Pregled projekta

Finansijski program : Erasmus+
Naziv [ENG] : Strengthening Capacities for Higher Education of Pain Medicine in Western Balkan Countries - HEPMP project number: 585927-EPP-1-2017-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Naziv : Jacanje kapaciteta u medicini bola u zemljema zapadnog Balkana
Početak : 01.01.2017.
Kraj : 31.12.2020.
Skraceni naziv : HEPMP
Web site :
Tip projekta : jačanje kapaciteta
Tematska oblast : Ostalo
Jedinica : Medicinski fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu : 120000
Ukupan budzet : 1000000
Rukovodilac :
Opis : Bol je verovatno jedan od najstarijih i najuniverzalnijih oblika stresa i jedna od najranijih patnji čovečanstva.• Pratilac je mnogih bolesti i stanja, kao što su: reumatoidni artritis, post-herpetična neuralgija, degenerativna stanja kičme, osteoartritis, AIDS, migrena, dijabetesna neuropatija i fantomski bol, kao i rak.• U ekonomskoj sferi se procenjuje da troškovi lečenja pacijenata sa hronič-nim bolovima premašuju ukupne troškove lečenja bolesnika sa srčanim obo-ljenjima, rakom i AIDS -om.• Produženi bol je jedan od glavnih uzroka odsustva sa posla, bolovanja, penzi-onog invaliditeta, otpremnina i niske produktivnosti. To je problem jav-nog zdravlja zbog njegove prevalencije, visokih troškova i negativnog utica-ja na kvalitet života pacijenata i njihovih porodica.

"The intention of us gathered in this Project is to try to improve the treatment of Pain in the Western Balkans countries, through the education of health workers, but also to promote awareness of the need for a better approach to the problem of Pain. Through the HEPMP, with the support of Erasmus Capacity Building programme, we will make an effort to establish a framework for realizing pan-European training and certification standards in Pain Medicine, which will include creation of a core curriculum of basic and applied medical knowledge on pain for under/postgraduate studies. The program of postgraduate subspecialty named Pain Medicine was accredited at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade in 2013, covering basic, preventive and clinical thematic fields. It was created as a result of a Tempus Project entitled “Pain and Palliative Medicine Project”, which was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine from 2006-2009. After four years of working, we have seen the need to harmonize Pain Medicine specialty program according to the standards of study program of the European Federation of Pain (EFIC). The integrative and multidisciplinary approach is a leading principle in the development of learning program in Pain Medicine, which should enable the transfer of knowledge obtained in basic disciplines to clinical practice, including new diagnostics and therapeutic procedures. In order to realize the idea of the Project, we will do our best to implement the planned Project activities, which are following: • modernising a curriculum of Pain Medicine specialty; • developing a program or modules of Pain Medicine that will be included in undergraduate studies; • organizing of Pain Medicine courses for health care workers in primary health care; • organizing highly specialized courses for interventional pain management; • publishing written material for learning (pain textbook, monograph, learning scripts, leaflets, etc.); • developing a training program in the field of pain at significant Universities in the Western Balkans, where such program does not exist; and • establishing a regional academic network for the exchange of knowledge of professionals who deal with Pain Medicine, as well as among Universities participating in the Project."