925-1030 link
2019 Miroslav Radunovic, Batric Vukcevic, Nemanja Radojevic, Nemanja Vukcevic, Natasa Popovic, Aleksandra Vuksanovic-Bozaric Morphometric characteristics of the optic canal and the optic nerve Folia Morphologica78 (1)39-460015-5659 link
2019 Tadić, N., Dervić, A., Erceg, M., Goll, B., & Zimmermann, H. A 54.2 dB Current Gain Dynamic Range, 1.78 GHz Gain-Bandwidth Product CMOS Voltage-Controlled Current Amplifier/Attenuator IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs66(1)46-501549-7747 link
2018 Goran Barović, Velibor Spalević, Vladimir Pešić, Duško Vujačić The Physical and Geographical Characteristics of the Lake Skadar Basin. Springer801-111867-979X ISSN 1616-864X (electronic), SBN 978-3-319-99249-5 ISBN 978-3-319-99250-1 (eBook), link
2018 Branislav Dragović, Romeo Meštrović, Nenad Zrnić, Dražen Dragojević Specific cost ratio in a port modelling by M/E_k/1 FME Transactionsvol. 46, No. 3355-3591451-2092 link
2018 Branislav Dragović, Ernestos Tzannatos, Vassilis Tselentis, Romeo Meštrović, Maja Škurić Ship emissions and their externalities in cruise ports Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environmentvol. 61, Part B pp. 289-3001361-9209 link
2018 G. Laštovička-Medin Harvesting & regenerating energy from multiple low-cost energy generators for low energy consumers and towards circular economy Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)7th1-62637-9511 link
2018 Bojan Mašanović Attitudes of consumers from Autonomous Province of Vojvodina toward advertising through sport in relation with the frequency of watching sports events Sport Mont16(3)91-961451-7485 link
2018 Arifi, F., Gardasevic, J., & Masanovic, B. Relationship between foot length measurements and body height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in central region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(3)75-791451-7485 link
2018 Gardasevic, J., Masanovic, B., & Arifi, F. Relationship between tibia length measurements and standing height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(3)51-551451-7485 link
2018 Bojan Mašanović Comparative study of anthropometric measurement and body composition between junior basketball and volleyball players from Serbian national league Sport Mont16(3)19-241451-7485 link
2018 Bojan Mašanović Standing height and its estimation utilizing arm spam and foot length measurements in dinaric alps population: a systematic review Sport Mont16(2)101-1061451-7485 link
2018 Masanovic, B., Gardasevic, J., & Arifi, F. Relationship between foot length measurements and standing height: a prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of kosovo Sport Mont16(2)27-311451-7485 link
2018 Masanovic, B., Gardasevic, J., & Arifi, F. Relationship between Foot Length Measurements and Body Height: A Prospective Regional Study among Adolescents in Eastern Region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(1)9-131451-7485 link
2018 Ivan Vasiljević Anthropometric parameters as indicators of obesity in adolescents in Montenegro Iranian Journal of Public Health47(11)1769-17702251-6085 link
2018 Slavica Vujisić, Sanja Vodopić, Zilha Idrizović, Ljiljana Radulović The correlation between the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and residency of multiple sclerosis patients in Montenegro – higher levels only in men in the north of the country Vojnosanitetski pregled75/3267-72 0042-8450
2018 SP Savic, G Devedzic, B Ristic, A Matic, N Prodanovic, R Stojanovic Clinical application of a portable motion capture system: A methodology Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)7th1-4ISBN: 978-1-5386-5683-9 link
2018 Single clock square root algorithm based on binomial series and its FPGA implementation T Bagala, A Fibich, M Hagara, P Kubinec, O Ondráček, V Štofanik, R. Stojanovic Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)7th1-4ISBN: 978-1-5386-5683-9 link
2018 M Sajić, D Bundalo, Z Bundalo, R Stojanović, L Sajić Design of digital modular bank safety deposit box using modern information and communication technologies Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)7th1-6ISBN: 978-1-5386-5683-9 link
2018 A Škraba, A Koložvari, D Kofjač, B Vavtar, R Stojanović, V Stanovov Development of educational cyber-physical Internet of Things platform study of the PID controller Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)7th1-4ISBN: 978-1-5386-5683-9 link
2018 MV Dubkov, ER Muratov, BV Kostrov, AA Loginov, MB Nikiforov, AI Novikov, D Tarasov, R Stojanović Intense Training of Bachelors: Developers of Aircraft Computer Vision Systems Handbook of Research on Engineering Education in a Global Context, IGI GHandbook of Researclobal Publisher2018501-514ISBN 13: 9781522533955 link
2018 Milorad Papic, Zlatko Bundalo, Dušanka Bundalo, Radovan Stojanovic, Živorad Kovacevic, Dražen Pašalic, Branimir Cvijic Microcomputer based embedded SCADA and RFID systems implemented on LINUX platform Microprocessors and MicrosystemsVolume 63116-1270141-9331 link
2018 Davorin Kofjač, Radovan Stojanović, Andrej Koložvari, Andrej Škraba Designing a low-cost real-time group heart rate monitoring system Microprocessors and MicrosystemsVol. 6375-840141-9331 link
2018 Mirjana Adakalić, Biljana Lazović Morphological, chemical and molecular characterization of ‘Old olive’ (Olea europaea L.) from Montenegro Brazilian Archives of Biology and TechnologyVol. 61, e18170767, 20181-13ISSN / eISSN: 1516-8913 / 1678-4324 link
2018 Mina Petric, Branislava Lalic , Igor Pajovic , Slavica Micev , Vladimir Đurđevic and Dušan Petric Expected changes of Montenegrin climate, impact on the establishment and spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus), and validation of the Model and Model-Based field sampling AtmosphereVolume: 9. Issue: 11, Article Number: 453 1-18 2073-4433 link
2018 Frédéric Jourdain , Marie Picard , Tatiana Sulesco , Nabil Haddad , Zoubir Harrat , Samer Saleh Sawalha , Filiz Günay , Khalil Kanani , Taher Shaibi , Denys Akhramenko , M’hammed Sarih, Enkelejda Velo, Lusine Paronyan, Igor Pajovic, Chafika Faraj, Irakli Sikharulidze, David Putkaradze, Jelena Maric, Golubinka Bosevska, Elizabeta Janceska, Ali Bouattour, Afrim Hamidi, Kurtesh Sherifi, Bülent Alten, Dušan Petrić and Vincent Robert Identification of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae): an external quality assessment of medical entomology laboratories in the MediLabSecure Network Parasites & VectorsVolume: 11 , Article Number: 553 1-71756-3305 link
2018 Dubravka Pudar, Dušan Petrić, Xavier Allène, Bulent Alten, Nazlı Ayhan, Aleksandar Cvetkovikj, Claire Garros, Teufik Goletić, Filiz Gunay, Kristyna Hlavackova, Aleksandra Ignjatović Ćupina, Mihaela Kavran, Tereza Lestinova, Bruno Mathieu, Ognyan Mikov, Igor Pajović, Ignace Rakotoarivony, Jovana Stefanovska, Slavica Vaselek, Almedina Zuko & Thomas Balenghien An update of the Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) checklist for the Balkans Parasites & VectorsVolume: 11: Article Number: 462 1-101756-3305 link
2018 Božidar V. Popović, Ali İ. Genç, Filippo Domma Copula-based properties of the bivariate Dagum distribution COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS37 (5)6230-62512238-3603 link
2018 Mirjana Adakalić, Biljana Lazović, Tatjana Perović, Stoja Ljutica Biological and technological properties of olive 'Arbequina' grown in Montenegro Acta Horticulturae1199153-1580567-7572 link
2018 Dragan Burić, Jovan Dragojlović, Milan Milenković, Ljubomir Popović, Miroslav Doderović Influence of variability of the East Atlantic Oscillation on the air temperature in Montenegro Thermal Science Journal22/1/b759-7662334-7163 link
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2018 Radmila Pajović-Šćepanović, Silvia Wendelin, Reinhard Eder Phenolic composition and varietal discrimination of Montenegrin red wines (Vitis vinifera var. Vranac, Kratošija, and Cabernet Sauvignon) European Food Research and TechnologyVolume 244, Issue 122243-22541438-2377 link
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2018 Knežević, M., Životić, Lj., Čereković, N. Topalović, A., Koković, N. and Todorović, M. Impact of climate change on water requirements and growth of potato in different climatic zones of Montenegro Journal of Water and Climate Change9 (4)657-6712040-2244 link
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2018 Lazović, B., Perović, T., Adakalić, M. Fruit and endocarp properties in relation to intra-varietal morphological diversity of Montenegrin olive variety ‘Žutica’ Acta Sci. Pol. Hortorum Cultus17 (2)71-811644-0692 link
2018 Lazović, B., Klepo, T., Adakalić, M., Šatović, Z., Baruca Arbeiter, A., Hladnik, M., Strikić, F., Liber, Z., Bandelj, D. Intra-varietal variability and genetic relationships among the homonymic East Adriatic olive (Olea europaea L.) varieties Scientia Horticulturae236175-1850304-4238 link
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2018 Ivanović Lj, Milašević I, Topalović A, Ðurović D, Mugoša B, Knežević M, Vrvić M Nutritional and phytochemical content of Swiss chard from Montenegro, under different fertilization and irrigation treatments British Food Journal121 (2)411-4250007-070X link
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2018 Alessandra Oliva, Silvia Costantini, Massimiliano De Angelis, Stefania Garzoli, Mijat Božović, Maria Teresa Mascellino, Vincenzo Vullo and Rino Ragno High Potency of Melaleuca alternifolia Essential Oil against Multi-Drug Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria and Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Molecules23(10), 2584 14 STR1420-3049 link
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2018 Rondović, B., Melović, B., Mitrović, S., Očovaj S. Determinats of eCRM adoption and diffusion-Multistage analysis in the South-Eastern Europe Transformations in Business & Economics 17328-3461648-4460 link
2018 Galli, A., Djurovic, G., Hanscom, L. and Knezevic J. Think Globally, Act Locally: implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in Montenegro Environmental Science and Policy84159–1691462-9011 link
2018 Milena D. Milošević, Nevena Ž. Prlainović, Miloš Milčić, Vesna Nikolić, Aleksandra Božić, Miljan Bigović, Aleksandar D. Marinković Solvent, structural, quantum chemical study and antioxidative activity of symmetrical 1-methyl-2,6-bis[2-(substituted phenyl)ethenyl]pyridinium iodides Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society15(11)2483-25011735-207X link
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2018 FURKAN DURUCAN, TAPAS CHATTERJEE, VLADIMIR PEŠIĆ Two new species of the marine water mite family Pontarachnidae (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey ZOOTAXA4531(2)271-2781175-5326 link
2018 Ana SAVIĆ, Vladimir PEŠIĆ, Miodrag ĐORĐEVIĆ, Vladimir RANĐELOVIĆ, Marina JUŠKOVIĆ and Górniak ANDRZEJ Effects of nutrients and turbidity on grazer–periphyton interactions: a case study from the Nišava River, Balkan Peninsula NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 14 (2)226-2311584-9074 link
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2018 Petović, S, Grieco, F., Mačić, V., Montesanto, F., Mastrototaro, F New data on Aplidium tabarquense (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) distribution in the Adriatic Sea Turkish Journal of Zoology 42(1)146-1511300-0179 link
2018 Sanja Matić-Skoko, Tanja Šegvić-Bubić, Ivana Mandić, David Izquierdo-Gomez, Enrico Arneri, Pierluigi Carbonara, Fabio Grati, Zdravko Ikica, Jerina Kolitari, Nicoletta Milone, Paolo Sartor, Giuseppe Scarcella, Adnan Tokaç & Evangelos Tzanatos Evidence of subtle genetic structure in the sympatric species Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea Scientific Reports 8(676)1-142045-2322 link
2018 Fabio Grati, Admir Aladžuz, Ernesto Azzurro, Luca Bolognini, Pierluigi Carbonara, Mimoza Çobani, Filippo Domenichetti, Branko Dragičević, Jakov Dulčić, Mirko Đurović, Zdravko Ikica, Aleksandar Joksimović, Jerina Kolitari, Bojan Marčeta, Sanja Matić-Skoko, Dario vrdoljak, Giuseppe Lembo, Alberto Santojanni, Maria Teresa Spedicato, Nika Stagličić, Nedo Vrgoč, Nijaz Zerem, Enrico Arneri, Luca Ceriola and Nicoletta Milone Seasonal dynamics of small–scale fisheries in the Adriatic Sea. Mediterranean Marine Science19(1)21-351108-393X link
2018 Sanja Matić Skoko, Zdravko Ikica, Dario Vrdoljak, Melita Peharda, Pero Tutman, Branko Dragičević, Aleksandar Joksimović, Jakov Dulčić, Mirko Đurović, Milica Mandić, Olivera Marković, Nika Stagličić and Ana Pešić A comparative approach to the Croatian and Montenegrin small-scale fisheries (SSF) in the coastal eastern Adriatic Sea: fishing gears and target species Acta Adriatica58(3)459-4800001-5113 link
2018 M. Zupan, F. Bulleri, J. Evans, S. Fraschetti, P. Guidetti, A. Garcia-Rubies, M. Sostres, V. Asnaghi, A. Caro, S. Deudero, R. Goñi, G. Guarnieri, F. Guilhaumon, D. Kersting, A. Kokkali, C. Kruschel, V. Macic, L. Mangialajo, S. Mallol, E. Macpherson, A. Panucci, M. Radolovic, M. Ramdani, P. J. Schembri, A. Terlizzi, E. Villa, J. Claudet, How good is your marine protected area at curbing threats?, Biological Conservation221237-2450006-3207 link
2018 Mačić, V., Jovanović, M., Trkov, D., Lipej, L First record of the nudibranch marionia blainvillea (Risso, 1818) (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) for Montenegro Acta Adriatica59(1)149-1521846-0453 link
