Pregled projekta

Finansijski program : COST
Naziv [ENG] : Implementing nature based solutions for creating a resourceful circular city
Naziv : Primena rešenja zasnovanih na prirodi za kreiranje grada sa obnovljivim resursima
Početak : 01.01.2018.
Kraj : 31.12.2022.
Skraceni naziv :
Web site :
Tip projekta : zajednički (joint)
Tematska oblast : Prirodne nauke
Jedinica : Biotehnički fakultet
Budzet za jedinicu :
Ukupan budzet :
Rukovodilac :
Opis : Ovaj projekat treba da podstakne saradnju I istraživanje kako bi se testirala hipoteza da će “Sistem kružnenja –koji prienjuje rešenja zasnovana na prirodi za upravljanje hranljivim materijama I resursima unutar biosphere grada dovesti do održivog, otpornog I zdravog urbanog okruženja. Projekat testira ovu hipotezu u 5 domena: izgrađeno okruženje, urbana voda, obnavljanje resursa, urbana poljoprivreda I društvo. Takođe, projekat treba da poveže urbaniste, planere, pejzažn arhitekte, projektante, ekonomisze, inžinjere I istraživače različitih prirodni I društvenih nauka, koji omogućavaju gradoviada se nose sa savremenim izazovima. Izgradnja zajedničkog jezika I razumevanje između različitih disciplina vidi se kao presudni faktor uspeha.

This Project is to encourage collaboration and research to test the hypothesis that “A circular flow system that implements Nature Based Solutions for managing nutrients and resources within the urban biosphere will lead to a resilient, sustainable and healthy urban environment”. The Project will test this hypothesis in five domains: the built environment, the urban water, the resource recovery, the urban farming, and the society.The aim project is to build an interdisciplinary platform for connecting city planners, architects, system designers, circular economists, engineers and researchers from social and natural sciences that develop systems allowing cities to cope with the contemporary challenges. In this project the definition for a common language and understanding across disciplines are seen as crucial success factor.

This Project is to encourage collaboration and research to test the hypothesis that “A circular flow system that implements Nature Based Solutions for managing nutrients and resources within the urban biosphere will lead to a resilient, sustainable and healthy urban environment”. The Project will test this hypothesis in five domains: the built environment, the urban water, the resource recovery, the urban farming, and the society.The aim project is to build an interdisciplinary platform for connecting city planners, architects, system designers, circular economists, engineers and researchers from social and natural sciences that develop systems allowing cities to cope with the contemporary challenges. In this project the definition for a common language and understanding across disciplines are seen as crucial success factor.