Zoran Mijanović

dr Zoran Mijanović

redovni profesor | Elektrotehnički fakultet

Zoran Mijanović je rođen 24.02.1959. u Ljubljani od oca Božidara i majke Marije. Osnovnu školu "Maksim Gorki" je završio u Titogradu sa diplomom "LUČA". Na takmičenju mladih tehničara Jugoslavije u Novom Sadu 1972. osvojio je prvo mjesto iz oblasti elektrotehnike.

Izabrane publikacije

Godina Kategorija Autori Naslov Izvor
Lekić, N., Mijanović, Z, Dragović-Ivanović, R. & Stanković, Lj.Binary Weighted DAC with 2-ξ Resistor RatioRadioengineering
Lekić, N., Stojanović, R., Gadzović, A. & Mijanović, Z.Wind speed measurement and alert system for tunnel fire safetyProc. of 24th International Conference Radioelektronika
Stojanovic, R., Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z. & Kovacevic, J.FPGA based capacitive touch pad/interfaceProc. of 33rd International Scientific Conference Electronics and Nanotechnology, ELNANO
Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z. & Stojanovic, R.The simple microcontroller based capacitive sensor with screenProc. of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON
Lekić, N., Mijanović, Z. & Stojanović, R.The identification system for monitoring of teaching activitiesProc. of International Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON
Lekic, N., Mijanovic, Z., Stojanovic, R. & Filipovic, D.A multifunctional microcontroller device which can be connected to RS232 hubInternational Conference on Applied Electronics

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