2018 Thomais Vlachogianni, Tomaso Fortibuoni, Francesca Ronchi, Christina Zeri, Cristina Mazziotti, Pero Tutman, Dubravka Bojanić Varezić, Andreja Palatinus, Štefan Trdan, Monika Peterlin, Milica Mandić, Olivera Marković, Mosor Prvan, Helen Kaberi, Michael Prevenios, Jerina Kolitari, Gulielm Kroqi, Marina Fusco, Evangelos Kalampokis, Michael Scoullos Marine litter on the beaches of the Adriatic and Ionian Seas: An assessment of their abundance, composition and sources. Marine Pollution Bulletin 131745-7560025-326X link
2018 S. Giakoumi, V. Hermoso, S. B. Carvalho, V. Markantonatou, M. Dagys, T. Iwamura, W. N. Probst, R. J. Smith, K. L. Yates, V. Almpanidou, T. Novak, N. Ben-Moshe, S. Katsanevakis, J. Claudet, M. Coll, A. Deidun, F. Essl, J. A. García-Charton, C. Jimenez, S. Kark, M. Mandić, A. D. Mazaris, W. Rabitsch, V. Stelzenmüller, E. Tricarico, I. N. Vogiatzakis Conserving European biodiversity across realms Conservation Letters12 (1)1-91755-263X link
2018 Perošević, A., Pezo, L., Joksimović, D., Djurović, D., Milašević, I., Radomirović, M. and Stanković, S. The impact of sea water physicochemical parameters and sediment metal contents on trace metal concentrations in mussel - a chemometric approach Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(28)28248-282630944-1344 link
2018 Joksimović, D., Castelli, A., Perošević, A., Djurović, D. and Stanković, S Determination of trace metals in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegrin coast Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology 50601-6080946-672X link
2018 Perošević, A., Joksimović, D., Djurović, D., Milašević, I., Radomirović, M. and Stanković, S Human exposure to trace elements via consumption of mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis from Boka Kotorska Bay, Montenegro Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology 50554-5590946-672X link
2018 Gangai Zovko, B, Lučić, D, Hure, M, Onofri, I, Pestorić, B Composition and dial vertical distribution of euphausiid larvae (calyptopis stage) in the deep southern Adriatic. Oceanologia 60(2)128-1380078-3234 link
2018 Blažo ĐUROVIĆ, Igor ĐUROVIĆ, Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ, Vladimir CRNOJEVIĆ, Slobodan ĐUKANOVIĆ and Branka PESTORIĆ Monitoring the eutrophication using Landsat 8 in the Boka Kotorska Bay Acta Adriatica59(1)17-341846-0453 link
2018 Anastasopoulou, A., Kovač Viršek, M., Bojanić Varezić, D., Digka, N., Fortibuoni, T., Koren, Š., Mandić, M., Mazziotti, C., Mytilineou, C., Pešić, A., Ronchi, F., Šiljić, J., Torre, M., Tsangaris, C., Tutman., P Assessment on marine litter ingested by fish in the Adriatic and NE Ionian Sea macro-region (Mediterranean). Marine Pollution Bulletin 133841-8510025-326X link
2018 Pierluigi Carbonara, Simona Intini, Jerina Kolitari, Aleksandar Joksimović, Nicoletta Milone, Giuseppe Lembo, Loredana Casciaro, Isabella Bitetto, Walter Zupa, Maria Teresa Spedicato & Letizia Sion A holistic approach to the age validation of Mullus barbatus L., 1758 in the Southern Adriatic Sea (Central Mediterranean Scientific Reports2018(8)1-192045-2322 link
2018 Slavica Petović On the occurrence of Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823) in Montenegro Mediterranean marine science19(3)673-6891108-393X link
2018 Mirko ĐUROVIĆ, Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ, Ana PEŠIĆ, Olivera MARKOVIĆ, Slobodan REGNER, Milica MANDIĆ, Zdravko IKICA Reproductive pattern of the anchovy, Engraulis encrasicolus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the Boka Kotorska Bay (Montenegro, southern Adriatic Sea) Acta Adriatica59(2)173-1840001-5113 link
2018 Martin Ćalasan, Lazar Nikitović, Milena Djukanović Influence of Additional Rotor Resistance and Reactance on the Induction Machine Speed at Field Weakening Operation for Electrical Vehicle Application Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications IIIProceedings of the International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies, Vol. 2333-3412367-3370 link
2018 Miloš Bubanja, Milena Djukanović, Marina Mijanović-Markuš, Mihailo Vujović Control of Robot for Ventilation Duct Cleaning Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications IIIProceedings of the International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies, Vol. 2366-3742367-3370 link
2018 Milena Djukanović, Rade Grujičić, Luka Radunović, Vuk Bošković Programming of the Robotic Arm/Plotter System Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications IIIProceedings of the International Symposium on Innovative and Interdisciplinary Applications of Advanced Technologies, Vol. 2342-3542367-3370 link
2018 Miloš Bubanja, Marina Mijanović Markuš, Milena Djukanović, Mihailo Vujović Robot for Cleaning Ventilation Ducts Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - New Technologies, Development and ApplicationProceedings of 4th International Conference180-1902367-3370 link
2018 Milena Djukanović, Rade Grujičić, Luka Radunović, Vuk Bošković Conceptual Solution of the Robotic Arm/Plotter Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - New Technologies, Development and ApplicationProceedings of 4th International Conference170-1792367-3370 link
2018 Šebek, G. Chemical and pomological characteristics of fruit of some commercial pear cultivars grown in conditions of Bijelo Polje Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design251857- 8489 link
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2018 Vesna Vukićević-Janković A Pilgrimage Through the Memory of the World by Danilo Kiš Studi Slavistici XV, 2018, 1, 183-1961824-761X (print) 1824-7601 (online) link
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2018 Dragan Komatina, Ema Alihodžić Jašarović Projekti Ivana Meštrovića i Harolda Bilinića na Lovćenu u tadašnjem političkom i ideološkom kontekstu Prostor : znanstveni časopis za arhitekturu i urbanizam26/2/56320-3311333-9117 link
2018 Bojanić Rašović, M. The importance of transmission tick-borne encephalitis through milk of infected animals Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design251857- 8489 link
2018 Ivanović, Lj., Milašević, I., Topalović, A., Ðurović, D., Mugoša, B., Knežević, M., Vrvić, M. Nutritional and phytochemical content of Swiss chard from Montenegro, under different fertilization and irrigation treatments British Food Journal121 (2)411-4250007-070X link
2018 Topalović, A., Knežević, M., Trifunović, S., Novaković, M., Pešić, M. and Đurović, D. Effects of soil properties and fertilization on quality and biological activity of Swiss chard European Journal of Horticultural Science83 (6)374-3811611-4426 link
2018 Vladimir Savković, Nikola Dožić Destimulativan zakonski okvir kao uzrok neuspjeha sustava dobrovoljnog mirovinskog osiguranja: studija crnogorskog slučaja kao pokazatelj važnosti financijskih poticaja Revija za socijalnu politikuSvezak 25, Br. 3 (2018)265-2841845-6014 link
2018 Cerovic Smolović, J., Janketić, J.,, Jaćimović, D., Bučar, M., adn Stare, M. Montenegro’s Road to Sustainable Tourism Growth and Innovation Sustainability vol. 10(12)1-202071-1050 link
2018 Vučetić Aleksa Š. Differences in Perception of the Importance of Generic Competencies among Destination Regions Economic Research-Ekonomska istraživanja30(1)1240-12571331-677X link
2018 Vučetić Aleksa Š. Importance of Environmental Indicators of Sustainable Development in the Transitional Selective Tourism Destination International Journal of Tourism Research20(3)317-3251522-1970 link
2018 Aleksa Š. Vučetić Influence of Specialized Hotels on Employees Perceptian of Abuse in the Selective Tourism Destination International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management30(2)740-7560959-6119 link
2018 Veselinka Grudić, Ivana Bošković, Sanja Martinez, Bojana Knežević CORROSION INHIBITION MILD STEEL IN NaCl SOLUTION IN THE PRESENCE OF PROPOLIS EXTRACT Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical EngineeringVo. 37, No.2203-2131857-5552 link
2018 Dijana Vučković A Fairy tale (r)evolution: the value and the critical reading of fairy tales in the contemporary educational context History of Education and Children’s LiteratureXIII,2309-3361971-1093 (print) 1971-1131 (online) link
2018 B. Koprivica, A. Milovanovic, T. Dlabac An Approach to Cold Junction Compensation And Identification of Unknown Thermocouple Type Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg.Vol. 63, No. 3277–2820035-4066 link
2018 P Vidan, S Vukša, T Dlabač Practice of And Attitudes Toward Familiarization on Board: Survey of Croatian and Montenegrin Maritime Officers Brodogradnja: Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnike Vol.69, No.397-1100007-215X link
2018 Lekić, N., Lakičević Žarić, M., Orović, I. & Stanković, S. Adaptive gradient-based analog hardware architecture for 2D under-sampled signals reconstruction Microprocessors and Microsystems6272-78 0141-9331 link
2018 Krstić, O., Cvrković, T., Mitrović, M., Radonjić, S., Hrnčić, S., Toševski, I., Jović, J. Wolbachia infection in natural populations of Dictyophara europaea, an alternative vector of grapevine Flavescence dorée phytoplasma: Effects and interactions Annals of Applied Biology172 (1)47-640003-4746 link
2018 Stešević, D., Jaćimović, Ž., Šatović, Z., Šapčanin, A., Jančan, G., Kosović, M., Damjanović-Vratnica, B. Chemical characterization of wild growing Origanum vulgare populations in Montenegro Natural Product Communications13 (10)1357-13621934-578X link
2018 Ivana Boskovic, Dragutin A. Đukić, Pavle Maskovic, Leka Mandić Svetlana Perovic Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Anchusa officinalis L. extracts Biologia73 (11)1035-10410006-3088 link
2018 Petar Šturanović Political parties and their influence on the parliamentary mandate after the fall of communism in Montenegro and Serbia Studia politica, Romanian Political Science Reviewvol. XVIII, no. 3423 - 4471582-4551 link
2018 Aladin Crnkić, Vladimir Jaćimović Consensus and balancing on the three-sphere Journal of Global Optimizationpp 1-120925-5001 link
2018 Aladin Crnkić, Vladimir Jaćimović Data clustering based on quantum synchronization Natural Computeringpp 1-51567-7818 link
2018 Aladin Crnkić, Vladimir Jaćimović Swarms on the 3-sphere with adaptive synapses: Hebbian and anti-Hebbian learning rule Systems & Control Letters12232-380167-6911 link
2018 Massimo Terzi, Nenad Jasprica, Danka Caković, Romeo Di Pietro Revision of the central Mediterranean xerothermic cliff vegetation Applied Vegetation Science21 (3)514-5321402-2001 link
2018 Djurović, I. & Simeunovic, M. Parameter estimation of 2D polynomial phase signals using non-uniform sampling and 2D CPF IET Signal Processing12(9)1140 - 11451751-9675 link
2018 Petar Šturanović Politička filozofija Roberta Nozicka: kontroverzni libertarijanizam Filozofska istraživanjaVol.38 No.2391-4061848-2309 link
2018 Milan Gazdić, Albert Reif, Milan Knežević, Danka Petrović, Marko Stojanović & Klara Dološ Diversity and ecological differentiation of mixed forest in northern Montenegro (Mt Bjelasica) with reference to European classification Tuexenia38135-1540722-494X link
2018 Nenad Antonić, Marin Mišur, Darko Mitrović On Compactness of Commutators of Multiplications and Fourier Multipliers Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics15(4)170-1821660-5446 link
2018 Darko Mitrovic, Andrej Novak and Tarik Uzunović Averaged Control for Fractional ODEs and Fractional Diffusion Equations Journal of Function SpacesVolume 2018, Article ID 80957288 pages2314-8896 link
2018 Popovic, S. Research and writing development in the area of sport science publishing in montenegro Sport Mont16(3)31-361451-7485 link
2018 Gjonbalaj, M., Georgiev, G., Bjelica, D. Differences in anthropometric characteristics, somatotype components, and functional abilities among young elite Kosovo soccer players based on team position International Journal of Morphology36(1)41-470717-9502 link
2018 Bjelica, D., Milosevic, Z., Talovic, M., Bajramovic, I. Repulsion of the futsal ball depending on the pressure in it Sport Mont16(2)61-671451-7485 link
2018 Durković, V. & Đurišić, Ž. Analysis of the Potential for Use of Floating PV Power Plant on the Skadar Lake for Electricity Supply of Aluminium Plant in Montenegro Energies10(10)1-231996-1073 link
2018 Ymeri, A. & Mujović, S. Impact of Photovoltaic Systems Placement and Sizing on Power Quality in Distribution Network Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering18(4)107 - 1121582-7445 link
2018 Dragan Manasijević, Žarko Radović, Nada Štrbac, Ljubiša Balanović, Uroš Stamenković, Milan Gorgijevski, Duško Minić, Milena Premović, Tamara Holjevac-Grgurić and Nebojša Tadić Microstructural and thermal characterization of 39NiCrMo3 steel Materials Testing60 (12)1175-11780025-5300 link
2018 Vuković Stamatović, Milica and Bratić, Vesna Conceptual Container Metaphors and Entrapment in Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway Primerjalna književnost41(3)141-1640351-1189 link
2018 Tatjana Koprivica Đorđe Pelinović: The Abbot of the Abbey of the Virgin of Ratac (Montenegro) Aevum92-2491-5080001-9593 (print); 1827-787X (digital) link
2018 Arifi, F., Gardasevic, J., & Masanovic, B. Relationship between foot length measurements and body height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in central region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(3)75-79.1451-7485 link
