Danilo Bojanić

dr Danilo Bojanić

vanredni profesor | Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje

Danilo  Bojanić  rođen sam 5. novembra 1985. godine u Nikšiću. Osnovnu školu i Gimnaziju „Stojan Cerović” završio sam u Nikšiću. Diplomirao sam na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore, odsjek za Fizičku kulturu  06. jula 2008. godine. Magistarski rad pod naslovom” Nivoi kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih promjena motoričkih sposobnosti i morfoloških karakteristika kod dječaka i djevojčica sa posebnim potrebama uslovljenih primjenom kinezioloških operatora” odbranio sam...

Izabrane publikacije

Godina Kategorija Autori Naslov Izvor
DANILO BOJANIC , MILOVAN LJUBOJEVIC , DRAGAN KRIVOKAPIC , ALDIJANA NOKIC , MUHAMED TABAKOVICDifferences in morphological characteristics and body composition between of two elite volleyball players in MontenegroJournal of Physical Education and Sport
LJUBOJEVIC, M.; BOJANIC, D.; BJELICA, D.; VASILJEVIC, I. & VUKOTIC, MDifferences in Anthropometric Characteristics Between Two Elite Female Basketball National Teams – Participants at Eurobasket 2019 in Latvia and SerbiaInternational Journal of Morphology
BOJANIC, D.; LJUBOJEVIC, M.; KRIVOKAPIC, D. & BJELICA, D.Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition of Elite Volleyball Players: Three Montenegrin Clubs With Most Trophies Participating in European CompetitionsInternational Journal of Morphology
Rajko Milašinović, Danilo Bojanić, Aleksandar Čvorović, Filip KukićAge and Gender Differences in Nutritional Status of School Children According to WHO, CDC and IOTF References: A Statewide Study from MontenegroSport Mont
Ivan Vasiljevic, Jovan Gardasevic, Miroslav Kezunovic and Danilo BojanicWaist Circumference as an Indicator Abdominal Obesity in Middle Age Sport Mont
Ljubojević, M., & Bojanić, D.Relation of morphological variables and coordination of the 7th grade boysJournal of physical education and sport
Bojanic, D, Bjelica, D., Georgiev, G.Influence of a basic motor potential on the realization of specific motor skills of elite female volleyball playersJournal of Physical Education and Sport
Bojanic, D., Petkovic, J., Vasiljevic, I., & Muratovic, A.Transformational effects of partial changes of composite structures of the body and morphological characteristics of pupils with special needsSport Science
Bojanić, D., Milašinović, R., Ljubojević, M., & Muratović, A. The impact of basic - motor potential to situational efficiency in female volleyballJournal of Physical Education and Sport
Muratović. A., Petković, J., Bojanić, D. & Vasiljević, I. Comparative analysis of motor and specific motor abilities between handball players and non-athletes in the cadet age from MontenegroActa Kinesiologica
Bojanić, D., Petković, J., Gardašević, J., Muratović, A. & Vasiljević, I.The influence of the basic-motor potential on the accuracy of rejection and passing the ball by fingers in volleyballSport Science

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