dr Martin Ćalasan
vanredni profesor | Elektrotehnički fakultet Martin Ćalasan je rođen 05.10.1986. u Plužinama, Crna Gora. Osnovnu školu je završio u mjestu Brezna (Plužine) i srednju školu u Plužinama. Za uspjeh u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi je dobio diplomu "Luča 1". Elektrotehnički fakultet u Podgorici, Univerzitet Crne Gore, upisao je 2005. godine. Diplomirao je 01.07.2009, odbranivši specijalistički rad "Model i dinamika statičkog pobudnog sistema Thiricon" sa ocenom 10, kao prvi student...
Izabrane publikacije
Godina | Kategorija | Autori | Naslov | Izvor |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Abdel Aleem, S.H.E.. & Zobaa, A.F. | On the root mean square error (RMSE) calculation for parameter estimation of photovoltaic models: A novel exact analytical solution based on Lambert W function | Energy Conversion and Management |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Konjić, T., Kecojević, K.; & Nikitović, L. | Optimal Allocation of Static Var Compensators in Electric Power Systems | Energies |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Micev, M., Ćalasan, M. & Oliva, D. | Fractional Order PID Controller Design for an AVR System Using Chaotic Yellow Saddle Goatfish Algorithm | Mathematics 2020 |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Jovanović, A., Rubežić, V., Mujičić, D. & Deriszadeh, A. | Notes on parameter estimation for single-phase transformer | IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M. | An invertible dependence of the speed and time of the induction machine during no-load direct start-up | Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications |
2020 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Micev. M., Ali, Z. M., Zobaa, A.F. & Abdel Aleem, S.H.E. | Parameter Estimation of Induction Machine Single-Cage and Double-Cage Models Using a Hybrid Simulated Annealing–Evaporation Rate Water Cycle Algorithm | Mathematics |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Jovanović, D., Rubežić, V., Mujović, S. & Đukanović, S. | Estimation of Single-Diode and Two-Diode Solar Cell Parameters by Using a Chaotic Optimization Approach | Energies |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Čalasan, M. | Analytical solution for no‐load induction machine speed calculation during direct start‐up | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Mujičić, D., Rubežić, V. & Radulović, M. | Estimation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Single-Phase Transformer by Using Chaotic Optimization Approach | Energies |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M., Nikitović, L. & Mujović, S. | CONOPT solver embedded in GAMS for optimal power flow | Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy |
2019 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Dlabač, T., Ćalasan, M., Krčum, M., & Marvučić, N. | PSO-Based PID Controller Design for Ship Course-Keeping Autopilot | Brodogradnja: Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnike |
2018 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. | Sensorless control of wind SRG in dc microgrid application | International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems |
2018 | SCOPUS | Martin Ćalasan, Lazar Nikitović, Milena Djukanović | Influence of Additional Rotor Resistance and Reactance on the Induction Machine Speed at Field Weakening Operation for Electrical Vehicle Application | Springer Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems - Advanced Technologies, Systems, and Applications III |
2018 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Calasan, M. & Nedic, A. | Experimental Testing and Analytical Solution by Means of Lambert W-Function of Inductor Air Gap Length | Electric Power Components and Systems |
2017 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. | A robust continuous conduction mode control strategy of switched reluctance generator for wind power plant applications | Electrical Engineering |
2017 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. | SRG converter topologies for continuous conduction operation: a comparative evaluation | IET Electric Power Applications |
2016 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Vujicic, V. & Calasan, M. | Simple Sensorless Control for high-speed Operation of Switched Reluctance Generator | IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion |
2016 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M. & Vujičić, V. | A robust continuous conduction mode control strategy of switched reluctance generator for wind power plant applications | Electrical Engineering - Archiv für Elektrotechnik |
2016 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Perovich, S., Calasan, M., Kovac, D. & Tosic, I. | Concerning an analytical solution of some families of Kepler’s transcendental equation | AIP Advances |
2015 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Perovich, S.M., Djukanovic, M.D., Dlabac, T., Nikolic, D., Calasan, M.P. | Concerning a novel mathematical approach to the solar cell junction ideality factor estimation | Applied Mathematical Modelling |
2014 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Perovich, S.M., Calasan, M.P. & Toskovic, R. | On the exact analytical solution of some families of equilibrium critical thickness transcendental equations | AIP Advances |
2013 | SCOPUS | Ćalasan M., Dlabač T., Ostojić M | PID parameters determination of synchronous machine AVR system | Automatic Control (IREACO) |
2013 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Ćalasan, M.P., Petrović, D.S. & Ostojić, M.M. | Electrical braking of synchronous generators for combined generator and water turbine bearings as well as stray-load losses determination | IET Electric Power Applications |
2013 | SCI, SCIE, SSCI, A&HCI | Perovich, S.M., Orlandic, M. & Calasan, M. | Concerning exact analytical STFT solution to some families of inverse problems in engineering material theory | Applied Mathematical Modelling |