2018 Gardasevic, J., Masanovic, B., & Arifi, F. Relationship between tibia length measurements and standing height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(3)51-551451-7485 link
2018 Bjelica, D. & Gardašević, J. Volleyball elastic properties depending on ball pressure. Sport Science11(1)45-511840-3662 link
2018 Arifi, F., Sermaxhaj, S., Gardasevic, J., Alaj, I., & Metaj, Z. Stature and its estimation utilizing arm span measurements of both gender adolescents from southern region in kosovo Sport Mont16(2)51-541451-7485 link
2018 Masanovic, B., Gardasevic, J., & Arifi, F. Relationship between foot length measurements and standing height: a prospective regional study among adolescents in southern region of kosovo Sport Mont16(2)27-311451-7485 link
2018 Gardasevic, J. Relationship between sitting height measurements and standing height: a prospective regional study among adolescents in eastern region of kosovo Sport Mont16(2)15-191451-7485 link
2018 Gardasevic, J., Bjelica, D., & Corluka, M. The impact of the preparation period on endurance at football players U16 Sport Mont16(1)21-241451-7485 link
2018 Masanovic, B., Gardasevic, J., & Arifi, F. Relationship between foot length measurements and body height: A prospective regional study among adolescents in eastern region of Kosovo Sport Mont16(1)9-131451-7485 link
2018 Ćorluka, M., Bjelica, D., Vasiljevic, I., Bubanja, M., Georgiev, G. & Zeljko, I. Differences in the morphological characteristics and body composition of football players of HSC Zrinjski Mostar and FC Siroki Brijeg in Bosnia and Herzegovina Sport Mont16(2)77-81.1451-7485 link
2018 Ivan Vasiljević Anthropometric parameters as indicators of obesity in adolescents in Montenegro Iranian Journal of Public Health47(11)1769-17702251-6085 link
2018 Žarko Leković Operacije crnogorske vojske u Novopazarskom Sandžaku 1912. godine Acta Histriae26-2521-5381318-0185 link
2018 Nikčević Jelena Montenegro on the Path to Paris MoU Accession: Towards Achieving a Sustainable Shipping Industry Sustainability 10(6), 19001-142071-1050 link
2018 Rubežić, V., Lazović, L. & Jovanović, A. Parameter identification of Jiles-Atherton model using the chaotic optimization method COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering37(6)2067-20800332-1649 link
2018 Djurović, I. Combined Centre-Weighted Median Filter and BM3D to Filter Digital Images in Mixed Gaussian and Impulsive Environments IETE Journal of Research64(6)796-8060377-2063 link
2018 Tatjana Novović, Biljana Maslovarić Počeci obrazovanja ženaa u Crnoj Gori- Djevojački institut na Cetinju ANNALES (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies)– Series Historia et Sociologia 28(2)385-3981408-5348 (print) 2591-1775 (online) link
2018 Šter MP, Kezunović LC, Cojić M, Petek D, Švab I Specialty Training in Family Medicine in Montenegro – an Evaluation of the Programme by the First Generation of Trainees Zdravsveno Varstvo57/296-1050351-0026 link
2018 Komar Olivera The development of an interest group system in a constrained democracy: Montenegro Journal of Public AffairsSpecial Issue, Volume 19, Number 2 1-131479-1854 link
2018 Stanković, LJ., Sejdić, E. & Daković, M. Reduced Interference Vertex-Frequency Distributions IEEE Signal Processing Letters25(9)1393 - 13971070-9908 link
2018 Tatjana Novović Pedagoški uticaj S. P. Mertvago na razvoj predškolstva u Crnoj Gori Acta Histriae26/2/557-5741318-0185 (print) 2591-1767 (online) link
2018 Irena Nikolić, Milena Tadić, Ivona Janković-Častvan, Vuk V. Radmilović and Velimir R. Radmilović, Durability of alkali activated slag in a marine environment: 1 Influence of alkali ion Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society83 (10)1143-1156 0352-5139 link
2018 Amar Kapić Prijedlog algoritma za praćenje tačke maksimalne snage fotonaponskih panela link
2018 Djurovic G., Cetkovic J., Djurovi V., Jablan N., Paris Agreement and Montenegro’s INDC: assessing the environmental, social and economic impacts of selected investment Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesVolume 26, No.3 1019-10321230-1485 link
2018 M. Brajović, I. Stanković, M. Daković, C. Ioana, and LJ. Stanković Error in the Reconstruction of Nonsparse Images Mathematical Problems in Engineering20181563-5147 link
2018 M. Brajović, S. Stanković, and I. Orović Analysis of noisy coefficients in the discrete Hermite transform domain with application in signal denoising and sparse signal reconstruction Signal Processing150145-1560165-1684 link
2018 M. Brajović, I. Orović, M. Daković, and S. Stanković Compressive Sensing of Sparse Signals in the Hermite Transform Basis IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems54 (2)950 - 9670018-9251 link
2018 LJ. Stanković, and M. Brajović Analysis of the Reconstruction of Sparse Signals in the DCT Domain Applied to Audio Signals IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing26 (7)1216-12312329-9290 link
2018 Bošković Ivana, Grudić Veselinka, Ivanović Mileta, Milašević Ivana, Investigation of Reduction and Precipitation Rate of Colloidal Gold Particles Obtained in the Process of Electrical and Electronic Waste Recycling Iranian Journal of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering37(2)133-138 1021-9986 link
2018 Stevo Popović Arm-span measurement as an alternative estimation of true height in Montenegrin young adults of both sexes: A national survey Anthropological Notebooks24(1)53-671408-032X link
2018 Tadić, N., Erceg, M., Dervić, A. & Gobović, D. An analog controllable CMOS constant-power source for a thermally-based sensor interface using a resistive mirror architecture IEEE Sensors Journal18(24)10066-100761530-437X link
2018 Marijan Makrović Differential-free characterisation of smooth mappings with controlled growth Canadian Mathematical Bulletin61628-6361496-4287 link
2018 Idrizović Kemal, Bahri Gjinovci, Damir Sekulić, Ognjen Uljević, Joao Paulo Vicente, Miodrag Spasić, Tine Sattler The Effects of 3-Month Skill-Based and Plyometric Conditioning on Fitness Parameters in Junior Female Volleyball Players Pediatric Exercise Science30(3)353-3630899-8493 link
2018 Malsor Gjonbalaj, Georgi Georgiev, Duško Bjelica Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics, Somatotype Components, and Functional Abilities Among Young Elite Kosovo Soccer Players Based on Team Position International Journal of Morphology36(1)41-470717-9367 link
2018 Špiro Ivošević, Romeo Meštrović, Nataša Kovač Probabilistic estimates of corrosion rate of fuel tank structures of aging bulk carriers International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering11 (1)165-1772092-6782 link
2018 Slađana KRIVOKAPIĆ, Sunčica BOSAK, Damir VILIČIĆ, Grozdan KUŠPILIĆ, Dragana DRAKULOVIĆ and Branka PESTORIĆ Algal pigments distribution and phytoplankton group assemblages in coastal transitional environment – Boka Kotorska Bay (South eastern Adriatic Sea) Acta Adriatica59(1)35-500001-5113 link
2018 Tamara KANJUH, Danilo MRDAK, Marina PIRIA, Tea TOMLJANOVIĆ Aleksandar JOKSIMOVIĆ, Trajče TALEVSKI and Dragana MILOŠEVIĆ Relationships of Otolith Dimension with Body Length of European Eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) from Adriatic catchment of Montenegro Acta Adriatica59(1)91-960001-5113 link
2018 Pešić VM, Smit H, Mary N. Fifth contribution to the knowledge of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Comoros: a checklist and description of one new genus and four new species ZOOTAXA4483(2)331-3481175-5326 link
2018 Ryszard Haitlinger, Miloje Šundić A new larval Allothrombium from Sicily, Italy (Trombidiformes: Trombidiidae: Allothrombiinae) Systematic And Applied Acarology23(8)1592-15971362-1971 link
2018 Vlatko Kastratović, Miljan Bigović ESTERIFICATION OF STEARIC ACID WITH LOWER MONOHYDROXYLIC ALCOHOLS Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly24 (3)283-2911451-9372 link
2018 Vlatko Kastratović, Miljan Bigović, Željko Jaćimović, Milica Kosović, Dijana Đurović, Slađana Krivokapić Levels and distribution of cobalt and nickel in the aquatic macrophytes found in Skadar Lake, Montenegro Environmental Science and Pollution Research25 (27)26823-268300944-1344 link
2018 Vladimir Jaćimović, Aladin Crnkić Low-dimensional dynamics in non-Abelian Kuramoto model on the 3-sphere Chaos28 (8)0831051054-1500 link
2018 Pešić V., Zawal A. A new species in the water mite subgenus Majumderatax Vidrine, 1993 from Sri Lanka (Acari: Hydrachnidia) ZOOTAXA4457 (2)346-3501175-5326 link
2018 Chatterjee T, Pfingstl T, Pešić V. A checklist of marine littoral mites (Acari) associated with mangroves ZOOTAXA4442 (2)221-2401175-5326 link
2018 Jelena Šćepanović,Dragan Radonjić, Darko Vuksanović Investigation of AlMgCu Alloy Corrosion in 0.5 M: Polarization and EIS studies International Journal of ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE138623-86321452-3981 link
2018 Chatterjee T., Dovgal I., Pešić V. and Zawal A. A checklist of epibiont suctorian and peritrich ciliates (Ciliophora) on halacarid and hydrachnid mites (Acari: Halacaridae & Hydrachnidia) ZOOTAXA4457 (3)415-4301175-5326 link
2018 Ivica Vuković Poboljšanje energetske efikasnosti data centra primjenom green ICT tehnologija link
2018 V.Grudić, I. Bošković, A.Gezović Inhibition of Copper Corrosion in NaCl Solution by Propolis Extract Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly32 (3)299-3050352-9568 link
2018 Vladimir Jaćimović Magnetization Dynamics and Geometry: Coupled Möbius Transformations Reports on Mathematical Physics81(3)347-3570034-4877 link
2018 B.V. Popovic, A.I. Genc On Extremes of Two-Dimensional Student-t Distribution of the Marshall–Olkin Type MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS15 1531660-5446 link
2018 Bojana Lakićević – Đuranović The Interpretation of Articles 2 and 3 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948) in the light of the jurisprudence of international judicial authorities Acta Histriae26325-351ISSN 1318-0185 link
2018 Novović Burić, M., Kašćelan, V., Radović, M., Lalević Filipović, A. Mechanisms of Protection from Interest Rate Risk with Reference to the Life Insurance Market in Montenegro Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice1pp. 17-42 2336-9205 link
2018 Lalević Filipović, A., Brkan Vejzović, A., Novović Burić, M., Vujošević, S., A VAR analysis of the effect of macroeconomic variables on non-performing loans in Western Balkan Countries International Journal of Scholarly Papers, Transformations in Business &Economics (TIBE)Vol 17. No 2A(44A)pp.511-5241648 – 4460 link
2018 Lekić, N., Mijanović, Z, Dragović-Ivanović, R. & Stanković, Lj. Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor Ratio Radioengineering27(2)501-5091210-2512 link
2018 Bakić M, Ratković M, Gledović B, Vujović B, Radunović D, Babić V, Prelević V Cutaneous Manifestations of Tuberous Sclerosis Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica26/173-741330-027X link
2018 Ratkovic M, Basic Jukic N, Kastelan Z, Radunovic D, Kavaric P, Brezak J, Topalovic Grkovic M, Hudolin T, Prelevic V Development of the National Transplant Program Has Significantly Decreased but Not Ended Transplant Tourism in Montenegro Transplantation proceedings50/51236-12370041-1345 link
2018 Prelevic V, Radunovic D, Antunovic T, Ratkovic M, Gligorovic-Bahranovic N, Gledovic B, Vujosevic S, Nedovic-Vukovic M, Basic-Jukic N Increased Serum Level of IGF-1 Correlates With Better Cognitive Status in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis22/2118-1231744-9979 link
2018 Nikolić Emilija, Nikolić Aleksandar, Stević Ruža, Brandmajer Tijana, Mićanović Veselin, Mašnić Jelena Model for Developing a Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Hindawi Canadian Respiratory Journal20181-61198-2241 link
2018 Radunovic M, Vukcevic B, Radojevic N Asymmetry of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone and the superior thyroid cornua: a case report Surgical and radiologic anatomy40/8 959–9610930-1038 link
2018 Radunovic M, Vukcevic B, Abramovic M, Vukcevic N, Radojevic N, Vuksanovic-Bozaric A Bilateral anatomic variation in the relation of the upper trunk of the brachial plexus to the anterior scalene muscle Folia MorphologicaEpub ahead of printEpub ahead of print0015-5659 link
2018 Vuksanovic-Bozaric A, Vukcevic B, Abramovic M, Radunovic M Duplication of the middle cerebral artery in a neonate: case report Surgical and radiologic anatomy40/101173-11750930-1038 link
2018 Radunovic M, Vukcevic B, Radojevic N, Vukcevic N, Vuksanovic-Bozaric A Superficial palmar branch of the radial artery: A study of occurrence and diameter Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger22055-590940-9602 link
2018 Petar Lekić Latinski hagionimi u Crnoj Gori
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2018 Natasa Duborija-Kovacevic, Zdenko Tomic Kidney, skeletal muscle and myocardium as potential target sites of Pygeum africanum toxicity in Wistar rats Revista Internacional de Andrologia17 (1)8-141698-031X link
2018 Natasa Duborija-Kovacevic, Ksenia Shavrina New findings on the pharmacodynamic actions of olive oil: our contribution to better evidence about its remedial properties Progress in Nutrition20/Supplement 130-381129-8723 link
