Pregled projekta

Finansijski program : Ministarstvo nauke - Bilateralni
Naziv [ENG] : Correlation between the frequency of findings of the parasite Marteilia refringens and hemocytic neoplasms in Mediterranean mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) grown in the Montenegrin part of the Adriatic
Naziv : Korelacija učestalosti nalaza parazita Marteilia refringens i hemocitnih neoplazmi u mediteranskoj dagnji (Mytilus galloprovincialis) gajenoj u crnogorskom dijelu Jadrana
Početak : 01.01.2014.
Kraj : 31.12.2015.
Skraceni naziv : Montemarneo
Web site :
Tip projekta : naučno-istraživacki
Tematska oblast : Prirodne nauke
Jedinica : Biotehnički fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu : 1400
Ukupan budzet : 2800
Rukovodilac : Bojanić Rašović Mirjana
Opis : Uzgoj školjki predstavlja razvojnu šansu crnogorskog primorja, naročito Boke Kotorske. S obzirom da je cilj proizvođača da se dobije što veći prinos zdravih školjki, to smo smatrali vrlo značajnim ispitati raširenost ekonomski najznačajnijih bolesti. Neke od njih su parazitoza uzrokovana protozoom Marteilia refringens i hemocitne neoplazme, čiji uzročnik još nije utvrđen. Ove bolesti mogu da izazovu visok mortalitet školjki, a samim tim i velike ekonomske gubitke. Prema podacima iz literature, učestalost pojavljivanja bolesti je u uskoj vezi sa povećanim nivoom kontaminacije morske vode.

Shellfish farming represents a development opportunity for the Montenegrin coast, especially the Bay of Kotor. Given that the goal of producers is to obtain the highest possible yield of healthy shellfish, we considered it very important to examine the prevalence of economically significant diseases. Some of them are parasitosis caused by the protozoan Marteilia refringens and hemocytic neoplasms, the cause of which has not yet been determined. These diseases can cause high shellfish mortality, and thus large economic losses. According to the data from the literature, the frequency of disease occurrence is closely related to the increased level of seawater contamination.