2018 Bochenek T, Abilova V, Alkan A, Asanin B, de Miguel Beriain I, Besovic Z, Vella Bonanno P, Bucsics A, Davidescu M, De Weerdt E, Duborija-Kovacevic N, Fürst J, Gaga M, Gailīte E, Gulbinovič J, Gürpınar EU, Hankó B, Hargaden V, Hotvedt TA, Hoxha I, Huys I, Inotai A, Jakupi A, Jenzer H, Joppi R, Laius O, Lenormand MC, Makridaki D, Malaj A, Margus K, Marković-Peković V, Miljković N, de Miranda JL, Primožič S, Rajinac D, Schwartz DG, Šebesta R, Simoens S, Slaby J, Sović-Brkičić L, Tesar T, Tzimis L, Warmińska E, Godman B. Systemic Measures and Legislative and Organizational Frameworks Aimed at Preventing or Mitigating Drug Shortages in 28 European and Western Asian Countries Frontiers in Pharmacology18/89421663-9812 link
2018 Vojinović T, Medarević D, Vranić E, Potpara Z, Krstić M, Djuriš J, Ibrić S. Development of ternary solid dispersions with hydrophilic polymer and surface adsorbent for improving dissolution rate of carbamazepine Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal26/5725-7321319-0164 link
2018 Filipović Aleksandar, Vučković Ljiljana Lymphocytic infiltration as a prognostic factor in papillary thyroid carcinoma Srpski Arhiv za Celokuno Lekarstvo146/5-6279-2840370-8179 link
2018 Bokan-Mirković Vesna, Dašić Žarko, Nejkov Sonja, Banjac Lidija, Nikolić Emilija Does diabetes affect stability to people with unilateral transtibial amputation? Srpski Arhiv za Celokuno Lekarstvo OnLine-First Issue 0010-100370-8179 link
2018 Klisic A, Kotur-Stevuljevic J, Kavaric N, Martinovic M, Matic M. The association between follicle stimulating hormone and glutathione peroxidase activity is dependent on abdominal obesity in postmenopausal women Eating and weight disorders23/1133-1411124-4909 link
2018 Vuksanović-Božarić A, Abramović M, Vučković L, Golubović M, Vukčević B, Radunović M Clinical significance of understanding lateral and medial circumflex femoral artery origin variability Anatomical science international93/4449-451447-6959 link
2018 Vuckovic L, Crnogorac N, Panjkovic M, Miladinovic M, Vuksanovic-Bozaric A, Filipovic A, Matic S, Jancic S. Comparison of cytological categories atypical (C3) and suspected (C4) with histopathological diagnoses of breast lesions Journal of B. U. ON.23/2366-3711107-0625 link
2018 Ždralević M, Brand A, Di Ianni L, Dettmer K, Reinders J, Singer K, Peter K, Schnell A, Bruss C, Decking SM, Koehl G, Felipe-Abrio B, Durivault J, Bayer P, Evangelista M, O'Brien T, Oefner PJ, Renner K, Pouysségur J, Kreutz M Double genetic disruption of lactate dehydrogenase A and B is required to ablate the 'Warburg effect' restricting tumor growth to oxidative metabolism Journal of Biochemistry0021-9258 link
2018 Tatjana Stanovčić, Sanja Peković, Jovana Vukčević, Đurđica Perović Going Entrepreneurial: Agro-tourism and Rural Development in Northern Montenegro Business Systems ResearchVol. 9, No. 1107-11710.2478/bsrj-2018-0009 link
2018 Andjela Ćetković Putopisni zapisi iz XIX i prve polovine XX vijeka u funkciji turističke valorizacije Boke kotorske nullnullnullnull
2018 Snežana Pantović, Vjeroslava Slavić, Milovan Roganovic Heat shock protein 27 and glycogen phosphorylase isoenzyme BB as markers of myocardial stunning in male water polo players. Biomedical Research29/153069-30730970-938X link
2018 Erceg, M. A Controllable Constant Power Generator in 0.35 μm CMOS Technology for Thermal-Based Sensor Applications Journal of Sensors20181-121687-725X link
2018 Bojanić Rašović, M. Helminthes that are transmitted through food to humans Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design2211-171857- 8489 link
2018 Bojanić Rašović, M., Mayrhofer, S., Ochome A.A., M., Ajanović, E., Zunabović, M., Martinović, A., Domig J., K. Diversity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditional Montenegrin dairy products Genetika50 (2)465-4820534-0012 link
2018 Nataša Popović, Miroslav Radunović, Jelena Badnjar, Tomo Popović Manually segmented vascular networks from images of retina with proliferative diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy Data in Brief18470-4732352-3409 link
2018 Nataša Popović, Tomo Popović, Isidora Rovčanin Dragović, Oleg Cmiljanić A Moodle-based blended learning solution for physiology education in Montenegro: a case study Advances in Physiology Education42111-1171043-4046 link
2018 Marija Antunović, Ivan Galić, Ksenija Zelić, Nenad Nedeljković, Emira Lazić, Marija Đurić, Roberto Cameriere The third molars for indicating legal adult age in Montenegro Legal Medicine3355-611344-6223 link
2018 Nataša Popović, Miroslav Radunović, Jelena Badnjar, Tomo Popović Fractal dimension and lacunarity analysis of retinal microvascular morphology in hypertension and diabetes Microvascular Research11836-430026-2862 link
2018 Dijana Vučković, Jelena Mašnić Suvremena obrazovna vrijednost izučavanja narodne bajke – literarni, socijalni i psihološki elementi bajke u mediteranskom kulturološkom metanarativu. ANNALES (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies)– Series Historia et Sociologia vol. 28, no. 1119–138ISSN 1408-5348 (Print) ISSN 2591-1775 (Online) link
2018 Radulović, M., Šekara, T.B. & Lutovac, B. Decomposition of a class of linear electrical networks for calculation of total power Sādhanā – Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences43(9)0256-2499 link
2018 Bergant A., Tijsseling A. Kim Y., Karadžić U., Zhou L., Lambert M.F., Simpson A.R. Unsteady Pressures Influenced by Trapped Air Pockets in Water-Filled Pipelines Strojniški Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering64/9501-5120039-2480; 2536-2948 (online) link
2018 Savić, T. & Radonjic, M. WSN architecture for smart irrigation system Proc. of 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology, IT 2018978-1-5386-3620-6 link
2018 Ivanović, V. N. & Brnović, N. R. Superior Execution Time Design of a Space/Spatial-Frequency Optimal Filter for Highly Nonstationary 2D FM Signal Estimation IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers65(10)3376 - 33891549-8328 link
2018 Uroš Karadžić, Marko Janković, Filip Strunjaš, Anton Bergant4 Water Hammer and Column Separation Induced by Simultaneous and Delayed Closure of Two Valves Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 64/9525-5350039-2480; 2536-2948 (online) link
2018 IvanaV. Bošković, Snežana S. Nenadović, Ljiljana M. Kljajević, Ivana S. Vukanac, Nadežda G.Stanković, Jelena M. Luković and Mira A. Vukčević RADIOLOGICAL AND PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF RED MUD BASED GEOPOLYMERS Nuclear Technology&Radiation Protection,33(2)188-1941451-3994
2018 Marjana Djukic Octave Mirbeau: une conscience au tournant du siècle Studi francesi185259-26700392944 link
2018 Snezana Brasanac-Vukanovic, Jelena Mutic, Dalibor M. Stankovic, Ivana Arsic, Nada Blagojevic, Vesna Vukasinovic-Pesic and Vanja M. Tadic Wild Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L., Ericaceae) from Montenegro as a Source of Antioxidants for Use in the Production of Nutraceuticals Molecules23 (8)1864-18841420-3049 link
2018 Djurović, I. & Simeunović, M. Estimation of higher-order polynomial phase signals in impulsive noise IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems54(4)1790 - 17980018-9251 link
2018 Djurović, I. Combination of the Viterbi algorithm and cross-Wigner distribution for the instantaneous frequency estimation phase signals Journal on Electrical Engineering69(3)255–2581335-3632 link
2018 Brnović, N.R., Djurović, I., Ivanović, V.N. & Simeunović, M. System for QML algorithm realization Proc. of 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018 - Including ECYPS 2018343-346978-1-5386-5681-5 link
2018 Ivanović, V.N. & Brnović, N.R. Appropriate registers' lengths in the fully pipelined design of an optimal space/spatial frequency filter for highly nonstationary two-dimensional FM signals estimation Proc. of 7th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2018 - Including ECYPS 2018447-450978-1-5386-5681-5 link
2018 Snežana Vujošević Analiza naponskih poremećaja, detekcija, klasifikacija i lokalizacija zemljospojeva kod nadzemnih elektroenergetskih vodova primjenom EMD metode link
2018 Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. Sensorless control of wind SRG in dc microgrid application International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems99672-6810142-0615 link
2018 Radović D., Bauk S., Delibašić M. Institutional Violence in Southeast Europe Transformations in Business & Economies Volume 17, Issue 2(44)42-591648-4460 link
2018 Bauk S., Gonzalez D.G., Schmeink A. A ZigBee/RFID safety system at the seaport Journal of Marine Science and Technology Volume 26, Issue 111-181023-2796 link
2018 Anđela Draganić Analiza nestacionarnih multikomponentnih signala sa osvrtom na kompresivno očitavanje link
2018 Sejdic, E., Orović, I. & Stanković, S. Compressive sensing meets time–frequency: An overview of recent advances in time–frequency processing of sparse signals Digital Signal Processing7722-351051-2004 link
2018 Šebek, G. Privilege of sellected biotypes of wild apples (Malus sylvestris Miller) for the production of generative rootstocks Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design231857- 8489 link
2018 Miljanic, Z., Radulovic, V. & Lutovac, B. Efficient Placement of Electric Vehicles Charging Stations using Integer Linear Programming Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering18(2)11 – 161582-7445 link
2018 Urban Šilc, Filip Küzmič, Danka Caković, Danijela Stešević Beach litter along various sand dune habitats in the southern Adriatic (E Mediterranean) Marine Pollution Bulletin128353-3600025-326X link
2018 T. Datry, A. Foulquier, R. Corti, D. von Schiller, K. Tockner, C. Mendoza-Lera, J. C. Clément, M. O. Gessner, M. Moleón, R. Stubbington, B. Gücker, R. Albariño, D. C. Allen, F. Altermatt, M. I. Arce, S. Arnon, D. Banas, A. Banegas-Medina, E. Beller, M. L. Blanchette, J. F. Blanco-Libreros, J. J. Blessing, I. G. Boëchat, K. S. Boersma, M. T. Bogan, N. Bonada, N. R. Bond, K. C. Brintrup Barría, A. Bruder, R. M. Burrows, T. Cancellario, C. Canhoto, S. M. Carlson, S. Cauvy-Fraunié, N. Cid, M. Danger, Bianca de Freitas Terra, A. M De Girolamo, Evans de La Barra, R. del Campo, V. D. Diaz-Villanueva, F. Dyer, A. Elosegi, E. Faye, C. Febria, B. Four, S. Gafny, S. D. Ghate, R. Gómez, L. Gómez-Gener, M. A. S. Graça, S. Guareschi, F. Hoppeler, J. L. Hwan, J. I. Jones, S. Kubheka, A. Laini, S. D. Langhans, C. Leigh, C. J. Little, S. Lorenz, J. C. Marshall, E. Martín, A. R. McIntosh, E. I. Meyer, M. Miliša, M. C. Mlambo, M. Morais, N. Moya, P. M. Negus, D. K. Niyogi, A. Papatheodoulou, I. Pardo, P. Pařil, S. U. Pauls, V. Pešić, M. Polášek, C. T. Robinson, P. Rodríguez-Lozano, R. J. Rolls, M. M. Sánchez-Montoya, A. Savić, O. Shumilova, K. R. Sridhar, A. L. Steward, R. Storey, A. Taleb, A. Uzan, Ross Vander Vorste, N. J. Waltham, C. Woelfle-Erskine, D. Zak, C. Zarfl & A. Zoppini A global analysis of terrestrial plant litter dynamics in non-perennial waterways Nature Geoscience11497–5031752-0894 link
2018 Vladimir Pešić, Mohammad Belal Hossain, Tapas Chatterjee, Md Saiful Islam, Andrzej Zawal First records of water mites from Bangladesh (Acari, Hydrachnidia) with the description of two new species Systematic And Applied Acarology23(5)868-8821362-1971 link
2018 Andrzej Zawal​, Robert Stryjecki, Edyta Buczyńska, Paweł Buczyński, Joanna Pakulnicka, Aleksandra Bańkowska, Tomasz Czernicki, Katarzyna Janusz, Agnieszka Szlauer-Łukaszewska, Vladimir Pešić Water mites (Acari, Hydrachnidia) of riparian springs in a small lowland river valley: what are the key factors for species distribution? PEERJ6:e47972167-8359 link
2018 V. Kolarčik, V. Kocová, D. Caković, T. Kačmárová, J. Piovár, P. Mártonfi Nuclear genome size variation in the allopolyploid Onosma arenaria – O. pseudoarenaria species group: methodological issues and revised data Botany 96(6)397-4101916-2790 link
2018 Jelena Rakocevic, Danijela Sundic, Drago Maric Distribution and Relationships of Eleven Trace Elements in Muscle of Six Fish Species from Skadar Lake (Montenegro) Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences18 (5)647-6571303-2712 link
2018 Rakocevic Jelena Application of epilithic diatoms in the ecological assessment of mountain rivers: contribution to the development of biomonitoring tools for Montenegrin aquatic ecosystems using the case study of the Tara River Nova Hedwigia106 (3-4) 337-3560029-5035 link
2018 Zeljko Jacimović, Milica Kosović, Vlatko Kastratović, Berta Hollo, Katalin Meszaros Szecsenyi, Imre Miklos Szilagyi, Nedeljko Latinović, Ljiljana Vojinović-Ješić, Marko Rodić Synthesis and characterization of copper, nickel, cobalt,zink complexes with 4-nitro-3-pyrazolecarboxylic acid ligand Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry133 (1)813-8211388-6150 link
2018 Jacimovic, D., R. Dragutinovic-Mitrović, P. Bijelic, K. Tiaping, M. Rajkovic The Role of the Chinese Investments in the Bilateral Exports of the new EU member states and Western Balkan Economic Research-Ekonomska IstraživanjaVol 31 1185-11971331-677X (Print) 1848-9664 (Online) link
2018 Mujović, S., Vujošević, S. & Vujošević, L. Zero-Sequence Voltage-based Method for Determination and Classification of Unloaded Overhead Line Operating Conditions at the Moment of Energization Electric Power Components and Systems46(2)162-1761532-5008 link
2018 Ivan Jokić Adaptivni metod za estimaciju sinhrofazora link
2018 Božana Miljanić-Marušić Definisanje rasporeda stanica za punjenje električnih vozila na teritoriji opštine Podgorica link
2018 Mijat Božovic, Stefania Garzoli, Anna Baldisserotto, Carlo Romagnoli, Federico Pepi, Stefania Cesa, Silvia Vertuani, Stefano Manfredini , Rino Ragno Melissa officinalis L. subsp. altissima (Sibth. & Sm.) Arcang. essential oil: Chemical composition and preliminary antimicrobial investigation of samples obtained at different harvesting periods and by fractionated extractions Industrial Crops and Products117317-3210926-6690 link
2018 Vladimir Pešić, Harry Smit A second Palaearctic species of the genus Wettina Piersig, 1892 based on morphological and molecular data (Acari, Hydrachnidia: Wettinidae) Systematic and Applied Acarology23(4)724-7321362-1971 link
2018 Branko Anđić, Stanko Cvijetićanin, Mirjana Maričić and Danijela Stešević The contribution of dichotomous keys to the quality of biological-botanical knowledge of eighth grade students Journal of Biological Education201817 pages0021-9266 link
2018 Sladjana Krivokapic and Dragana Petrovic Trace metals in vegetable plants (Allium cepa L., Capsicum annum L.,Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and Beta vulgaris L.) from the Zeta valley of Montenegro Fresenius Environmental Bulletin27(5)2690-26951018-4619
2018 Popovic Zorica and Miranovic Predrag Anisotropy of spin-polarized transport in a ferromagnet/d-wave superconductor bilayer: Role of the small exchange field Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics2018 4043I01 (12 pages)2050-3911 link
2018 O’Hara, K.L., Bončina, A., Diaci, J., Anić, I., Boydak, M., Čurović, M., Govedar, Z., Grigoriadis, N., Ivojević, S., Keren, S., Kola, Kostov, G., Medarević, M., Metaj, M., Nicolescu, N.V., Raifailov, G., Stancioiu, P.T., and Velkovski, N. Culture and silviculture: origins and evolution of silviculture in Southeast Europe International Forestry Review20 (1)130-1431465-5489 link
2018 Tepić Horecki A., Vakula, A., Pavlić, B., Jokanović, M., Malbaša, R., Vitas, J., Jaćimović, V., Šumić, Z. Comparative drying of cornelian cherries: Kinetics modeling and physico-chemical properties Journal of food processing and preservation42 (3)null0145-8892 link
2018 Salković, E., Djurović, I., Knežević, M., Popović-Bugarin, V. & Topalović, A. Digitization and Mapping of National Legacy Soil Data of Montenegro Soil and Water Research13(2)83-891801-5395 link
2018 Igor Miljanić Sigurnosne mjere zaštite sadržaja u sistemima prenosa TV signala u Crnoj Gori link
2018 Mileva Brajusković, Dragica Mijanović, Darko Brajuskovič, Velibor Spalević Indicators of Regional Differences in Ageing Population of Montenegro Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology19 (1)309–3181311-5065 link
2018 Mile Markoski, Goran Barović, Tatjana Mitkova, Vjekoslav Tanaskovic, Velibor Spalević Contents of Exchangeable Cations of Soils Formed Upon Limestones and Dolomites Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology19 (1)127-1381311-5065 link
2018 Aleksandra Lopušina Analiza performansi komunikacionih sistema na opsezima milimetarskih talasa u 5G scenarijima link
2018 Uglješa Urošević Rješenja za poboljšanje performansi kooperativnih relejnih sistema sa distribuiranim MIMO tehnikama link
2018 Đurović, I. Covariance of Wigner distribution-based instantaneous frequency estimates IET Electronics Letters54(6)391 – 3930013-5194 link
2018 Chen Shaolin and David Kalaj Lipschitz continuity of Bloch type mappings with respect to Bergman metric Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica43239-2461239-629X link
2018 Danilo Mrdak, Michael Pietrock, Uwe Brämick, Predrag Simonović, Dragana Milošević Population traits and colonization success of non-native Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) 35 years after its first appearance in the Mediterranean Lake Skadar Environmental Biology of Fishes101(3)417-4280378-1909 link
2018 David Kalaj A sharp inequality for harmonic diffeomorphisms of the unit disk The Journal of Geometric Analysisnull1-101050-6926 link
2018 Ryszard Haitlinger, Miloje Šundić Abrolophus marianopolicus sp. nov. (Trombidiformes: Erythraeidae) from Sicily, Italy with notes on other Abrolophus species Systematic&Applied Acarology23 (2) 353-3591362-1971 link
2018 Pesic, V. & Smit, H A checklist of the water mites of Central Asia with description of six new species (Acari:Hydrachnidia) from Kyrgyzstan Acarologia58(1)165-1850044-586X link
2018 Pesic, V., Zawal, A., Smit, H. & Bankowska, A. New records of water mites from Sri Lanka (Acari: Hydrachnidia) with the description of four new species Systematic&Applied Acarology23(1)178-1951362-1971 link
2018 Pesic. V., Bankowska, A., Goldschmidt, T., Grabowski, M., Michonski, G. & Zawal, A. Supplement to the Checklist of water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) from the Balkan peninsula ZOOTAXA4394 (2): 151-184null1175-5326 link
2018 N. Mijajlović&M. Jaćimović Some Continuous Methods for Solving Quasi-Variational Inequalities Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physic58 (2)190-1950965-5425 link
2018 Ataollah Kavian, Leila Gholami, Maziar Mohammadi, Velibor Spalević, Moghadeseh Falah Soraki Impact of Wheat Residue on Soil Erosion Processes Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca46 (2)553-537Print ISSN 0255-965X; Electronic ISSN 1842-4309 link
2018 Mujović, S. & Vujošević, S. Method for estimation of location of the asymmetrical phase-to-ground faults existing during an overhead line energisation IET Science, Measurement & Technology12(2)237 – 2461751-8822 link
2018 Feng W., Đurović G. 3I Index: A New Method to Examine the Competitiveness of Countries’ International Publication Productivity in the Communication Field (1996–2014) Malaysian Journal of Library & Information ScienceVol. 23, No. 185-1021394-6234 link
2018 Taško Maneski, Darko Bajić, Nikola Momčilović, Vesna Milošević Mitić, Martina Balać Determination of internal pressure value causing pipe branch model to plastically deform FME Transactions46(2) 218-2231451-2092 link
2018 Stanković, I., Orović, I., Daković, M. & Stanković, S. Denoising of sparse images in impulsive disturbance environment Multimedia Tools and Applications77(5)5885-59051380-7501 link
2018 Stanković, Lj., Sejdić, E. & Daković, M. Vertex-Frequency Energy Distributions IEEE Signal Processing Letters25(3)358-3621070-9908 link
2018 Djurović, I, Wang, P., Simeunović, M. & Orlik, P. Parameter estimation of coupled polynomial phase and sinusoidal FM signals Signal Processing1491-130165-1684 link
2018 Vladimir Jaćimović Computing the Douady–Earle extension using Kuramoto oscillators Analysis and mathematical physics20181-71664-2368 link
2018 Marin Mišur, Darko Mitrović On compactness of commutator of multiplication and pseudodifferential operator Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications20181-111662-9981 link
2018 Vladimir Jaćimović, Aladin Crnkić Modelling mean fields in networks of coupled oscillators Journal of Geometry and Physics124241-2480393-0440 link
2018 Jovan Ulićević, Danilo Mrdak, Trajče Talevski, Dragana Milošević Sexual dimorphism of European perch, Perca fluviatilis, Linnaeus, 1758 from Lake Skadar (Montenegro) based on morphometric characters Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences18 343-3491303-2712 link
2018 Marina Piria, Predrag Simonović, Eleni Kalogianni, Leonidas Vardakas, Nicholas Koutsikos, Davor Zanella, Milica Ristovska, Apostolos Apostolou, Avdul Adrović, Danilo Mrdak, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Dragana Milošević, Linda N Zanella, Rigers Bakiu, F Güler Ekmekçi, Metka Povž, Kastriot Korro, Vera Nikolić, Rifat Škrijelj, Vasil Kostov, Andrej Gregori, Michael K Joy Alien freshwater fish species in the Balkans-Vectors and pathways of introduction Fish and Fisheries19 (1)138-1691467-2960 link
2018 Artini, M.; Patsilinakos, A.; Papa, R.; Božović, M.; Sabatino, M.; Garzoli, S.; Vrenna, G.; Tilotta, M.; Pepi, F.; Ragno, R.; Selan, L. Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity and Machine Learning Classification Analysis of Essential Oils from Different Mediterranean Plants against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Molecules23 (2)4821420-3049 link
2018 Paul Sestras, Mircea Bondrea, Horațiu Cetean, Tudor Sălăgean, Ştefan Bilaşco, Sanda Naș, Velibor Spalević, Spyros Fountas, Sorin Cîmpeanu Ameliorative, ecological and landscape roles of Faget Forest, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and possibilities of avoiding risks based on GIS Landslide Susceptibility Map Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca46 (1)292-3000255-965X link
2018 Ćetković, J., Lakić S., Lazarevska M., Žarković M., Vujošević S., Cvijović J., Gogić M. Assessment of the Real Estate Market Value in the European Market by Artificial Neural Networks Application COMPLEXITY2018 (2018)null1076-2787 link
2018 Vladimir Drekalović, Berislav Žarnić Which Mathematical Objects are Referred to by the Enhanced Indispensability Argument? Journal for General Philosophy of Science49 (1)null0925-4560 link
2018 Đurović, I. QML-RANSAC Instantaneous Frequency Estimator for Overlapping Multicomponent Signals in the Time-Frequency Plane IEEE Signal Processing Letters25(3)447–4511070-9908 link
2018 Sonja Špadijer Les indices du discours indirect libre au XXe siècle : un sujet didactique d’actualité Xlinguae, European Scientific Language JournVolume 11 Issue 1XL206-2161337-8384 link
2018 Đurović, I. & Simeunović, M. Review of the quasi-maximum likelihood estimator for polynomial phase signals Digital Signal Processing7259-741051-2004 link
2018 Miran PEHAR, Nedim SISIC, Damir SEKULIC, Milan COH, Ognjen ULJEVIC, Miodrag SPASIC, Ante KROLO, Kemal IDRIZOVIC Analyzing the relationship between anthropometric and motor indices with basketball specific pre-planned and non-planned agility performances THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS58(7-8)1037-10440022-4707 link
2018 Stanković, Lj., Mandić, D., Daković, M. & Brajović, M. Time-frequency decomposition of multivariate multicomponent signals Signal Processing142468-4790165-1684 link
2018 Stankovic, I., Ioana, C. & Dakovic, M. On the reconstruction of nonsparse time-frequency signals with sparsity constraint from a reduced set of samples Signal Processing142480-4840165-1684 link
2018 David Kalaj SCHWARZ LEMMA FOR HOLOMORPHIC MAPPINGS IN THE UNIT BALL Glasgow mathematical journal60 (1)219-2240017-0895
2018 Andrijašević, Z., Baćović, M. The Economic Transformation of Montenegro after the Berlin Congress (an Example of the Economic Transition of a Balkan Society at the End of the 19th Century) (accepted) BALKANISTICA311-200360-2206 link
2017 Draskovic, M., Draskovic, V., Bilan, Y. Socio-eonomieskie faktori tormozenija– opit razvitija stran Jugo-Vostočnoj Evropi Sociologičeskie isSledovanijaNo. 4 (396)ss. 103-117. 0132-1625 link
2017 Draskovic, M., Bauk, S., Streimikiene, D., Draskovic, V. Testing the Level of Alternative Institutions as a Slowdown Factor of Economic Development: the Case of Amfiteatru EconomicVol. 19, Issue 45pp. 477-492. 1582-9146 link
2017 Draškovič, M., Jovovič, R., Draškovič, V. Streimikiene, D Erozija socio-kul’turnogo kapitala v stranah Jugo-Vostočnoj Evropi Sociologičeskie isledovanijaNo.7ss. 99 – 106.0132-1625 link
2017 Tumalavičius, V., Veikša, Načisčionis, J. Zahars, V., Draskovic, V. Issues of the State and Society Security (Part I): Ensuring Public Security in the Fight Against Crime Journal of Security and Sustainability IssuesVol. 6, No. 3pp. 401-418.2029-7017 link
2017 Yu, Z., Streimikiene, D., Balezentis, T., Dapkus, R., Jovovic, R., Draskovic, V. Final Energy Consumption Trends and Drivers in Czech Republic and Latvia Amfiteatru Economic19(46)pp. 866-889.1582-9146 link
2017 Draskovic, M, Jovovic, R., Draskovic, V., Jovovic, N. Levels and Factors of Transitional Crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Serbia Sociology and EconomicsVol. 10, No. 2pp. 21-32.2071-789X link
2017 Draskovic, M., Delibasic, M., Draskovic, V., Ivic, M., Pupavac, D. Public sector management as a development problem in the countries of Southeast Europe Public Policy and AdministrationVol. 16, No. 4pp. 59.-6041648-2603 link
2017 Draskovic, V., Popov, E., Kęstutis K. Peleckis, K.K. Modelling of Institutional Changes in Transition Countries - the Gap Between the Theory and Practice Montenegrin Journal of EconomicsVol.13, No.1pp. 125-140.1800-5845 link
2017 Vukmirović Mihajlo Prognostički značaj novonastale atrijalne fibrilacije kod bolesnika sa akutnim koronarnim sindromom D-108
2017 G. Kramberger, M. Carulla, E. Cavallaro, V. Cindro, D. Flores, Z. Galloway, S. Grinstein, S. Hidalgo, V. Fadeyev, J. Lange, I. Mandic, G. Medin, A. Merlos, F. McJinnney-Martinez, M. Mikuz, D. Quirion, G. Pellegrini, M. Petek, H. F-W. Sadrozinski, A. Seiden Radiation Hardness of Thin Low Gain Avalanche Detectors Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A89168-770168-9002 link
2017 Popovic, S., Gardasevic, J., Masanovic, B., Arifi, F., & Bjelica, D. Standing Height and its Estimation Utilizing Foot Length Measurements in Adolescents from Western Region in Kosovo Sport Mont15(3)3-71451-7485 link
2017 Gusic, M., Popovic, S., Molnar, S., Masanovic, B., & Radakovic, M. Sport-Specific Morphology Profile: Differences in Anthropometric Characteristics among Elite Soccer and Handball Players Sport Mont15(1)3-61451-7485 link
2017 Ivan Vasiljevic, Jovan Gardasevic, Miroslav Kezunovic and Danilo Bojanic Waist Circumference as an Indicator Abdominal Obesity in Middle Age Sport Mont15(1)21–221451-7485 link
2017 Sanja Vodopić and Slavica Vujisić PUBLIC AWARENESS, UNDERSTANDING AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS EPILEPSY IN MONTENEGRO Acta Clin Croat56399-40503539466
2017 Nelica Ivanović Radović, Ksenija Božić, Aleksandra Plećaš Đurić, Sanja Vodopić, Ljiljana Radulović, Slavica Vujisić Health-related quality of life in adolescents with epilepsy in Montenegro Epilepsy & Behavior76105-1091525-5050 link
2017 Slavica Vujisić, Sanja Vodopić Epilepsy awareness, knowledge, and attitudes among secondary school teachers in Montenegro Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo145/3-4129-1350370-8179 link
2017 Janković D., Stojanović R. Flexible system for HRV analysis using PPG signal In: Badnjevic A. (eds) CMBEBIH 2017. IFMBE Proceedings, Springer, SingaporeVol. 62705-712ISBN: 978-981-10-4165-5 link
2017 Kovačević Ž., Stojanović R. Proposal of integrated software system for simulation and GIS visualization of accidents caused by emission of hazardous gases In: Badnjevic A. (eds) CMBEBIH 2017 IFMBE Proceedings, Springer, SingaporeVol. 62576-582ISBN: 978-981-10-4165-5 link
2017 M Hagara, O Ondráček, P Kubinec, R Stojanović Detecting edges with sub-pixel precision in JPEG images International Conference Radioelektronika (RADIOELEKTRONIKA)27th1-6ISBN: 978-1-5090-4591-4 link
2017 M Hagara, O Ondráček, P Kubinec, R Stojanović Sub-pixel localization of edges in JPEG images Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)6th1-4ISBN: 978-1-5090-6742-8 link
2017 A Škraba, A Koložvari, D Kofjač, R Stojanović, V Stanovov, E Semenkin Prototype of group heart rate monitoring with NODEMCU ESP8266 Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)6th1-4ISBN: 978-1-5090-6742-8 link
2017 Radovan Stojanović, Lech Jóźwiak Special issue on cyber-physical systems Microprocessors and MicrosystemsVolume 52219-2200141-9331 link
2017 Sanja Ćetković The language of police reports: A quest for precision or a bureaucratic exercise of language degradation Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación Vol. LXXI 159-1761576-4737 link
2017 Igor Pajović, Dušan Petrić, Romeo Bellini, Ljiljana Pajović, Stephen Quarrie First Record of Anoplophora glabripennis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Montenegro Baltic ForestryVolume: 23; Issue: 3 (46) 706-7101392-1355 link
2017 Z. Perović, S. Perović Influence of hospital room environment on the reduction of anxiety and depression in the early stage of stroke Journal of environmental protection and ecology18 (2)710-7191311-5065 link
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2017 Svetislav G.Popović, Dragutin Đuričić, Svetlana K.Perović RESTORATION OF THE BISHOP DANILO S MAUSOLEUM AT EAGLE S ROCK, CETINJE (MONTENEGRO) Tehnički vjesnik24 2 (2017)551-555ISSN 1848-6339 link
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2017 Vladimir Prelevic, Danilo Radunović, Nikolina Basic-Jukic, Marina Mugosa Ratković, Branka Gledović Correlation between Attitudes and Eating Habits and Serum Level of Phoshpates in Hemodialysis Patients Acta Medica Croatica70/Suppl 25-131330-0164 link
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2017 Ana Abramović-Orlandić Antroplogija tkanja i pletenja na Balkanu
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2017 Vukmirović Mihailo, Bošković Aneta, Bukumirić Zoran, Tomašević-Vukmirović Irena, Vukmirović Filip Predictors and outcomes of new-onset atrial fibrillation in patients with acute myocardial infarction Vojnosanitetski pregled74/8742-7480042-8450 link
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2017 Matic SD, Rakocevic MS, Jocic TT, Todorovic MS, Vuckovic LM, Jancic SA, Knezevic MG Clinical significance of microvessel density and proliferation in prostate cancer core biopsy Journal of B. U. ON.22/3757-7651107-0625 link
2017 Bokan-Mirković V, Škarić-Karanikić Ž, Nejkov S, Vuković M, Ćirović D. Diabetic Polyneuropathy and Risk of Falls: Fear of Falling and Other Factors Acta Clinica Croatica56/4721-7270353-9466 link
2017 de Padua MC, Delodi G, Vučetić M, Durivault J, Vial V, Bayer P, Noleto GR, Mazure NM, Ždralević M, Pouysségur J Disrupting glucose-6-phosphate isomerase fully suppresses the "Warburg effect" and activates OXPHOS with minimal impact on tumor growth except in hypoxia Oncotarget8/5087623-876371949-2553 link
2017 Ždralević M, Marchiq I, de Padua MMC, Parks SK, Pouysségur J Metabolic Plasiticy in Cancers-Distinct Role of Glycolytic Enzymes GPI, LDHs or Membrane Transporters MCTs Frontiers in Oncology73132234-943X link
2017 Ivona Jovanović La profession d'enseignant de francais langue entrangere au Montenegro: le rapport a la formation et les difficultes du metier Porta LinguarumNo 28111-1251697-7467
2017 M. Martinovic, G. Belojevic, G.W. Evans, N. Kavaric, B. Asanin, S. Pantovic, M. Jaksic, J. Boljevic Hypertension and correlates among Montenegrin schoolchildren d a cross-sectional study Public Health14715-190033-3506 link
2017 Tatjana Novović Sistem predšolske vzgoje v Črni gori: stanje in perspektive Sodobna pedagogika 3172-1900038-0474 link
2017 Sreten Savićević, Milan Vukćević, Sergey A. Klimenko, Ljubodrag Tanović IMPACT OF CUTTING ELEMENTS ON FORCES AND ROUGHNESS OF SURFACE DURING TURNING HARD STEEL X160 CrMo V12 WITH CBN TOOL Tehnički vjesnik24/41001-10061330-3651 link
2017 Mitrović, A., Djukanović, S. & Radonjić, M. Implementation of signal classification using frequency spectrum features on the raspberry Pi platform Proc. of 25th Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR 2017366-369978-1-5386-3072-3 link
2017 Zečević, Ž., Krstajić, B. & Popović, T. Improved Frequency Estimation in Unbalanced Three-Phase Power System Using Coupled Orthogonal Constant Modulus Algorithm IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery32(4)1809 - 18160885-8977 link
2017 Šebek, G. Possibility of producing one-year old seedlings of the autochthonous apple varieties in the region of north Montenegro Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design211857- 8489 link
2017 Terzi Massimo, Jasprica Nenad ,Caković Danka Xerothermic chasmophytic vegetation of the central Mediterranean Basin: a nomenclatural revision Phytocoenologia47 ( 4)365-3830340-269X link
2017 Latinović, N. and Latinović, J. Influence of rainfall on development of esca disease Phytopathologia Mediterranea56 (3)0031-9465 link
2017 Latinović, J. Kandić, B. and Latinović, N. Survey of distribution of the fire blight pathogen (Erwinia amylovora) on pome fruits in Montenegro Phytopathologia Mediterranea56 (2)0031-9465 link
2017 Latinović, N., Karamaouna F. and N. G. Kavallieratos First record of Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on aronia crop in Montenegro Hellenic Plant Protection Journal10 (2)1791-3691 link
2017 Jovanović M., Kašćelan LJ., Joksimović M., Kašćelan V. Decision tree analysis of wine consumers’ preferences: evidence from an emerging market British Food Journal119 (6)1349-13610007-070X link
2017 Danijela Stešević, Milica Luković, Danka Caković, Nemanja Ružić, Nada Bubanja , Urban Sulc Distribution of alien species along sand dune plant communities zonation Periodicum biologorum119(4)239-2490031-5362 link
2017 Bojanić Rašović M. Potential of indigenous lactobacilli as starter culture in dairy products Acta periodica technologica481450-7188 link
2017 Zindovic J., Manglli A., Hrncic S., Radonjic S., Perovic T. and Tomassoli L. First Report of Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus Affecting Summer Squash and Melon in Montenegro. Journal of Plant Pathology99 (1)1125-4653 link
2017 Mirecki, S., Tomić, D., Vučinić, S., Marković, M., Marković, B. Technology and quality of Skorup – traditional Montenegrin dairy product. Mljekarstvo67 (3)null0026-704X link
2017 Tolić, I., Miličević, K. & Mujović, S. Cross-border transmission line losses calculation using adaptive Monte–Carlo method IET Science, Measurement & Technology11(4)400 – 4051751-8822 link
2017 Duško Vujačić, Goran Barović, Vojislav Đeković Aleksandar Anđelković, Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan, Leila Gholami, Mlađen Jovanovic, and Velibor Spalević Calculation of Sediment Yield using the “River Basin” and “Surface and Distance” Models: A Case Study of the Sheremetski Potok Watershed, Montenegro Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology18(3)1193-12021311-5065 link
2017 Lukyanenko A.O., Labur T.M., Poklyatsky A.G., Kuleshov A.G., Baich D. Sanitary-Hygienic characteristic of Nonconsumable Electrode Argon-Arc Welding of 1201 and 1460 Aluminium Alloys Avtomaticheskaya Svarka768(10)57-610005-111X link
2017 Kocan, E. & Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. Transmit antenna selection in OFDM relay system as a solution for energy efficiency improvement Proc. of International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, WiMOB 2017978-1-5386-3839-2 link
2017 Mrkic, J., Kocan, E. & Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. Index modulation techniques in OFDM relay systems for 5G wireless networks Proc. of 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2017978-1-5090-3982-1 link
2017 Lopusina, A., Kocan, E. & Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. Macrodiversity for performance improvement of mmWave cellular communications Proc. of 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, TSP 2017978-1-5090-3982-1 link
2017 Stanković, Lj., Daković, M., Stanković, I. & Vujović, S. On the Errors in Randomly Sampled Nonsparse Signals Reconstructed With a Sparsity Assumption IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters14(12)2453-24561545-598X link
2017 A. S. Antipin, M. Jaćimović & N. Mijajlović Extragradient method for solving quasivariational inequalities Optimization67103-1120233-1934 link
2017 M.Graf, M. Kunzingera, D.Mitrovic Well-posedness theory for degenerate parabolic equations on Riemannian manifolds Journal of Differential Equations263 (8) 4787-48250022-0396 link
2017 David Kalaj and Elver Bajrami On Some Riesz and Carleman Type Inequalities for Harmonic Functions in the Unit Disk Computational Methods and Function Theory1-111617-9447 link
2017 Zorica Potpara, Snezana Pantovic, Natasa Duborija-Kovacevic, Vanja Tadic, Tanja Vojinovic, Nada Marstijepovic The Properties of the Ulcinj Peloid make it Unique Biochemical Laboratory Required for the Treatment of Problematic Skin and Health Care Natural Product Communications12, No 6911-914 1934-578X link
2017 Aleksandar Anđelković, Ratko Ristić, Milorad Janić, Vojislav Đeković, Nenad Živanović and Velibor Spalević Genesis of sediments and siltation of the accumulation Duboki potok of the Barajevska River Basin, Serbia Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology18 (4)1735-17451311-5065 link
2017 Dragica Mijanović, Mileva Brajušković, Duško Vujačić and Velibor Spalević Causes and effects of ageing of Montenegrin population Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology18(3) 1249-12581311-5065 link
2017 Ivica Kisić, Igor Bogunovic, Marta Birkas, Aleksandra Jurišić, Velibor Spalević The role of tillage and crops on a soil loss of an arable Stagnic Luvisol Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science63(3)403-4130365-0340 link
2017 Goran Barović, Duško Vujačić, Velibor Spalević The river network of Montenegro in the GIS database Kartografija i Geoinformacije1644-601333-896x link
2017 Vukićević Boris Jewish Communities in the Political and Legal Systems of Post-Yugoslav Countries TRAMES: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 21/3251-271 1406-0922 link
2017 Slavica Bošković Poreske obaveze turističke privrede u Crnoj Gori i regionu
2017 Milena Mačić Uticaj primjene standarda menadžmenta na bolju zaštitu voda na primjeru Bokokotorskog zaliva
2017 Stefan Đukanović Preduzetništvo i inovacije u funkciji turističke ponude Crne Gore
2017 Ivan Božović Putopisi iz prošlosti u funkciji unapređenja turističkog proizvoda na primjeru destinacije Njeguši
2017 Sanja Perović Motiv starog crnogorskog puta u putpisnoj literaturi i potencijali njegove turističke valorizacije
2017 Velibor Spalević, Milan Lakićević, Dragan Radanović, Paolo Billi, Goran Barović, Duško Vujačić, Paul Sestras, Abdulvahed Khaledi Darvishan Ecological-Economic (Eco-Eco) modelling in the river basins of Mountainous Regions: Impact of land cover changes on sediment yield in the Velicka Rijeka, Montenegro Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca45(2) 602-6100255-965X link
2017 Zorica Tončić, Nataša Jovović, Nada Šakotić, Veselinka Milović, Katarina Janićijević, Mirjana Petrović-Janićijević, Svetlana Jovanović Reading performances of low vision children after using low vision aid Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo (Serbian Archives of Medicine)null2-8ISSN: 0370-8179; ISSN Online 2406 - 0895 link
2017 Đečević Mehmed, Vuković-Ćalasan, Danijela, Knežević, Saša Re-designation of Ethnic Muslims as Bosniaks in Montenegro: Local Specificities and Dynamics of This Process East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures 31/1137-15708883254 link
2017 Darmanović, Srđan The Never-Boring Balkans: The Elections of 2016 Journal of Democracy 28/1116-128 Print 1045-5736, Online 1086-3214 link
2017 Batrićević, Nemanja, Littvay, Levente A Genetic Basis of Economic Egalitarianism Social Justice Research 30/4 408-4370885-7466 (Print) 1573-6725 (Online) link
2017 D. Jacimovic, S. Lakić, M. Rajković and T. Backović-Vulić Managing external imbalances in Montenegro-will facilitate integration to EU MATEC web of conferences106null2261-236X link
2017 Rondović, B., Kašćelan, Lj., Lazović, V., & Đuričković, T. Discovering the determinants and predicting the degree of e-business diffusion using the decision tree method: evidence from Montenegro Information Technology for Developmentnullnull0268-1102 link
2017 Lakić, S. The Consequences of Knowledge Economy - Specifications of Financial Destruction TRANSFORMATIONS IN BUSINESS&ECONOMICSVol. 16187-1981648 – 4460 link
2017 Ćetković, J., Lakić, S., Knežević, M., Bogdanović, P., Žarković, M. Financial and socioeconomic analysis of waste management projects GRAĐEVINAR69 (11)1007-10160350-2465 link
2017 Cerović Smolović J., Lipovina-Božović M., & Vujošević S. GARCH models in value at risk estimation: empirical evidence from the Montenegrin stock exchange Economic Research - Ekonomska Istraživanja 30 (1)477-4981331-677X link
2017 Jocović, M., Milović, N., Kaluđerović, J. Impact of regulatory incentives on local economic development – Montenegro case Transformations in Business and Economics16(2)204-2141648 – 4460 link
2017 Đurović, G., Bigović, M., Milović, N Support for Further Enlargement of the EU: Statistical Analysis of Regional Differences Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies19 (3)null1944-8953 link
2017 Milović, N., Jocović, M. Impact of foreign direct investment on competitiveness of montenegrin economy Transformations in Business and Economics 16(1) null1648 – 4460 link
2017 Krivokapić Miloš, Knežević Saša Prilog proučavanju porijekla stanovništva i antroponimije Orahovca (Boka kotorska) Anali Zavoda za povijesne znanosti Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Dubrovniku55/1269-2971331-6745 link
2017 Vesna Vukićević Janković Mirko Kovač’s Narrative Alloy (Biography of Malvina Trifković) Primerjalna književnost / Comparative literatureletnik 40, št 3115-1310351-1189 link
2017 Marija Krivokapić Izmještanje Orende: roman The Orenda Josepha Boydena Književna smotra : Časopis za svjetsku književnostVol.49 No.185(3) 91-1030455-0463 link
2017 Marija Krivokapić On Postcolonial Influence in Balkan Travel Writing Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern StudiesVol.20, Issue 2183-1951944-8953 link
2017 Marija Krivokapić Contemporary Native American Realities NeoheliconVolume 44, Issue 183–87 0324-4652 link
2017 Marija Krivokapić To the Ojibwe Country and Back NeoheliconVolume 44, Issue 1131–1450324-4652 link
2017 Tatar-Anđelić Jasmina « Accord révélateur du statut syntaxique : constructions infinitives », La syntaxe des relations d’accord. Eléments de description et de modelisation Le Français moderne1-201781-930015-9409 link
2017 Veselin Mićanović, Tatjana Novović, Biljana Maslovarić Inclusive values in the planning of Mathematical issues at an early age South African Journal of Education37/21-100256-0100 link
2017 Jasmina Ćeranić Izazovi u prevođenju finansijske terminologije u crnogorskom, engleskom i francuskom jeziku nullnullnullnull link
2017 Jelena Gajović Optimalna koordinacija radnih parametara mikro PV sistema u cilju postizanja efikasne regulacije napona u niskonaponskoj mreži link
2017 Vladimir Kostić Povezivanje tržišta električne energije metodom zasnovanom na tokovima snaga link
2017 Dragomir Stevanović Analiza uticaja kvantnih algoritama za faktorizaciju na savremene kriptografske sisteme i kvantna kriptografija link
2017 Mačić, Vesna, Mandić, Milica, Pestorić, Branka, Gačić, Zoran, Paunović, Momir First assessment of marine litter in shallow south-east Adriatic sea Fresenius Environmental Bulletin26(7)4834-48401018-4619 link
2017 Veselinka Grudić, Ivana Bošković, Željko Jaćimović Sorption kinetics of Cd(II) ions on fermented grape marc Environment Protection Engineering43 (4)243-2520324-8828
2017 Bogdan Pajovic, Ljiljana Pajovic & Marko Vukovic Effectiveness of antibiotic treatment in infertile patients with sterile leukocytospermia induced by tobacco use Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine6391-3961939-6368 link
2017 Nikola Fatic, Aleksandar Nikolic, Mihailo Vukmirovic, Nemanja Radojevic, Nenad Zornic, Igor Banzic, Nikola Ilic, Dusan Kostic, Bogdan Pajovic Blood groups and acute aortic dissection type III Arch Med Sci13/3597–6001734-1922 link
2017 Pejović Jelena, Serdar Nina, Pejović Radenko Optimal intensity measures for probabilistic seismic demand models of RC high-rise buildings Earthquakes and Structures13 (3)221-2302092-7614 (print), 2092-7622 (online) link
2017 Rakočević M., Popović S. Bending analysis of simply supported rectangular laminated composite plates using a new computation method based on analytical solution of layerwise theory Archive of Applied Mechanics0939-1533 (print), 1432-0681 (online) link
2017 Mileta Janjić, Milan Vukčević, Nikola Šibalić, Sreten Savićević LOAD DETERMINATION BY ANALYSING THE STRESS STATE FOR THE OPEN-DIE FORGING OF THE ALUMINIUM ALLOY AlMgSi0.5 Materials and Technology51/3463-4711580-2949 link
2017 R. Vujadinović, E. Tombarević, U. Karadžić Valorization of Potentials of Wind Energy in Montenegro THERMAL SCIENCE, ISSN: 0354-9836, Volume: 21 Issue: 5; Pages: 1893-190321/51893-19030354-9836 link
2017 S. Savićević, Ž. Ivandić, J Jovanović, L. Grubiša, A. Stoić, M. Vukčević, M. Janjić The Model for Helical Shells Testing Technical Gazette24/1167-1751330-3651 link
2017 Janko Jovanović Personalized Approach for Mobile Learning of Engineering Graphics International Journal of Engineering Education33/2A703-7110949-149X link
2017 Oleksandr M. Savytsky, Mychailo M. Savytsky, Darko Bajić Efficiency of the application of activating fluxes in shielded arc welding Technical Gazette24/4975-9801330-3651 link
2017 Nebojša MAKSIMOVIĆ , Radenko MATIĆ , Snežana TOVILOVIĆ , Stevo POPOVIĆ , Branka MAKSIMOVIĆ , Sanja OPSENICA QUALITY OF SERVICES IN FITNESS CENTRES: IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL SUPPORT AND ASSISTING STAFF South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation39(3)67–780379-9069 link
2017 Leandra Abarca-Gómez, Ziad A Abdeen, Zargar Abdul Hamid, Niveen M Abu-Rmeileh, ... Stevo Popovic, Dusko Bjelica, ... Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults The Lancet 390(10113)2627–26420140-6736 link
2017 Nikčević Grdinić Jelena Improving safety at sea through compliance with international maritime safety codes Transactions on Maritime ScienceVol.06, No.02pp.130-1391848-3305 link
2017 Đurović, I. Estimation of sinusoidal frequency-modulated signal parameters in high-noise environment Signal, Image and Video Processing11(8)1537–15411863-1703 link
2017 Đurović, I. Bias compensation in the instantaneous frequency estimators based on the time–frequency representations and ICI algorithm IET Signal Processing11(6)765-7701751-9675 link
2017 Brajović, M., Popović-Bugarin, V. Djurović, I. & Djukanović, S. Post-processing of time-frequency representations in instantaneous frequency estimation based on ant colony optimization Signal Processing138195-2100165-1684 link
2017 Tomović, S. & Radusinović, I. Mapping Application Requirements to Virtualization-Enabled Software Defined WSN Wireless Personal Communications97(2)1693-17090929-6212 link
2017 Rakočević M., Popović S., Ivanišević N. A computational method for laminated composite plates based on layerwise theory Composites Part B: Engineering122202-2181359-8368 link
2017 M. Bayat, F. Daneshjoo, N. Nisticò and J. Pejovic Seismic evaluation of isolated skewed bridges using fragility function methodology Computers & Concrete20 (4)419-4271598-8198 (Print), 1598-818X (Online) link
2017 Sinđić-Grebović R., Radovanović Ž. Innovation of parameter αcc for design resistance of high-strength concrete columns Technical Gazette24 (5)1449-14561330-3651 (Print), 1848-6339 (Online) link
2017 Bahri Gjinovci, Kemal Idrizovic, Ognjen Uljevic, Damir Sekulic Plyometric Training Improves Sprinting, Jumping and Throwing Capacities of High Level Female Volleyball Players Better Than Skill-Based Conditioning The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine16(4)527-5351303-2968 link
2017 Zoja Vuljaj Virtuelni instrument za analizu, kompresiju i klasifikaciju EKG signala link
2017 Pavlović, R., & Idrizović, K. Factor Analysis of World Record Holders in Athletic Decathlon SPORT SCIENCE10(1)109-1161840-3662 link
2017 Gjonbalaj, M.,Bjelica, D., & Georgiev, G RELATIONS BETWEEN ANTHROPOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS ANDMOTOR TEST - ILLINOIS AGILITY RUN TEST Acta Kinesiologica11(1)34-361840-2976 link
2017 Popovic, S. Local Geographical Differences in Adult Body Height in Montenegro Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine6(1)81-871800-8755 link
2017 Grasgruber P, Popović S, Bokuvka D, Davidović I, Hřebíčková S, Ingrová P, Potpara P, Prce S, Stračárová N. The mountains of giants: an anthropometric survey of male youths in Bosnia and Herzegovina Royal Society Open Science41610542054-5703 link
2017 Gardašević, J., Rasidagić, F., Krivokapić, D., Ćorluka, M., Bjelica, D. Stature and Its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements in Male Adolescents from Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine6 (1)37-441800-8755 link
2017 Stankovic, Lj., Dakovic, M. & Sejdic, E. Vertex-Frequency Analysis: A Way to Localize Graph Spectral Components IEEE Signal Processing Magazine34(4)176 - 1821053-5888 link
2017 Vojinovic, R. & Dakovic, M. Optimization of Adaptive Three-Mode GBN Scheme Control Parameters Radioengineering26(3)808-8121210-2512 link
2017 Vladimir Pešić, Harry Smit Neumania kyrgyzica sp. Nov. new water mite from Kyrgyzstan based on morphological and molecular data (Acary, Hydrachnidia: Unionicolidae) Systematic & Applied Acarology22(6)885-8941362-1971
2017 von Fumetti Stefanie, Dmitrović Dejan, Pešić Vladimir The influence of flooding and river connectivity on macroinvertebrate assemblages in rheocrene springs along a third-order river Fundamental and Applied Limnology3251-2631863-9135
2017 Vladimir Pešić, Mahdieh Asadi, Mirela Cimpean, Miroslawa Dabert, Yunus Esen, Reinhard Gerecke, Peter Martin, Ana Savić, Harry Smit & Elisabeth Stur Six species in one: evidence of cryptic speciation in the Hygrobates fluviatilis complex (Acariformes, Hydrachnidia, Hygrobatidae) Systematic & Applied Acarology22(9)1327-13771362-1971
2017 Rachel Stubbington, Richard Chadd, Núria Cid, Zoltán Csabai, Marko Miliša, Manuela Morais, Antoni Munné, Petr Pařil, Vladimir Pešić, Iakovos Tziortzis Ralf C.M.Verdonschot, Thibault Datry Biomonitoring of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams in Europe: Current practice and priorities to enhance ecological status Science fo the Total Environmentproof1-180048-9697
2017 Snezana Dragicevic, Anja Vulevic, Danka Cakovic A rare liverwort in the Mediterranean area, Crosscalyx hellerianus (Nees ex Lindenb.) Meyl., newly recorded for Montenegro Cryptogamie Bryologie38(3)275-2801290-0796
2017 Anja Vulevic, Snezana Dragicevic, Danka Cakovic Two moss species from Mt Durmitor new to the bryophyte flora of Montenegro Acta Botanica Croatica76(2)196-1990365-0588
2017 Zoltan Barina, Danka Cakovic, Daniel Pifko, Peter Schonswetter, Gabriell Somogyl, Bozo Frajman Phylogenetic relationships, biogeography and taxonomic revision of European taxa of Gymnospermium (Berberidaceae) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society184 (3)298-311 0024-4074 link
2017 Danka Cakovic, Danijela Stesevic, Peter Schonswetter, Bozo Frajman Long neglected diversity in the Accursed Mountains of northern Albania: Cerastium hekuravense is genetically and morphologically divergent from C. dinaricum Plant Systematics and Evolution1-130378-2697
2017 Tatjana Jovović Ono što nismo znali o avangardi Književna smotra: Časopis za svjetsku književnostVol. 183 No1151-1530455-0463 link
2017 Pajović Dujović, Ljiljana and Dijana Vučković Reincarnation of the vampire character in literature for children and youth in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer HECL:History of Education & Children’s LiteratureVol. XII/n. 2301-321ISSSN 1971-1093 (print) 1971-1131 (online) link
2017 Ivanović, Ž., Perović, T., Popović, T., Blagojević, J., Trkulja, N. and Hrnčić, S. Characterization of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, Causal Agent of Citrus Blast of Mandarin in Montenegro The Plant Pathology Journal33 (1)null1598-2254 link
2017 Latinović, J., Latinović, N. and Karaoglanidis, G. S. First Report of Brown Rot Caused by Monilinia fructicola on Nectarine Fruit in Montenegro Plant Disease101 (6)null0191-2917 link
2017 Milačić, Filip, Vuković, Ivan The Rise of the Politics of National Identity: New Evidence from Western Europe Ethnopoliticsavailable online 1-18 null link
2017 Ryszard Haitlinger, Miloje Sundic Hirstiosoma amfilohijei sp. Nov. (Trombidiformes:Smarididae) from Montenegro Turkish Journal of Zoology41940-9451300-0179
2017 Miloje Sundic, Ryszard Haitlinger, Vinicius Tirelli Pompermaier A new species of larval Leptus Latreille from Brazil (Acari, Prostigmata, Erythraeidae) Spixiana40 (1)89-930341-8391
2017 Josip Globevnik, David Kalaj On holomorphic functions with cluster sets of finite linear measure Mathematische Zeitschrift1-60025-5874 link
2017 Zarko Pavicevic, Marijan Markovic Normality and boundary behaviour of arbitrary and meromorphic functions along simple curves and applications Complex Variables and Elliptic Equationsnull1-221747-6933 link
2017 Draskovic V., Popov E., Peleckis K.K. Modelling of Institutional Changes in Transition Countries the Gap Between the Theory and Practice Montenegrin Journal of Economics13 (1)125-1401800-5845 link
2017 Draskovic M., Draskovic V., Bilan Y. Социально-экономические факторы торможения: опыт развития стран Юго-Восточной Европы / Social institutional factors of slow-down: the case of South-East European countries development Sosic -Социологические исследования No.4 (398)107-1150132-1625 link
2017 Draskovic M.V., Jovovic R.M., Draskovic V.D., Streimikiene D. Erosion of Socio-Cultural Capital in South Eastern Europe Sosic -Социологические исследования No.799-1060132-1625 link
2017 Yu, Z., Streimikiene, D., Balezentis, T., Dapkus, R., Jovovic, R., Draskovic, V. Final energy consumption trends and drivers in Czech Republic and Latvia Amfiteatru Economic19 (46)866-8891582-9146 link
2017 Draskovic, M., Jovovic, R., Draskovic, V., Jovovic, N. Levels and factors of transitional crisis in bosnia and herzegovina, montenegro, and Serbia Economics and Sociology10 (2)21-322071-789X link
2017 Tumalavičius, V., Veikša, I., Načisčionis, J., Zahars, V., Draskovic, V. Issues of the state and society security (part i): Ensuring public security in the fight against crime Journal of Security and Sustainability6 (3)401-4182029-7017 link
2017 Romeo Meštrović A Morley-like congruence arising from Morley’s congruence Mathematics MagazineVol. 90, No. 2142-1430025-570X link
2017 Špiro Ivošević, Romeo Meštrović and Nataša Kovač An approach to the probabilistic corrosion rate estimation model for inner bottom plates of bulk carriers Brodogradnja/ ShipbuildingVol. 68, No. 457-700007-215X link
2017 Miomir Andjić and Romeo Meštrović An identity in commutative rings with unity with applications to various sums of powers Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society20177 pages1026-0226 link
2017 Romeo Meštrović A very short proof of the infinitude of primes American Mathematical MonthlyVol. 124, No. 65620002-9890 link
2017 Milena Dževerdanović - Pejović Linguistic Facts as a Reflection of Changes in Seafaring – Is a ship still a ‘she’? The Mariner’s Mirror 103:3313-32200253359 link
2017 Urosevic, U. & Veljovic, Z. New Solutions for Distributed Realization of 8 × 1 MISO channel with QOSTBC Wireless Personal Communications97(2)1799-18120929-6212 link
2017 Kocan, E., Domazetovic, B. & Pejanovic-Djurisic, M. Range extension in IEEE 802.11ah systems through relaying Wireless Personal Communications97(2)1889-19100929-6212 link
2017 Di Sotto Antonella, Di Giacomo Silvia, Abete Lorena, Božović Mijat, Parisi Olga, Barile Fabio, Vitalone Annabella, Izzo Angelo, Ragno Rino, Mazanti Gabriela Genotoxicity assessment of piperitenone oxide: an in vitro and in silico evaluation Food and Chemical Toxicology106506-5130278-6915 link
2017 Garzoli Stefania, Božović Mijat, Baldisserotto Anna, Sabatino Manuela, Cesa Stefania, Pepi Federico, Vincentini Ciara Beatrice, Manfredini Stefano, Ragno Rino Essential oil extraction, chemical analysis and anti-Candida activity of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - new approaches Natural Products Research32:111254-12591478-6419 link
2017 Tadić Vanja, Oliva Alessandra, Božović Mijat, Cipolla Alessia, De Angelis Massimiliano, Vullo Vincenzo, Garzoli Stefania, Ragno Rino Chemical and antimicrobial analyses of Sideritis romana L. subsp. purpurea (Tal. ex. Benth.) Heywood, an endemic of the Western Balkan Molecules22 (9)13951420-3049 link
2017 Garzoli Stefania, Božović Mijat, Baldisserotto Anna, Andreotti Elisa, Pepi Federico, Tadić Vanja, Manfredini Stefano, Ragno Rino Sideritis romana L. subsp. purpurea (Tal. ex. Benth.) Heywood, a new chemotype from Montenegro Natural Product Research32(9)1056-10611478-6419 link
2017 Bauk S., Kapidani N., Schmeink A., Holtham C. Concerning intelligent ICT exploitation in some maritime business organizations: A pilot study Our Sea – International Journal of Maritime Science and TechnologyVol. 64, No. 263-680469-6255 link
2017 Ana Drinčić, Janez Ščančar, Tea Zuliani, Irena Nikolić and Radmila Milačić Simultaneous speciation of chromate, arsenate,molybdate and vanadate in alkaline samples by HPLC-ICP-MS at different concentration levels of vanadate Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry322200–2209ISSN 0267-9477 link
2017 Joksimović, G. Dynamic model of cage induction motor with number of rotor bars as parameter The Journal of Engineering2017 (6) 205 – 2112051-3305 link
2017 Volaric, I., Sucic, V. & Stankovic, S. A data driven compressive sensing approach for time-frequency signal enhancement Signal Processing141229-2390165-1684 link
2017 Draganić, A. Orović, I., Stanković, S., Xiumei, L. & Zhi, W. An approach to classification and under-sampling of the interfering wireless signals Microprocessors and Microsystems51106-1130141-9331 link
2017 Marija Bubanja Uticaj pojedinih antropoloških obilježja na nivo usvojenosti skijaških tehnika link
2017 Vesna Bratić Iskustvo nasilja i stradanja u romanima Aleksandra Tišme Književna smotraXLIX/2017 183(1)97-1060455-0463 link
2017 Martin Ćalasan Upravljanje prekidačkim reluktantnim generatorom i topologije energetskog pretvarača za rad u kontinualnom režimu link
2017 Bauk S., Calvo J.A.L., Schmeink A., Mathar R. Enhancing on Port Safety by Vehicular Communication Approach - Port of Bar (Montenegro) Case Study Proc. of the 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO)Vol. 6338-3412377-5475 link
2017 Bauk S., Calvo J.A.L., Mathar R., Schmeink A. V2P/I Communication for Increasing Occupational Safety at a Seaport Proc. of the 59th IEEE International Symposium Electronics in Marine (ELMAR)Vol. 5979-821334-2630 link
2017 Drašković M., Bauk S., Streimikiene D., Drašković V. Testing the Level of Alternative Institutions as a Slowdown Factor of Economic Development – the Case of Montenegro Amfiteatru Economic Volume 19, Issue 45477-4921582-9146 link
2017 Bauk S., Draskovic M., Schmeink A. Challenges of Tagging Goods in Supply Chains and a Cloud Perspective with Focus on Some Transitional Economies PROMET–Traffic & Transportation Volume 29, Issue 1109-1200353-5320 link
2017 Bauk S., Schmeink A., Colomer J. Employing wireless networks in enhancing occupational safety at the developing seaport – Two proposals Polish Maritime ResearchVolume 24, Issue 1(93)115-1241233-2585 link
2017 Popović, T., Latinović, N., Pešić, A., Zečević, Ž., Krstajić, B. & Djukanović, S. Architecting an IoT-enabled platform for precision agriculture and ecological monitoring: A case study Computers and Electronics in Agriculture140255-2650168-1699 link
2017 Hagara, M., Stojanović, R., Kubinec, P. & Ondráček, O. Localization of moving edge with sub-pixel accuracy in 1-D images and its FPGA implementation Microprocessors and Microsystems511-70141-9331
2017 Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. A robust continuous conduction mode control strategy of switched reluctance generator for wind power plant applications Electrical Engineering99(3)943–9580948-7921
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2017 Fitim Arifi, Dusko Bjelica, Sami Sermaxhaj, Jovan Gardasevic, Miroslav Kezunovic, Stevo Popovic Stature and its Estimation Utilizing Arm Span Measurements in Kosovan Adults: National Survey International Journal of Morphology35(3)1161-11670717-9502 link
2017 Brnović, N.R. Trends in the Evolution of Voice Services: A Comprehensive Survey Wireless Personal Communications97(2)3141–31480929-6212 link
2017 Trifun Savić Razvoj rješenja za realizaciju sistema za pametno navodnjavanje link
2017 Bojana Knežević Kinetika i termodinamika procesa korozije čelika u rastvoru NaCl u prisustvu pčelinjih proizvoda kao ekološki prihvatljivih inhibitora link
2017 Ivanović, V.N., Brnović, N.R. & Jovanovski, S. Completely pipelined implementation of optimal time-frequency filter for highly nonstationary FM signals estimation IEEE EUROCON 2017null217-221978-1-5090-3843-5 link
2017 Goran Sekulić, Marija Ivković, Ivana Ćipranić Modelling of hydrological processes in the catchment area of Lake Skadar Technical Gazette24 (Suppl.2)427-4341330-3651 (Print), 1848-6339 (Online) link
2017 Kalaj David Schwarz lemma for harmonic mappinig in the unit ball Complex analysis and operator theoryproof1-101661-8254
2017 Milija Bajčeta Primjena metoda vještačke inteligencije u segmentaciji krvnih sudova mrežnjače oka link
2017 Marcin Wysokowskia, Mykhaylo Motylenko, David Rafaja, Iwona Koltsov, Hartmut Stöcker, Tadeusz J. Szalaty, Vasilii V. Bazhenov, Allison L. Stellinge, Jan Beyerf, Johannes Heitmann, Teofil Jesionowski, Slavica Petovic, Mirko Đurović, Hermann Ehrlich Extreme biomimetic approach for synthesis of nanocrystalline chitin-(Ti,Zr)O2 multiphase composites Materials Chemistry and Physic188115–1240254-0584 link
2017 Ryszard Haitlinger, Miloje Sundic, Vinicius Tirelli Pompermaier Two new larval Leptus Latreille (Trombidiformes: Erythraeidae) from Brazil Systematic And Applied Acarology22(6)874-8841362-1971 link
2017 Miloje Sundic, Ryszard Haitlinger, Dragana Milosevic Charletonia elbasani, a new species from Albania (Acari:Erythraeidae), with notes on C. kalithensis Haitlinger, 2006 Acarologia57(3)563-5690044-586X link
2017 Nikola Konatar Dynamics of three dimensional flow in porous media Electronic Journal of Differential Equations2017 (2017) 1911-51072-6691 link
2017 Vesna Vukićević-Janković: Estetika i poetika u Andićevim Znakovima pored puta Filozofska istraživanjabr. 146349–3640351-4706 link
2017 Vesna Vukićević-Janković: Lik Blažene Ozane kotorkinje kao kulturalnomemorijski kod ANNALES - Ser. hist. sociol.217/ 2429-4391408-5348 link
2017 Ivanović, V.N., Bmović, N.R. & Jovanovski, S. Superior execution time hardware implementation of Wiener time-frequency filter Proc. of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing, MECO 2017null100-103978-1-5090-6740-4 link
2017 Milica Vuković Stamatović Metaphors of parliamentary budget debates in times of crisis Pragmatics and Society8:2 (2017)281–3111878-9714 / e-issn 1878-9722 link
2017 Željko K. Jaćimović, Milica Kosović, Goran A. Bogdanović, Sladjana B. Novaković,Gerald Giester and Miljan Bigović The crystal structure of ethyl 1-(4-nitrophenyl)-5- (trifluoromethyl)-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylate,C13H10F3N3O4 Z. Kristallogr232 (4)651-6531433-7266 link
2017 R. Bulatović A Stability Criterion For Circulatory Systems Acta Mechanica2281-6 0001-5970 link
2017 Perović M., Baloš S., Kozak D., Bajić D., Vuherer T. Influence of kinematic factors of friction stir welding on the characteristics of welded joints of forged plates made of EN AW 7049 A aluminium alloy TECHNICAL GAZETTE24/3723-7281330-3651 link
2017 Bojanić-Rašović, M., Mayrhofer, S., Martinović, A., Dürr, K., Domig, K.J. Lactococci of Local Origin as Potential Starter Cultures for Traditional Montenegrin Cheese Production Food Technology and Biotechnology55 (1)55-661330-9862 link
2017 Pesic V., Blagojevic N., Vukanovic S., Savic A., Pesic V. Heavy Metal Concentrations in Different Tissues of the Snail Viviparus mamillatus (Kuster, 1852) from Lacustrine and Riverine Environments in Montenegro Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences17557-5631303-2712
2017 David Kalaj A proof of Khavinson's conjecture in R4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society00(2017)1-100024-6093
2017 David Kalaj, Djordjije Vujadinovic Gradient of solution of the Poisson equation in the unit ball and related operators Canadian Mathematical Bulletin12 pages0008-4395 link
2017 Djordjije Vujadinović Spectral asymptotic of Cauchy’s operator on harmonic Bergman space for a simply connected domain Complex Variables and Elliptic Equationsnull1-131747-6933 link
2017 Mitrovic Darko, Andrej Novak Transport-collapse scheme for scalar conservation laws: initial-boundary value problem Communication in Mathematical Sciences15 (4)1055-10711539-6746 link
2017 Lutovac, B., Dakovic, M., Stankovic, S. & Orovic, I. Watermark Detection in Impulsive Noise Environment Based on the Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Radioengineering26(1)309-3151210-2512 link
2017 Djurović, I., Popovic-Bugarin, V. & Simeunović, M. The STFT-Based Estimator of Micro-Doppler Parameters IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems53(3)1273 - 12830018-9251 link
2017 Đurović, I. Combination of the adaptive Kuwahara and BM3D filters for filtering mixed Gaussian and impulsive noise Signal, Image and Video Processing11(4)753–7601863-1703 link
2017 Đurović, I. Quasi ML algorithm for 2-D PPS estimation Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing28(2)371–3870923-6082 link
2017 Djurović, I., Simeunović, M. & Wang, P. Cubic phase function: A simple solution to polynomial phase signal analysis Signal Processing13548–660165-1684 link
2017 Raković, P., Simeunović, M. & Djurović, I. On improvement of joint estimation of DOA and PPS coefficients impinging on ULA Signal Processing134209-2130165-1684 link
2017 Djurovic, I. Frequency Estimators in Sensor Networks - Bounds and Consequences IEEE Sensors Journal17(2)422-4271530-437X link